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Hope4KYIV #055 ---- 5/26/07

Posted by: prov2525 <prov2525@...>

Hope 4 KyivThe Monthly Praise and Prayer Letter Of
Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine

Number 055

Date 5/26/2007
Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Supporters:

Greetings from an extremely hot and humid Kiev! For the past several days we've
been running in the mid to upper 90's and next week promises to be even hotter
as this unusually hot May draws to a close. With no air conditioning, this heat
really saps our strength since there is no place or way to escape. Most days it
has been in the upper 80's inside our apartment, getting down at night to
perhaps the upper 70's at the lowest. You cannot escape even for temporary
relief. We sleep at night with two fans blowing directly on us. This, of
course, will make our Ukrainian friends be aghast in horror. We have thought of
filling the bathtubs with cold water and sitting in them for several hours at a
time. Today, the weather continues to be stifling hot, and the humidity has
risen as a result of a 4:00 am rain.

Unfortunately, we had some pictures with our letter, but ran into some type of
internet problem that refused to send our letter out.  So, Bob finally went to
webmail to send it, and that system rejected the pictures.  So, no pictures
today.  This is actually Bob's fifth attempt to send the letter to you.  We're
wondering if the problem may have to do with the political situation here at
the moment.  And, we make no guarantees regarding the format of this letter.
As we send it, it looks really wierd!

Quick Updates:

+ Jo Ann told Bob to not say anything that sounded like complaining (such as our
latest internet saga), so he won't. But, we thought we finally had a good
possibility for high speed internet, signed up, had the phone lines changed to
accommodate the service, tried it out, . . . and it worked!!! . . . for six
hours!!!. That was a week ago. After several days of waiting the company never
repaired the problem, so we decided to cancel the service. But, then, yesterday
(Friday) it began working again, and is still working as we write. We'll see how
long the service works. We really think it's the lines in the building. Jo Ann
can't get a connection on her computer yet, . .. . or so we thought. But, as she
was proof reading this letter, Bob turned her computer on and, . . . presto! . .
. . she has a connection! As our longtime friend, Luda, says, "It's a mystery."

In the process of changing the phone lines, three of our phones are unusable
because of the excruciating noises, and the other one has a constant hum .. . ..
and, to cap it off, we lost our digital setting and can only dial out the old
pulse system. Since the phone guy has been out in the village, and is now sick
since he got back, it will take several days for him to fix the problem.

+ Very Important! With all the internet providers installing extreme firewalls
and SPAM filters, you need to be sure that you have our e-mail addresses on
your "Approve" list with your ISP. Please put,,, and on
your "Approve" list. Yahoo is particularly bad about excessively blocking
legitimate e-mails. In fact, we recommend that if you have a Yahoo address, you
get a different one. They block most bulk mailing such as this one, and even
letters you're sending to more than just one person.

+ Our health has been better, although we both continue fighting our weight. Our
backs have not been so stressed since our return from Belgium, but we still find
ourselves going to bed too late and waking up too early as the sun breaks in on
our bedroom. It gets daylight here about 4:30 to 5:00 am and doesn't get dark
until close to 10:00 pm this time of year. Days will still get longer for
another four weeks.

+ The Shafer's (from YWAM) had a little baby girl about a week after our last
letter. They brought her to church last Sunday for the first time. What a joy
to now have another "first" at KIBC ---- our first baby! Everyone is doing
fine, and Brandon showed her off with great pride and joy last Sunday, lifting
her high in the air for everyone to see. The applause and cheering was

Current Happenings:
+  The big news right now is the renewed conflict in the political world of
Ukraine.  It's so confusing that we can't explain it.  Some days it all reminds
us of two bullies in the school yard.  But, there's no doubt that the tug of war
between pro-West and pro-Russia forces is intense.  The future of Ukraine to a
large extent rests in the outcome of this battle.  Last word we got this
evening is that both Yanukovich and Yushchenko have agreed in principle to a
probable September election . . . but even that's not definite.  In the
meantime the Constitutional Court has stopped deliberating on the issues after
Yushchenko fired more judges for their bias toward Yanukovich and for
proportedly taking bribes.  The contrast between America's democratic processes
and Ukraine's is remarkable.  Corruption in the millions of dollars, selling off
government properties and holdings for personal gain, doing favors, and all of
it being accepted by the people (not because they like it or agree with it but
because they have become fatalistic and feel there's nothing that can be done
about it).

