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HOPE 4 KYIV #035

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

                  HOPE 4 KYIV

                                                                   Number 035
                                                               September 17 , 2005
                                                    The “In-Pact” Prayer Newsletter of
                                                             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
                                                         Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine
Dear Friends, Family, and InPact Supporters:
For the first time in a long time we greet you from our stateside home in Collins, MO.  And, because this may be one of the most important letters we've ever sent you, we are writing a week earlier than normal, and asking for your concentrated and deliberate prayerful consideration. 
Here is the situation:
+  We have successfully concluded our assignment with the International Mission Board (IMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention into which we were asked to embark back in January, 2002.  We began that assignment with missionary training on September 2, 2002, and completed it with our departure from Kiev on September 6th, 2005, officially concluding our formal ministry relationship with the IMB.  We are now missionaries working independently through our own Life Unlimited Ministries which was founded in 1980.
+  While we would have liked to have remained with IMB, Board policy did not allow that without our making a change in ministry strategy.  The available options offered to us were excellent ones, but simply did not fit with where our hearts are in regard to Ukraine.  We must follow the vision God has burned into our hearts, and that vision is taking us a different direction from the offers presented to us.
+  We are forever grateful for the incredible experience we had with IMB.  Our admiration of missionaries, particularly those who are "career", and our appreciation for the IMB have both intensified greatly through this experience.  We cherish more than gold the friendships and ties we now have with former colleagues we met and with whom we served to help proclaim the Gospel to the nations of the world.
+  However, our hearts are increasingly drawn to the city of Kiev and a fresh, exciting, and new adventure of ministry in which we will soon engage.  You are certainly aware of that opportunity to which we have alluded in past letters.  It is now a reality.  Kiev International Bible Church has been birthed and is very alive.  We chose the name with thoughtful deliberation; each word has a special meaning.
    >  Kiev ---- Its area of concentration is in and around Kiev, reaching outward from there as God opens doors.
    >  International ---- It's goal is to penetrate into the many international groups represented in Kiev through the use of the English language.
    >  Bible ---- The Word of God is our authority and guide.  We will attempt to be true to it in everything we do.
    >  Church ---- As closely as possible, we will try to function the way the New Testament describes the Church . . . as a body of baptized believers bound together by the common characteristics found in scripture ---- evangelism, discipleship, leadership development, worship, biblical edification and fellowship, prayer, and missions.
It is certainly a "Baptistic" church in doctrine and in strategy, although we will function "non-denominationally" in order to more effectively minister to as many people as possible.  Often a warm and loving church is the only real "safe haven" an international living in a strange country may have.
+  If we were to describe this new church, it would be like this: . . . . "An innovative, high-energy, joyful, vision-focused, purpose-driven, creative, relationship-centered international evangelical English language church planted specifically to proclaim the Gospel to the nations, train leaders for the nations, and plant churches in every language group possible in and around Kiev." 
+  We, therefore, are returning to Kiev in just a few weeks, independently by both necessity and calling, to enter into this new and mind-boggling opportunity.  But, . . . we  have  a  h-u-g-e  need! . . . . that of having a significantly increased financial and prayer support base.  We no longer have a missionary organization funding our ministry.  We are strictly on our own, and must raise 100% of our support.  Therefore, the primary purposes of this letter are to update you on what's going on, invite you to become part of our support team if you are not already, and to give you a few specific prayer requests.  We do not intend for this letter to become a perpetual solicitation machine, but rather, this one time, give you a fairly detailed explanation of our current challenge.
+  As long as we were with IMB, we were greatly limited by policy as to our ability to raise needed support; we could only talk with people or churches not affiliated with the SBC, so that eliminated a rather large part of our communications network.  Today that restriction is gone.  We can now talk freely about the financial challenges we face.
What God has done thus far:
This adventure journey has been amazing over the past several months.  It certainly included surprises and some twists and turns in the road that we had not anticipated, but God has clearly been leading through it all.  For example, . . .
