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Going to church

Posted by: elkcove <elkcove@...>

My farther use to tell me " Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, but a Christian goes to church"  or in other words Christians need that fellowship and teaching with a gathering of other Christians.  You also observe the Lord's supper and pray together in a group setting. Acts tells us about the importance of fellowship within the church. ( Acts 2 is a good start)  Romans and so many other scriptures also gives us lessons about the importance of church fellowship. 



You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. Psalm 139:16

--- wrote:

From: "Mike & Dana" <;
To: <;
Subject: RE: [HomeSteadHeaven] Re: Acting like a Pharisee
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 14:58:02 -0600



I love your thoughts on this.  Very insightful.  Makes me think!


Here's one thing that I am thinking about....  My relationship with my earthly father has had lots of outside support - beginning with my mother.  How she related to him taught me how I should relate to him - with respect, love, honor, humor, patience, etc.  How my brother and my sister relate with my father also affects the way I relate to him.  How I see him treated by his friends and colleagues affects the way I see him.  So, I think that I have had a support system for my relationship with my earthly father, but---------He is very imperfect.  My heavenly father loves me with a perfect love and he should be easier for me to find, love, support, trust and devote my life to than my earthly father.


I really like this line of thinking.  I truly believe that church don't make the Christian, but find that at different times in my life I find myself in a place that is good for me and my walk.  Sometimes its for the work that the Lord wants me to do (not man's work) and sometimes, the Christians that are in that place challenge me in new ways and help me to grow in new ways, and sometimes the non-christians in that place challenge me in new ways and help me to grow in my walk.  VBG  but, it very seldom has anything to do with pew warming and much more to do with the challenges that I find within myself and my DAILY walk and my at home study and prayer times.  I find that I must glean from the Lord away from church in order to get the most from being in church.


Thank you



-----Original Message-----
From: Amazing Graze Farm []
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: [HomeSteadHeaven] Re: Acting like a Pharisee

These are good words Pat!!!!




----- Original Message -----

Heather, your post reminded me of something my husband said to me recently,  " Abraham had no one to help him grow in his faith, but his own relationship with God, and he was the father of the Hebrew nation.".  

I suspect that my problem has been that I want others do help me do what I need to do myself.  Be strong in the Lord, strong enough that I can be like Christ and sit with the sinners and find the blessing hidden there.   Have a relationship built on knowledge or understanding.   

The relationship with my earthly father, has needed no support system, no body of others to help me love him and love him unconditionally, why would it be harder to love my heavenly Father, who is perfect ?    

It has not be an easy lesson for me,  humbling to say the least.



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