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HOPE4KYIV # 028 ---- 2/26/05

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

     HOPE 4 KYIV
                     NUMBER 028
                 February 26, 2005
       The “In-Pact” Prayer Newsletter of
             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
           Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine
Dear Friends, In-Pact Partners and Family:
Greetings from a brisk overcast February day in Kiev . . .  or Kyiv in Ukrainian.  We hope all is well with you.
Important update:  Many have had trouble reaching us via e-mail, especially those writing to Jo Ann.  Without detailing everything, we've finally resolved the problems with SPAM filters and malfunctioning addresses, and everything should be working properly.  Regardless of what you read elsewhere, Jo Ann's address is ---- NOT grandma11!  (That one has been discontinued.)  Bob's address is  We have secured a new local ISP address, but, because of SPAM problem we don't want to let it out.  We will receive mail sent to these two addresses above.
Birthday:  Well, Sunday is Jo Ann's birthday!  She'll be sixblthflb years old ---- and as young as a new bride.  We're actually celebrating today ---- Bob is writing this letter, she is baking cookies for some upcoming events, we both speak briefly this afternoon at a leadership conference, and then we'll go out for a nice dinner ---- we think.  She's about decided she might even choose McDonald's.  (Update:  We actually went to TGI Friday's and enjoyed pasta with stir fried beef and veggies.  Fantastic!)
Sunday we'll use the morning for final preparation for church, have Bible study class at 1:00, worship services at 2:00, meet with several people, have a Pastoral Shepherding Team meeting, then attend 5:00 pm services for the Spanish group.  Later that evening we'll eat supper somewhere on the way home.  It will be a typical missionary birthday celebration.
Our more relaxed schedule in January quickly disappeared two weeks ago.  Following two weeks off from ESL and weekday Bible studies during the Michael Gott English school at church, we're back up to speed.  A typical week looks like this:  Sunday ---- prep for services, light brunch, Bible study at 1:00, worship at 2:00, fellowship at 4:00, meetings at 4:30, supper around 7:00 or 7:30, home by 9:00, Bob writes some on "Shoulder To Shoulder" letter, showers, to bed late . . . Crash!   Monday ---- mid-morning breakfast, finish writing "Shoulder To Shoulder", prepare for Spanish leadership Bible study, quick lunch around 1:30, Spanish leadership Bible study at 3:30, quick supper around 5:30, Tania's Spanish class in our apartment, visit with Tania, showers, to bed late. . . Crash!  Tuesday ---- all-day prep for ESL and Bible study, ESL (English classes) at 5:30, Bible study at 6:45, conversations at 8:00, supper at 9:00, home by 10:00 or so, showers, to bed very late . . . crash! 
Wednesday ---- Volia comes to clean apartment, Jo Ann gets a massage, Bob does office work, lunch out (yea!), grocery shopping, various appointments, visits from Sveta, Tania, or others, catch up on office work, light supper, finalize assignments for Sunday services, hopefully relax for evening . . . no need to crash!   Thursday ---- begin preparing mentally & spiritually for Sunday while basically trying to take the day off.  Do initial work for Sunday's bulletin.  Maybe go do something.  Usually go out for lunch at TGI Friday's or some other favorite place.   Friday ---- prepare more earnestly for Sunday, finish up bulletin material, maybe go out for lunch, various appointments, have movie night at our apartment with singles.   Saturday ---- final serious prep for Sunday, try to keep day free from other things, relax in the evening.
Personal:  We're sleeping better . . . most of the time.  Spent much of the past few weeks changing ISP providers (we'd been paying almost $60 a month for 1/2 gigabyte of usage on a high speed broadband service, but just changed to another company where we now pay about $$30 a month for a full gigabyte of usage ---- half the price for twice the service.  We are very pleased . . . at least now that we finally got it all done.  Also upgraded and improved our anti-SPAM filtering system and changed some e-mail delivery systems.
We both battle back pain, Jo Ann's neck bothers her especially in cold damp weather, Bob's ankles ache quite a bit, but that comes with the territory . . . and the chairs we have to sit in.  That's why Jo Ann gets a back massage every week, and Bob should but doesn't.  (It's a man thing.)  Jo Ann is still doing lots of cooking, even trying new recipes.  Of course, many recipes become new here when you have to substitute for some ingredient you can't get here.  Those who eat with us rave about her chicken/rice casserole, her pumpkin (it's really squash!) bread, vegetable/beef soup, oatmeal/raisin cookies, brownies, and her Chicken and Dumplings (home made!).
