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HOPE4KYIV #046 ---- 7/20/06

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

            Hope 4 Kyiv

                            The Monthly Praise and Prayer Letter Of

                                        Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

                                     Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine


                                                     Number 046

                                                    July 20, 2006


Dear Friends, Family, and Ministry Partners:


Again, it has been just over a month between letters, unavoidable because of our thirteen-day trip into Switzerland and Germany for conferences.  We really do want to keep you informed more frequently.


We have just concluded almost five wonderful weeks with granddaughters Abby from Texas and Anya from Minnesota.  After two and one-half weeks of sightseeing in Kiev and fellowship with our church family upon our return from the States, we took them to a youth camp in Grendelwald, Switzerland attended by over 280 young people from many countries while the two of us attended the annual IBC conference in nearby Interlaken.  Following the conference we took them by train to Munich and Salzburg for a day respectively before their return to the States and our return to Kiev.  We all arrived safely at our respective destinations this past Monday night . . . very tired but thoroughly refreshed.  It was a great month.


Update -- Report on Past Matters:


+  The new sanctuary is wonderful!  It is a joy to be in . . . even though it swallows us up because of the disparity  between its seating capacity and our current Summer attendance.  At the same time, we're finding many things that we must do to compensate for sound, excessive hot glaring sunlight, and ventilation.  Little by little we'll work it all out, but it is certainly very different from the cozy but crowded room we've been meeting in since last September 5th.


+  Very little progress has taken place on the apartment since our last letter.  We still wait for toilet repair (promised again to be done while we were gone), gas to the dryer, lighting over the stove, repair work on some doors, trim and baseboard to be completed, entry doors to be lowered (originally mistakenly installed to handle Ukrainian "step over" thresholds).  But, not to worry . . . we've only been in the apartment a little over nine months, and this is Ukraine.  Maybe before we retire again.


+  We think there is an answer in sight for our poor internet service, and will hopefully have both a good and fast connection within the next few days.  Our good friend, Igor, has been a real "get it done" guy as he has gone back to the original ISP company with direct probing questions as well as going to a couple of other companies offering "radio frequency" antenna services at higher prices.  So, who knows? . . . maybe by next week sometime we'll have a good high speed connection.


+  Attendance at church has been down the past month,  typical for Summer in Ukraine.  Many of our missionary colleagues are either out in conferences, doing English camps, or are back in the States raising support.  Most of our university students are back in their villages, are working in youth and children's camps, or are translating for volunteer teams and missionaries.  We are currently running about 50% to 60% of normal.  That will change quickly in September.


+  We hope to see the additions and desperately needed changes on the "PrayKIEV" website finished this month.  The "PrayKIEV" and "Inter-Mission" prayer ministries are currently on hold for the Summer until many of the missionaries return.  However, recent prayer, studies, and political conflict in the Ukrainian government have simply reinforced the importance of this ministry.  Ukraine again faces a political crisis, the results of which will either turn the country back toward the past or move it further toward true freedom and genuine democracy.


+  It seems unlikely that the family from the States who visited with us a few weeks ago to consider giving us leadership to our student ministry will actually come our way.  It looks at the moment like they will come to Kiev, but will not be a specific part of our ministry.  It will probably be more than a year before they are actually on the field.  The Lord has His plans for us and for them.


+  Legal work is still being done on the church's registration with the government.  Hopefully it will be completed by the end of Summer.  We are currently waiting for paper work from the attorney.  We are also continuing the process of hopeful membership in the convention of international churches with whom we participated in our previous church.


Recent Happenings:


+  While we have been gone, pastoral team member Vitaly Babych, has been in England for some job-related studies and some time with his wife and children, one of whom lives there and the other of whom lives in the States.  So, our other team member, Stan, has held down the fort in a masterful way, doing all the preaching, meeting with the Spanish leadership, preaching once a month in their services, and meeting with the Timothy Fellowship that Bob leads.  The church has been in good hands as he and Brent have guided the church.


+  One of our members, Sveta, has begun a ministry to skateboarders and punkers, teaching them English, encouraging them, spending time with them, and praying with them.  It is possible that in the future this ministry may become an official part of our church outreach.  There is no doubt that there is an unbelievable ministry opportunity with these kids.  We've seen some of the pictures, and these kids have such a hopeless haunting look in their eyes.  Stan is giving oversight to Sveta's leadership, Brent is providing some music time, and two or three of our youth are also helping Sveta.


+  Soon after we returned from the States Bob performed the Christian wedding ceremony for Alexandar (Ukrainian) and Nandi (Dominican Republic), the very first wedding ceremony in our new sanctuary.  It was a wonderful celebration.  We know of some other "love bird" relationships developing, so we anticipate future weddings as well.