+ Hey! We've begun creating a new photo website for KIBC! Go to and take a look. At
the moment we have only an album on Kiev's ancient history. However, it's
because if its history that we are there today. You can watch either as a slide
show, or just click on the first picture and then go to the next one. If you do
the slide show, you'll get only pictures and no narratives. By going to the
album directly and clicking on each picture, you'll learn some very interesting

We will compile at least three more albums, two of which we hope to complete
before heading back to the States. One will be about KIBC's beginnings, vision,
and strategy; one will be about life today at KIBC, and one will be about Kiev
today featuring some of the amazing sites of the city. Take a visit and then
tell us what you think.

+ On May 13th our church joined with Christ's Cathedral for a special worship
service and baptizing. Several hundred people attended. Following a wonderful
worship time with music in both Russian and English, Bob preached on "Baptism
---- A Testimony and A Test". People were very positive; Pastor Phillip from
the other church indicated he had never heard a message like that on baptism,
and that it had ministered to him in deep ways. Following the message, they
both baptized about twenty new believers. Bob baptized seven Chinese students.
It was an awesome time.

+ Tomorrow is international Global Day Of Prayer. Begun in 2001 in South Africa
this prayer strategy has grown to where tomorrow over 200 million Christians in
over 200 countries will be praying prayers of repentance, confession, praise,
and intercession for the nations of the world. We're really excited about our
meeting here; we're spending the entire service, apart from a short devotional
study, in praise, worship, and prayer. This will be the largest prayer
initiative in the history of the Church. We hope you will participate in some
way, and that your church is part of this. Go to for details.

+ Several of our key people are gone right now; At least six are already in the
States while others will be leaving around June 19th to 22nd. Others will leave
in the next three weeks. Our Children's Ministry Director, Deb Ash, will leave
permanently the end of June for a new assignment at the American Embassy in
Afghanistan. Our Worship Leader, Brent Holt, returns permanently to Missouri on
July 10th. Becky Jorash, one of our keyboard players, goes to Greenville, IL on
July 10th to attend college. Anywhere from three to five of our people are out
translating for missionaries and volunteer teams just about every week. Leo,
the leader of our Russian Bible study group is in the States working, actually
in Wisconsin Dells about five miles from where we used to live, until
September. So, Summer will see a significant change in our attendance and our
ministry load

+ For that reason, we will be returning to the States on June 19th for a
six-week stay to take care of some important matters around the house, take
care of some legal papers, get some medical tests and physical exams, and try
to see a few of our supporters. We'll finish the trip up by visiting Trinity
Baptist Church in Reedsburg to celebrate their 30th anniversary. Bob pastored
there from 1984 to 1993, and we lived in the area from 1984 until 1997. Then
we'll make a rush home to return to Kiev two days later, leaving on August 1st.

+ Our efforts to use some of our free airline miles ended up in chaos and
confusion when the airline we selected charged the tickets to our credit card.
By the time we got the problem solved, the free seats were taken up, so we
ended up with a $2,200 unexpected expense. For an airline as big and
international as it is, we're shocked that they apparently have no system in
place to notify a person by e-mail or web when his account has been corrected
or cleared. Deanna make numerous phone calls in our behalf trying to get things
worked out and finally just a little over a week ago was able to tell us the
status. But, . . no free seats. Oh, well . . . we'll use the free miles at
another time . . . IF we can get reservations from over here.

+ After just under a year of use, our printer quit, indicating one of the parts
had "used up it's service life" (whatever that means). Since it's almost
impossible to get something like that serviced, and the printer was not all
that valuable anyhow, the church bought its own. However, we've found that it
uses more ink, and most stores in Kiev don't carry much of a stock of ink
cartridges. Last week, for example, M. went to twelve different stores before
he finally found just One ink cartridge. Right now as we write, Bob is already
using up the last of M's cartridge he brought Wednesday, printing Sunday's
announcement sheets, praying that it will last until the printing is done.

+ The Pastoral Leadership Team has recognized that we need to go ahead with
purchasing a portable sound system that is easy to set up by just one or two
people. Our main system takes up to an hour and a half to set up, and there are
times when we don't have a big enough set-up team to get it done. So, because we
need a small system for movies anyhow, we're going ahead with that purchase. Bob
hopes to get that done next week so it can be tested out sufficiently before we
go to the States and before Brent returns to the States to stay. We're excited
about this because it will give us a quick way of showing movies without having
to pull out all the equipment from the other system that consists of 15 pieces
(seven are heavy!) plus all the mikes, stands, cords, and big "snake".

+ The Pastoral Leadership Team has expanded as we've added two more guys to it.
Jim Molloy is an American working at the U.S. Embassy as an attaché. He and
his family are faithful members who enrich our fellowship. Mohammad is one of
our earliest members, leads one of our language ministries, and will serve in
an "apprentice" role for a few months. These additions are important as we
prepare for Brent's departure back to the States in July. We will be adding
another one or two in the next several weeks.

