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HOPE 4 KYIV #054 ---- 4/26/07

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>


Hope 4 Kyiv

The Monthly Praise and Prayer Letter Of

Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine


Number 054

Date 4/26/2007




Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:
Greetings from a city that during Springtime is so filled with blossoming trees, foliage, and flowers that you simply cannot take it in.  Flowers are everywhere, and still coming up.  Daffodils and other bulb plants are growing everywhere, fruit trees are in full bloom and passing, Chestnut trees will soon begin, Lilacs, Magnolias, and others are coming on, and then the roses will begin showing in a few short weeks.  Even though it is still chilly down in the 50's and 60's, Spring has certainly "sprung".
We could send you a thousand pictures (which we more than have, incidentally), and you still would not see the surprising beauty in this city of some three million people.  This picture, for example, is taken from the Botanical Center overlooking the Lower Lavra on the Right Bank.  It looks eastward toward where we live in the distance.  Our apartment and church building would be just behind the cluster of Lilacs on the far left.  Someday maybe we can create a CD filled with pictures of Kiev.  It seems that we never have enough time to do such things, even when we want.
Twenty-one years ago today, the Number 4 reactor at Chernobyl, just about 60 miles from here, exploded, becoming the worst nuclear disaster in human history.  While the "Children of Chernobyl" no longer exist because they are now adults with families, there is still suffering among the adult population as a result of this catastrophe that the Soviet government tried to hide from the world.  It is a privilege for us to remember those who have suffered, and to serve here with an amazing people who have become such a vital part of our lives.
+  We are actually very close to having high speed internet . . . we think! 🙂   The phone line has been tested and verified that it will handle ADSL.  The question about the company's line quality has been clarified.  That new good line will soon become ours, we will have a new phone number, and hopefully by this time next week we should actually have high speed . . . unlimited usage 24/7 at less than $40 a month.  But, as always, . . . we're still not going to hold our breath until it actually happens.  Also, we think we're much closer to having the curtain rods installed in the sanctuary for our "black out" drapes that our friend and house keeper, Valya, is making.
+  We're continuing to have more and more material translated.  Most things to be translated into Russian are done for the time being.  M. is translating the CCC book, "The Uniqueness of Jesus" into Farsi.  Bob is going to have his syllabus on "Practical Principles of Leadership" translated into both Spanish and Farsi next.  He is going to start teaching it to the Spanish pastor, Raidel, and 'Jose (a rapidly growing young believer) in this area next week, and wants to have it for them in their language.  He'll also begin the study soon with his Timothy Fellowship in English.
+  Attendance has held strong in spite of lots of illness and people being in and out traveling and ministering.  And, our time with the Blakes was well spent.  The people really enjoyed them as they ministered to various groups and Richard preached.  People want them to return.  Offerings are still strong, as well.
+  The four main language groups (English, Farsi, Chinese, and Spanish) continue to see good ministry results and growth.  More and more in each group are rising to the surface as potential leaders.  This is exactly what we want.  Our new Arabic group has not gotten off the ground.  We're not sure what's going on there; the leader is seldom seen and has not stayed in touch with us.  We may have to put that on the back burner for awhile.  However, our new Russian language evangelistic Bible study which we began recently near one of the major universities has gotten off to a good start.  We have three strong leaders for the group so, even though one will be in the States until September, the others will be able to carry it on even through the Summer.  We're still praying about a ministry to Hindi's and to Israeli's.
+  Physically we continue improving, although we still have periodic episodes of extreme weariness.  We think it's more sleep deprivation than anything.  So, every two or three weeks we get a day or two when we can "sleep in" . . . IF some noise doesn't startle us awake.  We're walking more, too, and that has been good.  With cold weather behind us, we'll do more and more.
                 (Faces blurred intentionally)
+  Our Spanish, Russian, and Farsi language leaders are thrilled with the Alpha Course material.  Even though there are some lessons that have some erroneous teachings, we will be able to revise and work around those.  By and large, it's one of the best evangelistic and new believer studies on the market.  Here you see our Farsi group meeting in one of our "bedrooms" that has been converted to storage and meeting room.  Bob's English language Evangelistic Bible study has again been postponed, but we hope to finally get it started even though we'll be going to the States sometime after mid-June for about six weeks.  There just doesn't seem to be a convenient time, but we've got to do it.