Bob was finally able to complete the memorial album for Nicole Grace.  If you haven't seen it yet, go to  He's still trying to complete a couple of albums on the Orange Revolution, but there are so many pictures and so many intriguing twists that he just hasn't felt he had the time to take away from other more important things.  Hopefully it will get done in a few weeks, though.  More and more fascinating information is being revealed.  It's an outright miracle that the entire thing didn't explode into terrible violence.
Jo Ann has been able to get back to some serious reading, and is enjoying those little breaks most days.  The past two years she'd had little time for that, so this has been a special treat for her.  She's been reading quite a bit of Christian historical fiction with settings in Central and Eastern Europe.  We've also been able most weeks to sit back and watch a movie.  Even though there are two or three theaters in Kiev who show movies in English, we've opted to just get a good DVD and watch it in the apartment.  Sometimes we'll even hook up the ministry video projector and speakers off our surround sound stereo, heat up a bag of microwave popcorn, and have our own exclusive film review.  Sure beats riding the Metro or Marschyutkya (maxi-van sized mini-bus that rides like a lumber wagon, only not as comfortable).
Ministry:  This has been one of the most exciting and fruitful times we've had since we arrived in Kiev.  So many things are happening right now that we sometimes even have second thoughts about leaving Kiev next Fall when our term ends.  It seems as if the labors of the past two years are beginning to pay off in some visible ways.  Even though attendance still fluctuates randomly and our works momentum is frequently interrupted by a trail of holidays, there is amazing progress toward transitioning the church to a non-IMB missionary as pastor.  There is a rapidly growing recognition that the church must take personal responsibility for its future.
+ One of the really bright spots is the surfacing of energetic and motivated leadership potential among our singles and other younger adults.  Many of the middle aged and older adults still carry the residual overtones of Communist days where you did only what you were told, left decisions up to those above you, never interfered, and focused on survival in place of progress.  The younger minds don't think that way.  This church has a brilliant future . . . if we can just lead it to that point.
+  Since the English program resumed following holiday break and the Michael Gott English school, we've had an influx of new students.  However, our attendance is still down from last Fall (typical).  Because of teacher shortages we've eliminated one class, now conducting only three.  Our Beginner Class teacher, Olga, fell on the ice again, but has insisted on coming to teach; her students love her deeply.  Our University class is experiencing a "tag team" approach with teachers just now.  Rosemarie has been teaching while the Sargents have been in the States.  John is back now and will teach three weeks before returning to the States, handing off to Nancy Jobe, a volunteer who is coming to spend six weeks with us ---- all while Rosemarie and David are in the States.  When Nancy leaves in mid April, we'll do a week or two of movies leading up to Ukrainian Easter the first of May, and then Rosemarie will resume.  Jo Ann continues teaching the Advanced class, but often feels she'd like to turn that over to someone else.  No one volunteers.
+  Our Spanish work has reached an exciting and challenging point ---- they begin their own Sunday worship services tomorrow!  It's a step closer to becoming a self-sustaining church.  Bob continues training new leadership every Monday afternoon, and 'Jesus and Carmen emigrate to the U.S. on March 11th to live there.  Next Monday we are having special baptizing during which time 'Jesus will baptize quite a number of new believers who came to Christ this past year under their leadership.  Bob also hopes to baptize some as well, but nothing is definite as yet . . . . typically Ukrainian.  We'd love to see eight or ten or more baptized, but will just have to wait and see.  There are still so many converts here who believe their earlier baptism as infants or in the Orthodox Church is sufficient.
+  One year ago the church partnered with a Christian student organization called CCX, the Ukrainian off shoot of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, in co-sponsoring and leading equipping and evangelistic week-end leadership conferences.  The purpose is to raise up godly Christian leaders for the future.  Today we finished the fourth of five such conferences with a registration of nearly 70 people.  The exciting thing about it is that many of the participants are unbelievers.  This week-end, though, more than half of the small group leaders and some of the presenters were from our church.  What a joy it was to see them growing in their leadership skills.  Our final such conference will be in May.  We hope that the cooperative relationship will continue even beyond that final conference.
+  Last Sunday and tomorrow Bob spoke (will speak) on "Salvation, Repentance, and Baptism ---- Their Relationship To Each Other".  Hopefully this will result in a number of believers being obedient to the Lord to follow up with believers baptism.  It's been almost a year and a half since our last baptism.