+ We rejoice that, because of all the furniture we bought for the apartment when
we moved in, our rent is "paid in full" through February, 2009! The initial
$10,000 we paid up front expires the end of August, so having that wonderful
extension is a blessing beyond description. Pastor Phillip and the Christ's
Cathedral leadership have been most generous with us.

Now, you may ask just how long we plan to stay here.  We know you're wondering,
. . . and so are we!  Bob will be 70 next Spring, and we never expected to be
doing this type of thing at all, let alone at this stage of our lives.  Our
rent is paid through February, 2009, our passports and visas are good until
February, 2010, and our health continues to hold in spite of increased aches,
pains, and bulges.  But, who knows?  The Lord might call us back to the States
this year.  All we know is that we're having the time of our lives in ministry,
we love the people dearly, God gives us grace to put up with the many
inconveniences and frustrations of living in a different culture, and we think
the people still love us.  All we can tell you is that, as soon as the Lord
lets Us know, we'll let You know.

+ Last Sunday was an amazing day in several ways, but one of the most
significant was when an American guy, Jeff, from the Atlanta area, paid us a
visit with his wife. Jeff is founder and president of "Global Baseball", an
organization that uses baseball internationally as a means of sharing the
Gospel. He's been vitally involved with Fellowship of Christian Athletes and
other organizations, and has close friendships with a number of professional
players. He played baseball at the University of Illinois in Champaign/Urbana.
Since we feel the Lord leading us to develop a sports evangelism ministry, we
were both very interested in having that exciting discussion. But, . . . that's
not all.

We also discovered that his ministry has taken him extensively to Cuba where he
has had extraordinary opportunity . . . and freedom . . . to share the Gospel.
As they go into the area for sports, they also take lots of humanitarian aid.
Because of his servant spirit and integrity, God has given him favor with
people in high places. He has no problem whatsoever going into the country,
working with a network of house churches, and openly sharing the Gospel. After
working for several months with him in various projects, he had the privilege
of leading Castro's youngest son to Christ. Amazing! Since we have our Spanish
ministry, Bob felt it important that Jeff meet the pastor of our Spanish work,
Raidel, . . . especially since he's Cuban, plays baseball, and is a member of
the Ukrainian National Baseball team. Jeff jumped at the chance, they spent a
couple of hours together Sunday night, and the pieces are now falling into
place for a future sports evangelism ministry. But, . . . that's not all!

Not only is Jeff a baseball player, not only does he do sports evangelism, not
only does he do humanitarian aid, and not only does he speak Spanish, but . . .
he's also a messianic Jew! Two months ago the Lord put it our hearts and also in
the hearts of several of our members that we needed to begin ministering to the
Jewish community in Kiev, now numbering well over 150,000. If you recall, at
one time nearly 400,000 Jews lived in Kiev prior to World War II. In October,
1941, 37,000 were executed by the Nazi army, and over one million were killed
in Ukraine by the time the war ended. Ukraine has had a strong Jewish
population for centuries. If we can minister to them in practical ways, help
many of them get back to Israel (fulfilling Bible prophecy), and help them
consider the fact that their Messiah has already come and is waiting for them,
we believe God will honor that work. They are still the apple of His eye, and
He still holds to the promise that the people who honor and bless Israel will
also honor and bless Him, and He will, in turn, honor and bless them.

So, to quote one of our students, . . . "Isn't all that just absolutely awesome,
or what!" Only God could pull something off like this. He keeps on opening and
closing doors as He leads us step by step into the destiny He has set for KIBC.
And, what a joy it is to not have to be dragging an enormous and cumbersome
burden of organizational structure, fruitless activities, and packed calendar!

Upcoming Events:

+ We're in the process of looking for a new worship leader since Brent returns
to the States July 10th. Nothing is definite, but it appears a man possibly
moving from Cairo, Egypt to Kiev has the experience and range of knowledge and
skill we need. We'll see what happens. It's obviously a matter for prayer. The
Pastoral Leadership Team recently created a guideline for what we need in a
worship leader as we continue cranking things up a notch to a higher level. We
can't say enough about Brent; he did everything we asked, everything we needed,
and more. We're going to miss him terribly.

+ The Franklin Graham Festival is scheduled for July 5-8. Even though the two of
us will be in the States, we have some of our people serving as counselors, and
we're encouraging all to take unsaved friends to the services. An All-Ukraine
mass choir will sing each evening, hundreds of churches are participating, and
extensive work has been done in training counselors. It will probably be the
largest evangelistic effort held in Kiev in the past five to ten years at least
. .. . maybe longer.