+  Three Sundays ago we had an all-time high of 25 young adults in our apartment for lunch.  Then last Sunday we had 22.  It's getting to be quite a time for us, but we simply bask in the presence of these remarkable young men and women.  It's an awesome experience to sit and eat with people from six or eight different countries, sharing, talking, laughing, . . . wish you could experience it.
+  Two or three more young Ukrainians have indicated their desire for membership at KIBC.  In that our ministry times are pretty low key, it's always a joy to see people seek us out to talk about salvation, baptism, membership, etc.  What a joy it is to minister to people who are openly desiring answers and spiritual growth.  There are very few pew warmers and bored spectators in our services.
+  Nothing further has happened with the "PrayKIEV" strategic prayer ministry; just too many missionaries going too many directions.  But, we are still hopeful to have a leadership meeting in the next few weeks, and see if we can gear up during the Summer for a new beginning
+ In addition to the above updates, KIBC may now have its first baby born in our fellowship.  A wonderful YWAM couple, Brandon and Emily Shafer, are expecting.  In fact, the baby was due this past Sunday, but they came to church, along with Emily's mother from the States.  Emily informed Bob that she jumped up and down during services, doing everything she could to get the baby on the way.  We've not heard yet if the baby has been born, but we're super excited for this new "first" at KIBC.  In nineteen months we've had seven baptismal services, eight Lord's Supper services, scores of salvations, two weddings, and a bunch of other "firsts".
+  We're facing our first significant transition time as several of our church family begin to relocate or move on to other ministries.  And, then we'll have quite a few people gone for the Summer, several of them back in the States for months at a time.  But, that's the norm for international churches.  In many ways, leading an international church is simply a series of starting over . . . about twice a year.  Between Ukrainian holidays and customs, and the travels of internationals, it seems like things go great from late September into December, then you have over a month of Christmas and New Year festivities.  Then the end of January or first of March you start up again, only to have the interruptions begin in April, and then build up in May until things really begin to slow down in June.  August is a dead month, and then you start with September again.
+  Next week we will travel to Jurbise, Belgium (not far from Brussels) to share the KIBC story with an international church there. We'll be gone May 3rd through 8th.  We're looking forward to spending those days with the Weeks' family and sharing a report on what God is doing here.
+  We will also be enjoying some visits both by some longtime friends and also some supporters.  We're excited about Tom and Tim Stevens visiting us on May 10th for a few days.  Tom was on several of our volunteer teams to Croatia and Bosnia, taught Business and Economics English several summers in Sarajevo, spent a Summer in Russia, and is currently concluding a teaching assignment at a Christian university in Lithuania.  When he returns to the States, he will take a teaching position at his alma mater, Southwest Baptist University, in their business school.  Then a few days later we'll enjoy meeting Karen Metzger from Wisconsin, who leads a ministry providing financial support to our language groups for supplying Bibles and teaching materials.
+  One of our three "partnership" churches has fulfilled their three-year commitment to our support, and has chosen not to extend that arrangement, even though they are encouraging individual members to continue supporting us.  We are so grateful to this church where we have many friends and from whom we get such encouragement.  We pray God's blessing on them.  At the same time, it places possible added financial burden on us at a time when we will have to begin assuming more expenses since we will have used up all our free miles for international travel, and we have added trips this year to Belgium, Germany, and Denmark.
+  While it is still several weeks off, we are currently looking at a return to the States during the third week of June, returning to Kiev the end of July or first part of August.  This is actually a stressful time for us because so many of our people are going to be gone during that time.  But, we can't avoid the overlaps.  Some of our leadership we're losing permanently, while others will be out doing the same thing we'll be doing . . . . visiting supporters, sharing the story, having medical exams, visiting family, etc.
+  While we are gone, Tania's mother will be visiting her from Cuba.  This will be the first time in almost five years that they have seen each other.  She will spend three months here; we'll get to meet her and spend time with her at the beginning and end of her visit.  Tania is very excited.  So are we.
+  Our home church has decided not to send a volunteer team this Summer.  In a way we are sad, but in another way relieved because it really does help free up our Summer schedule and will enable us to have one or two extra weeks back in the States.  So, this Summer we have no teams coming.