+  Through the process of completing our work at "Living Vine" International Baptist Church, we discovered first that our hearts continued to be deeply rooted in Kiev and the wonderful people in the local and international community.  Secondly, we realized that there was an enormous need for a very different and innovative evangelical church in Kiev that would strategically concentrate its efforts on church planting among the many nationalities represented in the city.  As far as we could tell, there was no such English language church in KievGod was faithful in revealing the need.
+  Sharing this vision with other believers, we immediately found nearly twenty people seriously interested in the project.  Within three weeks that number had grown to almost forty.  Only a handful of those were members of "Living Vine" where we had been serving.  So, it was not a mass exodus or church split in any form.  God was faithful in drawing visionaries together.
+  During this transitioning process of about three months, we learned of an available church building that would provide a new church three and one-half years rent-free use of a 300 seat auditorium and several rooms every Sunday PLUS two other evenings a week for ministry . . . . IF we could raise $20,000 toward the completion of the auditorium.  It was a big challenge, especially since we were restricted in how and to whom we could share this need.  God was faithful in revealing a location.
+  In His grace and faithfulness, God touched the hearts of many people and, in less than four weeks, almost all of that money was provided . . . . and the balance was "underwritten" or "guaranteed".  At that point we had the vision and a place and the funding . . . . but no church.  God was faithful in providing the financing.
+  About the same time we learned that a large four-bedroom apartment, especially designed for ministry and entertaining, was also available in the same building for our use, at a rate that was less than one-third the market value.  We were going to be able to rent that apartment for just about the same amount as our old apartment, which was one-third the size of the new one.  God was faithful in giving surprises.
+  After weeks of prayer and discussion, some key people felt we should have an informal informational fellowship, and decided to hold it in the proposed building.  Nearly forty people attended, with quite a number of others unable to attend for various reasons.  An impromptu offering of nearly $200 was taken on the spot to cover upcoming development expenses.  A few weeks later a second fellowship and worship time was held with about 25 people present.  By this time a leadership team of four guys, including Bob, was beginning to surface.  God was faithful in conceiving the church.
+  With things moving so rapidly, and our going through the turmoil of trying to both move our possessions to the new apartment (yet unfinished) and prepare to return to the States, the decision was made to have at least one Sunday worship service before we returned to the States.  Bob was chosen to preach that first sermon since it would be the only chance he'd have before sometime in October (hopefully).  Nearly fifty people from seven countries were present as we met in a temporary room in the building where our new sanctuary is located.  The enthusiasm and excitement was manifested in the joyous singing, the attentive listening, the great fellowship, and an amazing offering of nearly $500.  God was faithful in birthing the church.
+  Today, while we are gone, the church continues to meet.  New faces were there last Sunday as the group met for the second time.  Bob's "pastoral partners" (John, Vitaly, and Stan) are all qualified and experienced preachers/teachers, and are giving strong and wise leadership while we are gone.  God is indeed doing a "New Thing", and we are thrilled . . . . and indescribably anxious to get back to Kiev as soon as possible.  God is faithful in sustaining the church.
Where we are in the process:
So, where do things currently stand in the process for us personally?
Following weather-related missed connections in Amsterdam, we arrived in Collins around Midnight on Wednesday, September 7th to more stateside challenges . . . . a compressor replacement in the house's air conditioning, another compressor replacement in "Grandpa Tolliver's" car which we were to use for road travel, further car repairs on our Taurus, very weary bodies, telephone line problems, lack of internet access, the need to take care of a significant number of family related and other time-consuming personal projects, the need to renew visas, and almost no speaking engagements by which to share this opportunity with others.
Characteristic of His sufficiency, God has faithfully led us through many of these challenges, and others are in varying stages of resolution.  The compressor for the house is ordered and due to be delivered and installed next week, the compressor in the car is repaired, our bodies are slowly regaining energy, the telephone line problem was solved yesterday, we have adequate internet access, shake-ups in the Ukrainian government have put our visa renewal process on hold, and we are in the process of going through the check list of projects to be done.  The Taurus will remain unrepaired, and we are still praying for opportunities to share our vision.