+  The Pastoral Leadership Team continues functioning well, although we're also experiencing some transition there as well.  Charles and Ira will leave the end of March for the States to raise support, returning in August.  David and Rosemarie will be in the States from mid-March through April.  So, we'll be shorthanded, especially of Americans.  At the same time, we've invited Yuriy to become part of the group as an apprentice.  He's a fine young single guy who has a desire to serve the Lord vocationally and attend a local seminary.  He needs some financial resources in order to do that, however.  We also will be asking another young man to come on board in the same capacity.  Both of these guys are from Bob's Timothy Fellowship.
+  In keeping with the formation of the Pastoral Shepherding Team, we have also created a more comprehensive and controllable church budget, and have renamed a previous leadership group, now calling it the Ministries Coordinating Council . . . . responsible for the day-to-day administrative and practical management of organizations and church activities.  It functions alongside and accountable to the PST.  The Pastoral Shepherding Team will be responsible to develop some practical guidelines for the MCC and for the various ministries the church has, but doing it in a way that does not create unnecessary "hoops" and procedures that prove to do more harm than good.
+  We are especially excited over the faithful partnerships that have been created for our work here.  Some of them have been partners with us personally, while others have been with the church.  Both types have been invaluable, and we thank God for them all.  So, to folks like Hal, Ricky and Marina, Mel and Carolyn, Nancy, and others . . . . thank you! . . . thank you! . . . thank you!
One of the most significant partnerships has been that between IBC here and FBC,Eldorado Springs, MO.  That's our home church in the States.  They have made a two-year partnership commitment with the church that includes strategic intercessory prayer, sending volunteer teams, and providing monthly financial support to the church.  We wish you could see the faces of our church members when they think of this partnership.  This will go far in creating a stability and growth potential reaching well beyond our tenure at the church right on into that of our successor.  The only other thing we could ask is that one or two other churches would do the same.  The financial support is being designated to specific areas of the church so that the people here don't begin to neglect their own personal giving responsibilities.
+  Rick and Jody Crampton continue their preparation to move to Kiev as early as August.  We are looking forward to their arrival.  We are still awed at how God called a family to replace us who have almost a mirror reflection of the vision we've had for the church.  We really expect the transition to be a very smooth one, and we want to do all we can to make their move here feel as normal as possible.  However, we would ask that you pray for them as they try to accomplish many things in preparation for their move.  Take a look at their website at  You might even consider possible involvement with them as partners.  You'll want to see Joshua and Caleb, anyhow.  These little guys were praying for Ukraine before they even knew there was a need here.
+  We do some traveling this next week, going to London for a pastoral leadership conference with the International Baptist Convention the 3rd to 8th.  We have mixed emotions about going . . . so much to do here, but so looking forward to renewed fellowship with colleagues in this convention that touches three continents.  If you'd like to know more about the Convention, go to and take a look.  This will be our first trip into the city of London; we'll be staying in the heart of the city at Lancaster Hall Hotel, just a few hundred meters from Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park.  We'll have a couple of afternoons for some free time, so hope to see some of the more prominent sights.  Doubt that we'll be able to wave the Queen, though.
+  Upon our return, we'll be bringing our dear friend, Nancy Jobe, with us.  Nancy, a retired school teacher, is a faithful partner who has made numerous trips with us to Croatia, Bosnia, and Ukraine.  She has our monthly newsletter printed and snail-mailed to our friends who don't have e-mail.  She will be spending six weeks with us working in our English, women's, student, and village ministries.  We're looking forward to her arrival.
Possible Breakthrough:  It has been obvious for a very long time that the growth of the church and the ability to expand its ministries is being greatly hindered by limited resources . . . . namely personnel, finances, and space.  Space and location have been of major significance.  We praise God for the gracious hospitality of the Central Baptist Church, a church affiliated with the Ukrainian Baptist Union.  This church has existed for many years, even during Communism.  Since 1993 it has begun to grow enormously, and its ministries have dramatically expanded within the past year.  They have a fantastic building that includes a lovely sanctuary seating 800 or more, large classrooms, kitchen, etc.  And they have made most of it available for our use at nominal rental cost to us.
However, some of their rather traditional practices and beliefs, their growing ministry, and our own expanding ministry have, together, created the need for us to pray about a possible move to other facilities.  The church has moved three times previously, but has been at Central for seven or eight years.
