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Hand Signals Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Hand Signals"
A Florida officer pulled over an eighty-year-old teacher
because her hand signals were confusing.
"First you put your hand up, like you're turning right, then
you waved your hand up and down, then you turned left," said
the officer.
"I decided not to turn right," she explained.
"Then why the up and down?" asked the officer.
"Officer," she sniffed, "I was erasing!"
"Well Behaved"
Miss Figpot, the fourth-grade teacher had
to leave the room for a few minutes.  When
she returned, she found the children in
perfect order. Everybody was sitting
absolutely quiet.
She was shocked and stunned and said,
"I've never seen anything like it before. This
is wonderful. But, please tell me, what
came over all of you? Why are you so
well-behaved and quiet?"
Finally, after much urging, little Johnny
said, "Well, one time you said that if you
ever came back and found us quiet, you
would drop dead!"
A Sunday School teacher asked her pupils to name things they were thankful for.
One bespectacled boy said he was thankful for his glasses.
"Any special reason?" the teacher asked.
"Yes, Ma'am," he replied, "they keep the boys from hitting me and the girls from kissing me."
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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