And that brings us to our early newsletter . . . . and you.
You have read many times how we have felt there was an unusual level of constant spiritual warfare and attacks from the enemy.  This continues even today as we have learned of how some of our former colleagues are experiencing difficult and otherwise unexplainable physical problems, stress, and obstacles to ministry.  However, rather than being discouraged by this, we take it as an indication of just how strategic Kiev is to the proclamation of the Gospel to Europe, Asia, and North Africa.
So, basically, we are busy addressing four things:
Gathering resources and materials for our return to Kiev, hopefully leaving Collins on October 11th and arriving in Kiev the 13th.  This involves things like food items, supplies for the new church (teaching aids, Lord's Supper trays, Bibles, videos, DVD's, etc.), new laptop computer, various items for the new apartment, funds for specific projects, etc.
Trying to raise prayer and financial support for our ministry through speaking engagements, letters, development of an explanatory CD, printing new prayer cards, etc.
Working on renewing our visas.  The old ones expire December 31st, and if we cannot get renewals, we must leave the country.
Working long-distance with the leaders at KIBC (Kiev International Bible Church) as they try to build momentum while we're gone.
Our intended departure date back to Kiev is October 11th with an overnight stop in St. Paul, MN to see daughter Cheri and her family.
Your part in the process:
Needless to say, you are a vital part in all of this; otherwise you wouldn't be getting our letters each month.  You have encouraged us, prayed for us, and some have supported us or special projects financially.  So, today our letter is to just explain with more clarity exactly what the needs and challenges are that we now face as we enter the next new chapter in our missionary adventures.
We need three very important things . . . . increased prayer, . . . financial undergirding, . . . and volunteers to come and help us.
We know absolutely that God, and God alone, is our true source.  And we also know that we have no understanding of which channels He may choose by which to process His resources.  So, we are simply letting everyone we can know about this need, are trusting God to move according to His plan, and are trusting the wisdom and sensitivity of His people to understand how He may or may not want to use them. 
Because we want to be perfectly honest and open about the need, we are including a brief breakdown of our needed overseas budget.  This is in addition to the stateside budget necessary to maintain Life Unlimited Ministries in America.  That means that anyone who has been supporting the stateside ministry should not assume that their support helps with our overseas assignment.
Because of our age, and because of the unpredictable conditions that exist in that part of the world, we must be sure we have things such as travel funds, adequate insurance (Medicare does not cover out-of-country services), and emergency evacuation resources readily available.  More than half of our budget relates to those needs.
Monthly Budget Needs
Housing Needs (rent, utilities, etc.)                $  700 per month
Office Expenses (supplies, internet, etc.)       $  100 per month
Ministry Expenses                                       $  100 per month
Household expenses (food, clothing, etc.)      $  800 per month
Insurance (medical, emergency evac., etc.)    $  500 per month *
International Conferences/Meetings               $  100 per month +
Travel to States & local Transportation           $  300 per month *
Miscellaneous                                             $  100 per month
TOTAL MONTHLY NEED                            $2,700 per month
*+  Two of the items, Insurance and Travel, are necessary in order to be sure we are not left hanging in the event of some type of emergency.  Medical service in Ukraine is still very spotty and generally untrustworthy.  So, if we had a major medical problem, we'd have to be flown out to a place like Budapest or back to the States (especially for Bob where Medicare would be in force).  This means we need funds like this on hand, so they must be included in the budget.  The International conferences will allow us to continue our relationship with the International Baptist Convention and other similar ministries and will also allow us to travel to other countries to help new churches like KIBC being planted.
Currently we have about $800 per month that we know of for these needs, so we ask you to pray with us about the balance needed.  This does Not include our local stateside budget which is generally met through the faithful support of many who have partnered with us over the years.  Those expenses still exist and that support cannot be used for this new work.  Our stateside budget is about $1,000 a month for insurance, taxes, salaries, utilities, maintenance, etc.
