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[GIG] Marc Miller Sighting

Posted by: tcswenson <tcswenson@...>

I should have posted this several days ago, but to all in the Portland, OR
area that didn't show up for Marc's gig last Saturday night (THAT WOULD BE
EVERYBODY!), you missed a good show. I know: it was either be in Tacoma at
the Summit hearing Phil Keaggy, et al, or go to the Trail's End in Oregon
City & hear Marc. Kind of a toss-up...

Alice Stuart is a very good blues guitar player, associations with Bonnie
Raitt are inevitable, but Alice has a little more grit. And she's a better
guitarist, too. The tunes were not all bonehead 1-4-5 blues, either. There
was plenty of folk & rock-oriented material as well. Very cool.

The band was a trio: Alice on gtr, Marc on bass, and Matt (I can't remember
his last name) on drums/percussion.

Marc was in fine form. (Playing his Modulus Quantum 5 thru an Eden WT-400 &
Avatar 4x10) How many blues bands give the bass player a solo on just about
every other song? (Or maybe he was just *taking* the solos...) Must have
been doing something right, really.

Marc, if you get anywhere down here again, be sure to let us know. Always
good to see you.
