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hi,and an introduction

Posted by: Taraetrn <Taraetrn@...>

Its good to find this list,I have been feeling kind of alone in my
situation,and im looking for some support.
I am 24 yrs old currently in Georgia,I recently became a Christian after many
years of studying occult and eastern philosphy,Last year I went to India and
married a Hindu/Sikh man,at the time I was not christian and promised to
follow all of his traditions.When I converted to Christianity,he became upset and
dissapointed that I changed.
He does not wish to become Christian but he has been going to church with
me,sometimes he feels insulted if I play all Christian music in the house and
expects me to still go to his Gurudwara/temple with him,and keeps hindu idols in
the house.I do not like going with him to the temple,because the lord gave me
a vision of iron gates around the whole building and Jesus trying to get
through to the peoples locked hearts.I feel so umcofortable going with him to his
place of worship,that sometimes I even feel ill physically while I am there.

If I say I do not like going he gets very violent with me,and says I am being
selfish,and that a woman should follow the husbands religion.My heart feels
very torn,and I am worried about what happens when we decide to have children.I
feel lost,and so unequally yoked.My husband doesnt believe in the soul,and
becomes violent when I express my belief in the soul...

Sometimes I feel so guilty for being with him,and not having been married by
a Christian ceremony,I have started to cry and feel ashamed after
intimacy.What can I do?

please I need your prayers and advice

God bless you all

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