                     (Faces blurred intentionally)
A New Cultural Experience:
 We recently had a new cultural milestone . . . Chinese cuisine and medicinal treatment in a Ukrainian apartment.  Finally, after months of delays to their invitation, we went to Pastor and Sister F.'s apartment for "dumplings".  Upon our arrival they took us into the tiny kitchen to see a table covered with home made dumplings filled with pork and spices.  Returning to the living room to wait for lunch to be prepared, we enjoyed wonderful Chinese tea grown in Pastor F.'s province . . . very light and smooth to the taste.  While waiting for the main course of dumplings, we enjoyed tea, fresh bell peppers, . . . and jelly fish tentacles served with soy paste and garlic relish!  They looked like long, thin squiggly transparent gummy bears, a bit firm, and with little taste other than the seasoning.
Then came the dumplings . . . hundreds of them, it seemed.  We ate, and ate until we were stuffed.  Jo Ann probably ate six or eight dumplings, and Bob perhaps a dozen.  After we insisted we were too full to eat anything else, our translator L. told us Pastor F. will eat 30 or more at a time; he's about half Bob's size.  When we left, Jo Ann noticed that the table in the kitchen was still half covered with uncooked dumplings.
Following the feast, Sister F. offered to give Bob a health treatment with an electrical stimulant machine that works something like acupuncture with tiny electrical charges acting like the needles.  So, with his shoes and socks off and his pant legs rolled up to his knees, Bob sat in a straight back chair for two hours with his feet propped up on that machine, an electric paddle in one hand and one placed against his back while Sister F. electrically "punctured" him from head to toe.  Then she ran what looked like a metal large toothed comb all over his scalp, sending little "pin pricks" all over his head,neck, shoulders, and arms.
During the process, Jo Ann noticed that, after Sister F. would ask Bob a question which L. would translate, she would look in a book after my answer.  So, she asked her how long she'd been doing this type of treatment.  Sister F. simply said they'd had the machine three years.  (Little comfort in that!)  So, we still have no idea.  At least Bob is still alive.
While Bob was getting his "electric shock therapy", Sister D., a doctor (we're afraid to ask what kind) offered to give Jo Ann a massage. At one point as she began working on her back and neck, we were beginning to think she was going to undress Jo Ann right there in the living room.  Jo Ann, however, survived the embarrassment (and Jo Ann says everyone else's horror), and got a "wonderfully painful" deep massage.  At one point when Sister D. was working on Jo Ann's neck and head, she suddenly began beating and slapping Jo Ann on the head with her hands.  Whatever relaxation Jo Ann had experienced was quickly lost.
We make this sound humorous, but all in all, it was actually a wonderful experience enjoying the generous and simple expressions of hospitality from a wonderful Chinese couple.  Pastor F. told us that when we were finished we'd feel like we had run five kilometers.  We indeed were tired, but frankly didn't expect to take two full days to recover our energy.  We don't know if it helped any, but it sure wore us out in the process of making us feel better.  We think we've recovered now. We're just glad we ran out of time before Sister D. brought out the hot rocks and hot jars to suck out all the impurities through our backs.  We have enough skin blemishes already without all that!
Major Needs:
While God has given us complete confidence in both His leading and His provision, we still recognize there are sometimes critical needs for which we need to ask your prayer and possible help in other ways.  Here are some that stand above all our other prayer requests, so we share them in this way:
+  Our Persian friend, M. continues his struggle with getting legal documents that will alleviate the harassment and dangers he incurs.  His passport expires next Summer and will not be renewed because he is a Christian.  Ukrainian and UN authorities are providing no help.  However, we have learned of one possible option that could give him a lifetime Ukrainian passport.  He has a good case, especially since he has openly been denied by both Ukrainian and UN agencies, has been informed his home country will not help, and because he is married to a Ukrainian citizen.  However, this process is quite costly, running about $6,000.  Half of that money has already been promised or given.  But, we ask you to pray that the balance will come in.  Bob has been on the phone both with M. and an attorney about this, and we hope to see the process begin within a week or two.  So, if you want to be part of this, please let us know.
