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{GIG} Oh Well It Was Fun While It Lasted....

Posted by: dstudenick <dstudenick@...>

Just quit the band I auditioned for and joined not 3
weeks ago. There's some unhealthy internal politics
going on and three of the members are wanting to take
the band in a direction I'm not interested in going.
They're primarily interested in pursuing secular stuff
and that's not where I see myself going at present. I
am definitely wanting to pursue Christian music at
present and if God wants me to get at it full-time,
He'll make that possible (assuming I supply the effort
and don't sit on my behind wishing for it).

So, kinda disappointed, but still glad that I did the
right thing and leave now rather than hanging around
for 6 months, THEN deciding it's a bad fit and

God Bless,

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