+  The trip to Interlaken has resulted in some intriguing and exciting opportunities for the church.  Resulting from the trip, which we knew was going to be significant, we have a pastoral couple who will probably spend two or three months with us early next year to help strengthen the church in our women's ministry and leadership training.  We also met a Nashville pastor and wife who have adopted three Ukrainian children and have been doing extensive ministry in Ukraine for many years; they have expressed strong personal interest in our work here and are anxious to explore some ministry possibilities.  Finally, we had some very good and promising conversations with IBC leadership concerning future church affiliation with this international group.


Looking Ahead:


+  This past Wednesday Bob resumed his time with the Timothy Fellowship (still studying the doctrine of salvation) and will connect again with the Spanish leadership next week.  He and Stan have really teamed up to work jointly with these guys.  The Timothy Fellowship study is proving to be a major development in that Bob has ended up creating a syllabus that currently exceeds 30 pages and is growing.  There is so much misunderstanding and error on the subject in eastern Europe, that such a document is clearly needed not only for the Timothy Fellowship, but for others as well. 


The study covers many topics relating to salvation ---- the definition of salvation, the scope and range of salvation, baptism and salvation, eternal security, reasons people doubt their salvation, problem texts in scripture, assurance of salvation, Lordship of Christ, saving faith, etc.  The group has been on this subject since February, and will probably continue well into the Fall before it is all done.  But, the guys are really enjoying it; and Bob certainly is (such studies are right down his alley, as you know).  His material has even been used in Romania and other countries by a stateside friend and pastors doing some similar training.


+  Bob learned Wednesday night at Timothy Fellowship that two of our guys from the Middle East have made significant contacts with a number of Persian speaking Muslims and Catholics, and are ready to begin "informational Bible studies" with them in the next few weeks.  This is a major breakthrough because we have felt from the beginning that the Muslim community was to be one of our target groups.  One of the guys also speaks Arabic, so we are hoping this area will also open up for us.  This can be a dangerous ministry because of the potential for "informants" to report the whereabouts of Muslims who have come to Christ.


In addition, it looks like our ministry to Chinese people is beginning to show signs of development, and next month we hope to initiate something there as Bob will baptize a young woman before she returns to China.


+  Bob will also resume work on the church's statement of beliefs as well as begin work on a formal church constitution and some form of mutual covenant statement.  All of this is in regards to the church being registered with the government, establishing a more tangible means of identifying with the church, and also applying for affiliation with a convention of international English language churches scattered throughout Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.


+  Jo Ann will resume her hospitality practices this next Sunday by inviting a number of people to remain for lunch following services and fellowship time.  This is always a very special time where we are able to develop closer ties with many of the people who come our way.  She is also tackling the financial books of the church as we try to establish better accounting and accountability in preparation for our registration and our application for IBC membership.  And she keeps busy being "mom" to students, doing lots of correspondence with family and supporters, and providing supportive interaction with many of those who are connected with our fellowship.


+  Now that we are back from all our traveling, she will also begin meeting with Brent to assist him in learning some of the older worship songs from the 1980's and 1990's and some great hymns that he doesn't know but that our church knows.  She and Bob will also help him in developing a good "blended" type of worship as he tries to bring some cohesiveness to the worship team.  The team is very talented, but in differing ways.  Some play/sing purely by ear and don't read music at all; some read music, but not contemporary type; and some read/play/sing any kind but are not yet skilled in transitioning from one style to another.  Bob is also going to do a "Let's Really Worship" workshop with all the members of the worship team, laying the foundation of Biblical principles of worship upon which the team can then begin to build.


+  Our "main man" sound guy, Pete, continues faithfully working on our new storage room, and it looks like it will be complete and secure within the next week.  We hope to move all equipment next week so it is easier and faster in setting up each week.  He also has been working on building a shading system for the overhead windows and also building a large projection screen for use during services, movie nights, and other activities.  He's such a blessing.  Not many people in their 70's would choose to live here for years and quietly serve the Lord and minister to people.  Don't know what we'd do without him.


+  As soon as we get a decent internet connection (hopefully next week), Bob will begin adding some new albums to the website.  We want you to see real faces and experience real life in Kiev as well as at KIBC.  We'll notify you when that finally happens.


+  As we look into coming months, we anticipate one or two "exploratory" visits from stateside churches considering working with us, we continue looking for individuals who will come and serve with us for a year or more, we expect to begin some form of evangelistic ESL program, and we hope to develop a solid and effective ministry to children.