+  Our greatest need at KIBC for our ministry is not money, but for manpower . . . for leaders.  Therefore, we plead with you to pray that God will send us leaders.  We better understand the Macedonian Call, "please come and help us!".  This very moment we need someone to lead in each of the following areas . . . . strategic prayer ministry, student ministry, language groups, worship, and small group ministry.  Space won't allow us to detail those leadership needs.  But, please pray that God will touch hearts in these strategic days and send people to help us.  They need to be able to raise their own support and need to be experienced, teachable, or both in the area in which they would serve.  This is a most important need.
Developing Situations:
+  Ministry Opportunities: ---- There seems to be two areas where God may be opening doors for us.  First is additional language ministries.  God has spoken strongly to Bob about the role Israel is to have in the heart of the church.  There are over 125,000 Jews living in Kiev.  Over 37,000 were executed in Kiev in October, 1941 soon after Hitler invaded Ukraine.  More than 100,000 were killed in following months, and over 1,000,000 were executed in Ukraine during the War.  It is clear and beyond debate that God still has Israel as His chosen people, and that those who bless, encourage, and minister to them will be abundantly blessed by God.  Israel is the root of all Christian culture, and that's important to remember.     In addition, we have a young man from India who attends regularly.  He speaks fluent Hindi. We've been praying that God would use him to open the door of ministry to this language group, consisting of several thousand residents.     These two language groups are on our hearts. 
Secondly, it seems God may be opening doors for us to orphans.  There is a major project near L'viv in western Ukraine that is touching the lives of hundreds of orphans.  Though we are personally involved, it may be that the Lord wants the church to be as well.  Also, we have recently located the orphanage we took teams to in 2001 and 2002 that is run by Christians.  It's only 15 minutes from our location.  These are both ideal opportunities to minister to orphaned and homeless children, and provide our people some training experience in ministry. 
+  Political Future: ---- We don't have room to explain this more fully at this time, but we believe our ministry here has become more strategically important than ever.  The dark clouds of oppression and conflict are gathering on the horizons all around us.  We are not in any more physical danger than normal, but we firmly believe that time is running out for harvesters from the west.  Bob just had an intense conversation earlier this week with the pastor of the church owning this building.  He is warning of major political changes in Ukraine and Russia in coming months.  We are watching the "Last Days" players getting positioned for what the Bible predicts.  All eyes are on Israel, and that includes the eyes of people in eastern Europe. 
The connections between several former Soviet States and Muslim countries have existed a very long time, and are being strengthened even further.  The political conditions right this moment in Ukraine are also factors in what is to come.  The biblical characters of Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation are taking shape on an almost daily basis as alliances and deals take place behind closed doors.  It is only a matter of time before what most of us have read in the Bible for years about the return of Christ begins to exponentially accelerate as the Middle East's "center stage" draws more and more attention like a mighty magnet.  Once again Jerusalem is becoming the "center of the universe".
What many people don't realize is the magnitude of both Ukraine's and America's roles in this scenario.  Most Americans believe the U.S. will be on the fringe of it all and relatively safe, but we're convinced that our beloved country will be engaged in future scenarios as fully as any other.  The one string that seems to be tying it all together is the radical Islamic factor that continues drawing the top of the sack tighter and tighter.  All of this is truly verifying that this entire global scheme is clearly spiritual in nature, as most have believed all along.
So, this being the case, and with Ukraine's future very likely bringing it back into "Magog" in some way, what does that say to those of us who are serving in this nation?  To those of us who are living in this city where tens of thousands from other countries live?  How much time is left?  Things going on in the Court House, the Parliament Building, the President's Office, and the streets of this city are an integral part of the impending scenario.  What happens in Kiev in the next few weeks will be at least one of several determining factors telling us how much time we have left to share the Gospel here.  It is highly unlikely that Yushchenko will be president two years from now.  Depending on the outcome of the power struggle, the level of corruption, the courage of the people, and who is president and prime minister will largely affect the time left before Russia again has greater influence here and throughout eastern Europe.
So, you can see why the two of us are so passionate about our work here, and why we so desperately need your prayer and support.  This is the "championship game".  There will be no second chance, in our opinion.
Prayer Requests:
As you can imagine, there are numerous major prayer requests to share with you today, and they are more urgent than ever.
+  Pray for the political situation in Ukraine, and the global impact it will have on world affairs.  The territory of Ukraine is part of the larger scenario relating to the return of Christ (Ezek 38-39, etc.).  What happens in this current situation will set the stage for future alliances and actions.
