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Hope4Kyiv #038 ---- 12/12/05 ---- URGENT PRAYER REQUEST

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Hope 4 Kyiv

The Monthly "In-Pact" Praise and Prayer Letter Of

Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine

Number 038





December 11, 2005

Dear "Hope4Kyiv" Friends, Partners, and Family:
We are writing this extra letter to ask for your IMMEDIATE, and STRATEGIC, and PREVAILING prayer in our behalf regarding a major situation that has surfaced in Kiev while we've been stateside getting our visas renewed.
We just learned yesterday afternoon (Sunday) that some potentially major setbacks have taken place regarding the building where Kiev International Bible Church meets and where we have our apartment.  While we certainly do not want to form conclusions or pass judgments at this point, we do want to call out to you with urgency for your prayers at this time.
According to John, one of our Pastoral Leadership Team members informed us today that he met yesterday morning with the pastor of the host church that owns the building, and was informed that one or more of the government agencies involved in approving the full use of the building has made some more requirements before the building can be officially released for total use.  This situation can impact not only our use of the building for our church, and also our use of the apartment where we now live, but it could potentially involve the loss of all the funds we and folks like you have put into this project.  In addition to the $20,000 that was given for the completion of the sanctuary room, we have personally invested over $15,000 toward rent and furnishing the apartment.  While we do not expect the situation to deterioriate to that extent, it is, nonetheless, possible that this investment could be lost.
Although we have still not heard anything directly from the host pastor, one of our Pastoral Leadership Team members informed us today that the electricity has been shut off to the building.  They are going over to get all the perishable items out of the refrigerators to try to save them.  As far as we know, the young couple who were "apartment sitting" for us have had to move out.
We are still waiting for concrete details.
This situation is the latest in a years-long struggle to get the building completed and according to code.  There are three possibilities as to why this has happened:
+  There may be legitimate issues that have not been properly taken care of during construction.
+  Building codes may have changed requiring further
+  This may be another attempt to bribe Americans, a common practice in Ukraine.
All we know is that electricity has been cut off to the building as of today.  We know nothing beyond that.
Frankly, we're not even sure how to ask you to pray.  The Holy Spirit will guide you.  This situation affects not only us, but ten other churches who meet there, a Christian counseling service, a Christian bookstore, a travel agency, a law firm, and other businesses that donate to the church so they can use the facilities.
Personally, we've been praying that . . .
+  God will bring confusion to any plan to extort God's money from God's people,
+  He will turn the hearts of those who oppose His Kingdom plans like water in the palm of His hand, so that they advance rather than hinder His plans.
+  The problem can be quickly resolved so that the churches can begin meeting this week.
+  That the finishing work will be completed on schedule and that we can have our first worship service in the new auditorium by January 8th.
+  That all our personal belongings will be safe and undamaged.
+  That our church can find a way to continue on in worship and ministry during this time.
Thanks for praying.  Don't give in, don't give up, and don't give out.
Bob and Jo Ann
IBC - Hope4Kyiv

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For Other Ministries in Ukraine:  for IMB work in central and eastern Europe.  Links to 24 countries by clicking on the flags. for virtual prayer walks in Ukraine. for another virtual prayer walk in our beloved city of Kiev. for good general and missionary information about Ukraine in general and the IMB people teams. for information about IMB work in east Central Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk, etc.) including another related virtual prayer walk.
Secular News on Kiev and Ukraine will give you interesting views at . . .
Some More Good Sites: for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. for general info on Ukraine and Kiev. for general current info.on Ukraine. Consular division of U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. Live webcam of Independence Square, Kiev. Excellent website on Ukraine with lots of links.  Excellent website on Ukraine with lots of links. Source of many sites relating to religious issues in Eastern Europe.

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