That reality creates a major situation of monumental significance.  During the past four years the days of cheap property and buildings have evaporated.  Previous scandalous under-the-table business transactions, as well as current laws pertaining to facility use and property purchase make it extremely difficult for churches to own or rent.  Numerous churches in the past three years have been evicted from their rental spaces, and scores of purchase and/or building applications have been rejected.  There was, under the former government (Kuchma regime), a deliberate attempt to return to the Communist days when religion was squelched. 
That will hopefully and probably change under the new presidency of Yushchenko, who has openly declared that Ukraine will have totally open and free religious expression for all religions.  However, the economic barriers will not come down.  Rental, purchase, and building costs will not be reduced from their current levels, regardless of what happens with availability and the easing of regulations and laws.
So, it came as a great surprise to us when we recently discovered a very exciting possibility for IBC.  In fact, there are two or three possibilities, although this one is currently on the front burner.  An evangelical church that has owned its own property and building for eight years is allowing their building to be used by numerous churches.  At this time, ten different evangelical churches use this six-story state-of-the-art building every week. 
We just learned that the host church is wanting to complete the development of the fourth floor which contains an amphitheater auditorium that will seat 300 people.  If we wanted to use that facility, along with several other rooms for English, youth, etc. on a weekly basis, all we'd need to do is provide the funding to finish that floor . . . . namely, money for sheet rock, painting, carpeting, padded stack chairs, a few doors, etc., and IBC could meet there . . . . rent free for two years! 
We don't know if this is the Lord's direction, but we're clearly exploring it.  We have both seen the facilities and are awed by it all.  Several of our church leaders will view it on Monday when we have our baptizing there.  It's in about as perfect a location as you can find in Kiev, less than ten minute walk from two major Metro stops.  (As far as we know, not one person in our church owns a personal vehicle.)  It is plainly visible from one of the three major east/west thoroughfares on the Left Bank.  It could well be the next step for IBC as the church strides toward the future.
+  Pray that God will speak to hearts during Sunday's service and the people will come to Christ and that those who need to will ask for baptism.  Pray for 'Jesus and Carmen as they speak to the church for the final time before moving to America.  Pray that Bob will have clarity of mind and speech as he tackles this subject that is so misunderstood and controversial in Ukraine.
+  Pray for 'Jesus and Carmen as they make this final transition from Cuba to Ukraine to America.  Pray that their March 11th journey will be safe and that they will arrive in Louisville, KY safely (her brother lives there), and that they will quickly find opportunities of ministry and employment.  They are steadfast and zealous followers of Jesus.
+  Pray for Tania Llopiz, our remaining Cuban sister who was denied visa to America.  Pray that her attorney will have a persuasive appeal and she will be granted another interview and also a visa.  Pray that her mother in Cuba will recover fully from recent removal of a brain tumor.  Pray that some church or believers in America would be open to being her sponsor, thus increasing the possibilities of her being granted a visa.
+  Pray for Rick and Jody Crampton as they continue the process of coming to Kiev.  Pray for Rick as he finishes his seminary work and for Jody as she completes her teaching degree.  Pray that she will be approved to teach at Kiev Christian Academy.  Pray especially for them as they raise their prayer and financial support; since they are coming independently, they have no mission board to undergird them.  It's all on their own . . . . resting on the sufficiency of the Lord.  Pray for Joshua and Caleb as they say good-bye to friends.  Pray for family members that they will bless and release the Cramptons to minister here.
+  Pray for IBC as we examine the possibilities of new meeting facilities.  Pray that God will make His will clear, and that He will provide all the resources needed for any such transition.  Pray especially that He will grant wisdom as to the one building; it is so appealing that it would be easy to second guess God in the matter.
+  Pray for Nancy Jobe as she finishes raising her support and packs to leave next Thursday for London where she'll meet us.  Pray that she is kept safe and that she will have all the resources necessary for the six week trip to help us.  Pray that the Lord will plan her agenda here.  Pray that He prepares the hearts of all the people with whom she will have contact, especially in the villages. 
+  Pray for our Pastoral Leadership Team during this transition time, and for our Timothy Fellowship group.  Pray for the Ministries Coordinating Council that it will function efficiently and effectively in the day to day activities of the church.