+  Pray for KIBC, that we will be bold, courageous, strengthened, persistent, and focused on the strategic ministry God has given us.  Pray that God will continue refining us and keeping us simple and narrow.
+  Pray for our respective language ministries and their respective leadership teams, that there will be a great ingathering of new believers, effective equipping of new leaders, and the establishment of many house groups throughout the city.
        Spanish church -- Pastor Raidel and wife Margerita, Tania, Jose, and other leaders.  Pray for Bob as he trains and mentors Raidel and Jose.  Pray for Stan as he serves as liaison for KIBC.
        Persian ministry -- M. and his wife I., F, Paul, and others who share the Gospel.  Pray that the borderline and oscillating ones will come to Christ.  Pray that all will be safe.  Pray for M.'s health that whatever chronically ails him will be healed and/or removed.
        Chinese ministry -- Pastor F. and his wife R., for L., and for other leaders in training.  Pray for work both here and in Odessa.  Pray that financial support will come. 
        Russian Bible study group -- For Leonid, Ira, and Sasha as they lead this new group for university students.  Pray for patience and perseverance for the leaders, especially during the Summer months.  Pray that the evangelistic Bible studies will be well received and seed will be planted.
+  Pray for the political situation in Ukraine.  Because it almost certainly fits into the long range developments of things pertaining to the Middle East and the return of Christ, every political event in Ukraine becomes critically important.  Pray that righteousness will be exalted, that God will use all the maneuvering of man to accomplish His divine agenda.  Pray that Christians will stand firm and bold in the remaining days.  Pray that God will keep the doors open to missionaries until His time is accomplished for us all.
+  Pray for major financial support for Pastor F. and the Chinese ministry.  The Chinese people here are mostly poor students and merchants with little income.  His people pay him mainly with food.  Currently he is receiving only about $250 a month in spendable income.  His rent alone without utility cost is $500 a month.  We still need at least $600 a month more in support for him. 
+  Pray for M. and the unexplainable physical problems he incurs.  We are trying everything we can think of medicinally and nutritionally.  We need God's intervention to remove whatever it is causing the skin eruptions, intense pain, and swellings that appear over his body and in his fingers.  Also pray that God will provide the finances for his document situation, and that the process will be successful.
+  Pray for us as we minister May 3-8 in Jurbise, Belgium.  We will speak at an international church there about our work with the intent of motivating them to greater missions and church planting, and also provide information concerning a possible future volunteer team to Kiev.
+  Pray for KIBC during our first significant transition as people come and go, as some of our members leave permanently, as others come and go during Spring and Summer months.  Pray especially that God will send us . . .
        A new worship leader as Brent prepares to return to the States in early July.
        A Small Groups ministry coordinator to supervise our growing small group ministry.
        A Strategic Prayer Ministry coordinator to help develop and supervise what we feel is the most important ministry we have.
        A Missions Outreach coordinator to give direction to our growing missions endeavors.
        A University Ministries coordinator to direct our growing ministry to university students.
These need to be people who can raise their own support and stay with us for a year or more.  A single person needs about $1,000 a month; a couple around $1,500.
+  Pray for us personally that we will remain healthy, our aches and pains and limited endurance will not diminish our effectiveness, that the Lord will provide materially for increased expenses, and that our vision and sense of purpose will remain clear and intense until He decides to send us home to stay.
Thank you again, from the depths of our hearts, for your faithful interest and support in this work of the Lord.  There are many times when we feel physically and emotionally spent, and wonder how much longer we can do this.  But, the vision and the urgency spur us on, and your prayers undergird us with strength to continue.  The idea of going back to America and taking life easy is such an appealing thing, but it is unthinkable for us in light of the soon return of Christ.  We hope you fully understand just how vital your prayer and financial support really are to us.  Some who get this letter have been supporting us more than 25 years; that amazes us.  But, no matter how long or in what way you undergird us, we cannot thank you enough.
We know beyond doubt that because of your faithfulness, our work continues with greater and greater fruit; and we know that God will bless you abundantly for your faithful obedience in this respect.  We praise God for you.  Please drop us a note and let us hear from you.
In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
Missionaries to the Nations in Kiev

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