Prayer Requests ---- BIG Ones:


+  Ukraine's infant "Orange Coalition" from the 2004 Orange Revolution is in shambles, and the Parliament has been unable to form a majority coalition government since the elections last March.  There is unbelievable infighting in the hall of Parliament.  President Yushchenko's influence and power are now almost non-existent, and the pro-Russia and socialist groups continue to gain ground.  These are precarious days for democracy in Ukraine.  Pray that Ukrainian citizens will stand up again for righteousness, honesty, and justice.  Pray that God-approved people will be placed in critical positions of governing and influence.  Pray that true democracy and freedom will continue to battle its way to the surface.  Pray that the sovereign will of God will override and overpower all human (and other) effort to drag the nation away from true democracy and freedom.


+  Pray for several of our internationals who face various levels of harassment and documental issues that could possibly lead to deportation back to countries that would surely do them harm through persecution, imprisonment, or even death . . . all because of their faith in Christ.  Pray that they will be safe here.  Pray that they can gain some form of legal security and safety in Ukraine, or can immigrate to a truly free country.  Pray that they will have effective, powerful, and Spirit-anointed ministry with us while here.  These people include citizens of China, Iran, Lebanon, Cuba, Venezuela, Uzbekistan, and other nations that repress religious and/or democratic freedoms.


+  Pray for the two of us as we agonize with and love on people such as these who have gone through so much more than we ever will.  Pray that we can bring them encouragement, support, and hope.  Sometimes it seems more than we can bear, and we feel so helpless.  Sometimes we feel ashamed over our own level of commitment and courage in comparison to theirs.  Pray that we can equip them to be mighty in spirit and effective in ministry.  Pray that the two of us, along with Stan and his family, Brent, and Vitaly can truly be up to the task God has set before us with this new church plant.  Pray that we will continue to grow even closer and closer in friendship, unity, vision, and purpose . . . that we may truly be one as a team.  These are amazing guys with whom to work.


+  Pray for the successful initiation and development of our ministries to Persian, Arabic, and Chinese people.  Pray for Sveta and her ministry to skateboarders and punkers.  Pray that God will give wisdom as a church to determine whether or not this is a ministry we need to integrate into our church life in light of the specific strategy the church has to focusing on internationals.


+  Pray for several of our students who are now in the States, in youth camps, or are traveling as translators through the Summer months.  Pray that they will be sustained, that they will grow, and that they will be courageous and faithful in serving the Lord where they are.  Pray that they will all return safely and with renewed vision to serve the Lord through KIBC.


+  Pray that the connections that were recently established in Switzerland, as well as those established back in the States last May/June, will develop in a productive and timely manner.  Pray that volunteers, teams, and others will sense the prompting of the Holy Spirit to consider linking hands with us in various ways to help us carry out the ministry to which God has called us.


+  Pray for the financial resources to purchase a much needed bass guitar, drums, and additional keyboard . . . for a copy machine and paper cutter . . . for additional sound equipment.  The new sanctuary not only has expanded our possibilities, but has also increased our need for both quality printing, publication capabilities, and sound.


+  Pray that the legal work for our registration will be completed this Summer.  Pray that we can quickly develop an appealing website that will honor the Lord and represent the vision and ministry of the church.  Pray that our plans for formal membership, our statement of beliefs, our constitution, and our covenant statement will all be done efficiently, but thoroughly yet simply.  Pray that all of this will be in perfect harmony with the purposes of God.  Pray especially that none of it ever becomes a piece of legalistic expectations that puts the church as a whole or individual members in spiritual bondage or restrictions.


+  Pray that the pastoral leadership team will faithfully adhere to our commitment that we will begin no ministry simply because it's a good idea, but only because the Lord has clearly given us that direction.  There is always pressure to "conform", to "copy", or to find ways to look busy.  We don't want that at KIBC.  We want to stay true to our purpose of reaching internationals by all means appropriate, planting churches in those various people groups within the city, and equipping leaders for those people groups.  Pray that we will have patience, wisdom, and courageous faith to obey the Lord, and be free from unrealistic expectations and outside pressures.




We know we sound like a broken record, but the fact remains that we could not do what we do if it were not for you and folks like you who believe in us, love us, pray for us, encourage us, and financially support us.  We pray that there will never be even one day when you feel insignificant to what we are doing.  We pray that you will never feel unappreciated or taken for granted.  Every day we are here, we are reminded of just how important the people holding the ropes are, and we thank God for you from the depths of our hearts.


Some have asked about our next trip back to the States.  We are already booked for December 14 to January 23rd.  (Praise God for free tickets because of our mileage travel.)  We will be speaking in two or three churches while there, and will spend time with our family over the Christmas holidays. 


In the meantime, please continue praying for us.  And DROP US A NOTE once in awhile!  We'd love to hear from you.


In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,


Bob and Jo Ann


The Tollivers

Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine

Kiev International Bible Church

Bob ----

Jo Ann ----

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