You may think that we should wait until we have that total amount in, and that sounds logical.  However, the Lord has made it clear we are to return to Kiev just as quickly as possible, no matter what has come in.  And, we intend to do that.  We know God is faithful, just as in George Mueller's great statement, "God's work done God's way never lacks God's supply."
Many people feel that their small gift of $20 or $30 a month doesn't make a difference, but it does.  We'd rather have 150 $20 a month contributors than 15 $200 a month contributors because "many hands make light work" and when it becomes necessary for someone to discontinue support, the impact is not as great.  So, we're asking both for a few who can give much, and for many who can give just a little.
The gifts are, of course, tax deductible through our 501.c.3 ministry, Life Unlimited Ministries.  If God moves in your heart to be part of this "InPact" team, drop us a note and we'll tell you how to be involved.  Our stateside address is . . .
    Life Unlimited Ministries
    6630 SE 951 Rd
    Collins, MO 64738
The Future Outlook:
+  We intend at this time to return to Kiev October 11th to resume our work with Kiev International Bible Church.
+  We will continue trying to get our visas renewed, praying that the Ukrainian government's current shake up and reorganization will not put us in jeopardy.
+  We will be flying with Cindy back to Medellin, Colombia around the 27th of September to help her get back to the mission field following her surgery and radiation treatments.  We will return to Collins on October 4th.
+  As much as possible we will continue sharing our vision with others, asking God to bring together the "InPact" Support Team He wants us to have.
+  We currently have only two speaking engagements in churches ---- September 25th in FBC, LaGrange, MO, and October 9th at Southern Hills BC in Bolivar, MO.  We will accept other invitations as they occur.
+  Our current schedule looks like this:
    September 07th ---- returned to Collins, began ongoing purchase of supplies, repairing autos and house needs, talking to people about our vision.
    September 09th ---- spoke in our home church, FBC, Eldorado Springs, MO.
    September 16th ---- visit a church somewhere.
    September 23rd ---- travel to LaGrange, MO to celebrate grandson Michael's birthday.
    September 25th ---- speak at FBC, LaGrange, MO.
    September 26th ---- travel to KC to meet daughter Cindy for trip to Colombia.
    September 27th ---- fly to Medellin, Colombia.
    October 04th ---- return to Collins via KC.  Begin packing for return to Kiev.
    October 11th ---- fly to St. Paul, MN to see Cheri and family.
    October 12th ---- fly to Kiev.
    October 13th ---- arrive in Kiev.
Needless to say, we have some big ones.
+  That God will enable us to get all the many personal and family details completed before we return.
+  That God will supply our material needs while we're in the States.
+  That God will keep us healthy while we're here.
That God will open doors for us to share our story and vision with others.
+  That God will continue the healing process for Cindy, and that they will be strengthened and sustained in their missionary work.
+  That God will create a passion for the Great Commission in the hearts of believers around America.
+  That people will have eyes opened (again!) as a result of recent natural disasters and see that life is short, Christ is the only hope, and night is falling.
+  That God will raise up people from America to come and help us on short trips and extended commitments.
+  That our budget will be satisfied through generous, sacrificial, and faithful giving.
That KIBC will continue to grow and prosper in commitment, enthusiasm, and attendance while we're gone.
That Vitaly, Stan, and John will have the strength and Holy Spirit's direction to keep the church focused on its stated intent.
Thanks for letting us share the specific details as to our future.  Thank you for being part of our amazing prayer support base.  If you get a chance, take a look at and to see more of what we are doing.
ALSO ---- if you'd like a CD of a PowerPoint presentation that describes our new work, send us your home address and we'll send you a copy while we're still in the States.
Please pray fervently with us about the special needs we've listed.  We're not accustomed to such direct reference to financial support, but you needed to know the challenge we're facing.  Next month we'll have some exciting reports to share about how God provided, and also what is happening in the new church.
Let us hear from you.  We're so grateful to God for you.
In His Bond,

Bob and Jo Ann

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