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Posted by: root <root@...>

A newspaper writer, after working for 17 long years, was finally granted two
months leave, during which time he would be fully paid. However, he turned
down his boss' kind offer.

The boss asked, "Why would you turn down such a generous offer?"

The newspaper writer said there were 2 reasons.

"Well, what are they?" asked the boss.

"The first," he said, "is that I thought that my taking such a long leave
might affect the newspaper's circulation."

The boss asked him what the other reason was.

"The other reason," replied the writer, "is that I thought my taking such a
long leave might NOT affect the newspaper's circulation."


"Say Ralph, you want to hit the golf course this afternoon?"

"Sorry, I can't."

"Why not?"

"The doctor told me I can't play."

"Oh, so he's been out with you too?"