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Happy Fathers Day

Posted by: christianezines <christianezines@...>

Happy Fathers Day

Bishop 'I Feel God' James Brown and the Network hope you and yours are having a very happy and blessed Fathers Day.

We bless God for Godly men who are willing to walk with God before their families and the world providing an example for others to follow. We also want to speak blessings on those women (like my mother) who, for many reasons, have to walk as both mother and father for a generation of children. We honor you as well.

This month we have published several articles on fathers and fatherhood which will be a blessing to you.

Visit or click below

Why the Church Must Care About Fatherlessness


Three Unique Issues Pastors Face As Fathers

I would love to send you my sermon notes from today's Fathers Day message. Simply send me an email with your name, email address, and your city and state and it will be on the way.

We Love you and bless you.

In Him,

JMb <><
Bishop James 'I Feel God' Brown

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