+  Pray for a young Muslim man from Tajikestan who visited our English class last weel.  Our Angolan brother, Daniel, has been meeting regularly with him sharing the Gospel and the differences between Islam and true Christianity.  Tuesday he asked to meet with me so I could answer some questions a bit too difficult for Daniel.  Pray that we can arrange that appointment.  Also, pray that he would be open to our brother in the Lord, Mohammad, who is currently in India.  Mohammad was highly sought after as a teenager because of his understanding of the Koran.  We'd really like to link him up with this young man via e-mail.
+  Pray for the two of us as we travel to London on the 3rd.  Pray for all the pastors, wives, and other church leaders throughout all of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East as they travel to the same conference.  Pray that all will be safe, will be refreshed, and will find rest, confidence, and new vision.  Pray as we return to our homes on the 8th.
+  Pray for the prayer movement in Kiev that it will be revived.  Pray that the many prayer emphases will find a way to coordinate together and become more strategic in their praying.  Pray that we can get more work done on the website and that we can get another prayer letter out soon.
+  Pray for the new government of Ukraine.  Many in western countries do not understand the significance of recent events, and just how pivotal they are to what happens in eastern Europe in the future.  Ukraine is poised to be the launching pad for a great movement of evangelization throughout this part of the world.  Ukraine seems clearly to be a nation of destiny in God's plan.  Pray fervently that His purposes are thoroughly accomplished and that the Church in Ukraine will rise up in anointing power of the Holy Spirit.
+  Pray for the two of us as we continue facing decisions regarding the future.  We know that our work in Ukraine is not done even though our time with IMB is closing in a few months.  We know God has some future plans for us not only in Ukraine but throughout Europe.  It's not too early to be praying about that even though the possibilities of ministry are ten months or more away.  Pray that God will provide every detail and aspect that may be involved.  Pray that God also gives us ample opportunity to minister in the States, especially in representing IBC of Kiev to the people in America.
As always, we praise God for you and for your investment in our lives.  We know that each day people are praying, lifting us to the Father.  And we also know that it such actions that make it possible for us to stay here, to have the strength and stamina we need, and, most of all, to maintain a positive and adventurous enthusiasm for what we're doing.  Many times, as people near the end of an assignment, they lose momentum and interest.  We are finding just the opposite to be true, and we know it's because of the intercession of God's people.
So, . . . thank you from the depths of our hearts.
Please let us hear from you on occasion.  We're easy to reach by e-mail or by phone . . . or by snail mail.
In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
The Tollivers
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
   Jo Ann:
Our Websites:  for the general work in Kiev. for access to our family and
    ministry photo albums. for information on our city-wide strategic prayer movement.
To receive "PrayKiev", a monthly (or more) prayer letter on a city-wide prayer
   network, send a blank message to
To reach the "PrayKIEV" website, go to
For weekly spiritual encouragement and current stories of our work here,
subscribe to "Shoulder To Shoulder", a letter to "lift up hands that
For Back Issues of . . .
   "Shoulder To Shoulder" go to .
More Helpful Resources:
If you have a heart for God and would like to be encouraged in your life and ministry,
    and you have a burden for your church, your community, and the world,
    then you may want to receive . . . ---- one of the best Creation websites I've ever seen. ---- for excellent brief words of encouragement from
    one of America's premier evangelical writers/thinkers. ---- great website for dealing with hurts and wounds through forgiveness. for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. ---- A world-wide network for praying together. ---- excellent resources on revival, prayer, missions. ---- resources on prayer, evangelism, etc. ---- To adopt and pray for a special historic city in Iraq. ---- "National Pastors' Prayer Network" newsletter.  ~  
    email:  Register your PPG: . ---- U. S. World Prayer Center. ---- "Life Action Outreach". ---- "Mission America" .
Other Great Resources Are: for access to over 3900 downloadable audio sermons.  Exceptional site. for great Bible resources and downloads.  Exceptional site. (one of the best free download Bible study site I've ever seen!) for new and fresh evangelism & discipleship materials."Christian Communications Toolkit" (using internet wisely) Free software or shareware listings, for church related software from CAMSOC.
    To subscribe to CAMSOC update newsletter, go to  Thousands of Free Christian graphics.
Online Resources on Ukraine are . . . . Live webcam of Independence Square, Kiev. Current news info on Ukraine. Source of many sites relating to religious issues in Eastern Europe.
Secular News on Kiev and Ukraine will give you interesting views at . . .