+ Trinity Baptist Church in Reedsburg where we ministered from 1984 to 1993 and
where we lived until 1997, is celebrating its 30th anniversary the last
week-end of July. They have invited all former pastors back for the reunion
(all three of us!) to celebrate. It will be our privilege to try to make that
event; we have many dear friends in Reedsburg and surrounding areas, and hope
to see them all. We'll return from that week-end on a Monday and fly back to
Kiev the following Wednesday, August 1st.

+ Praying, discussing, and planning will be the order of the day for the next
two to three months while Summer vacations, mission/ministry trips, or
stateside assignments slow us down. So, our schedule will be pretty basic ----
maintain our Sunday activities, Bible study groups, and our Timothy and Esther
Fellowship groups. But, nothing new will be planned for Summer months. During
this time we will be discussing and planning serious ministries that we will
begin initiating in September. For example, Bob is finally going to begin his
evangelistic Bible study sometime after we return from the States the first of

Prayer Requests:

+ Pray for Ukraine. A recent report indicated that Ukrainians are generally more
interested in political processes than other Europeans, but that they are less
involved. That's probably because of the sense of futility that often rises
after the political leaders can work months on end and come up with no
solution. This is happening again as both major factions try to intimidate,
threaten, and then wait each other out. Pray that the people here will get
actively involved in the political process. Democracy doesn't work if people
don't. Pray that Christians will get involved and be salt and light in that
arena. Pray that the people will insist on honesty, justice, and cooperation.
Pray that today's crisis will be resolved.  Pray that the citizens of Ukraine
will take a stand and begin to participate proactively in the political

+ Pray for KIBC leadership as we restructure ourselves and as we seek the Lord's
leadership for the future. And, in all seriousness, we do indeed have to look at
our own age and health and realize that someday it will be time for us to return
to the States. So, pray for the leadership as we not only plan for the immediate
future, but begin seeking the will of the Lord as it pertains to the time when
our role as senior pastor and wife should come to an end. This church is so
unique that we cannot afford to allow a long period of time between senior
pastors transpire.

+ Pray for the possibility of sports evangelism and ministry to the Jewish
people. With these recent developments, there's no telling where the Lord may
lead us. Pray that we'll know beyond doubt exactly what He wants us to do.

+ Pray for M. and his wife as they continue seeking direction concerning his
passport. They have found that the process is definitely legal, and it can be
done. Pray that God provides the funding as well. We still need three to four
thousand dollars to cover all the costs for them. Also, pray for them both as
they continue leading our Persian ministry.

+ Pray for H. and others who have been intimidated by statements from countrymen
implying danger to those who abandon Islam and blaspheme Allah by converting to
Christianity. We expected this, but it grieves us because some of these who
have dropped out are brand new believers who need the fellowship and

+ Pray for Pastor Feng as he continues leading the Chinese both here and in
Odessa. This group is growing rapidly and is having people come to Christ
almost weekly. Pray that the group will be bold in their witness, faithful in
their service, and available for deep leadership training by Pastor Feng,
Louis, and others. Pray for Pastor Feng's financial needs. He and his wife need
about $1,000 a month to sustain them, but currently are receiving only about
$300 a month. Pray that some in America would like to help support them.

+ Pray for Phillip Barnett as he has his first doctor's appointment in the
States this Monday. Pray that treatment will come quickly and that recovery
will be rapid. Pray for wife Masha and the two children, as well as for
Phillip's mother with whom they are staying in Tulsa.

+ Pray for us as we prepare for our trip to the States in a little over three
weeks. There is much to be done both personally and in preparing the people for
various responsibilities normally falling to us. Pray that we can get the
medical, legal, and practical projects done while we're home. Pray that we can
get appointments with our family doctor for routine things, and that if we need
additional tests, we can get them all done in quick order since we're only home
for six weeks.

+ Pray for our children and their families. All of them are in one way or
another going through their own sets of challenges and struggles. Sometimes
it's ministry related, sometimes it's financial, sometimes it's family issues.
The Lord knows the needs, and He will direct you as to how to pray for them.
Most people don't think about the families of missionaries, but they endure
hardship and suffer along with us. Because of distance, absence, and limited
resources, we are often unable to be there for them as they would like. We know
they understand, and they support us; but that doesn't change their own
challenges that are sometimes magnified because of our absence.

+ Pray that we can maintain a strong support base of "gate keepers" in the
States who take care of many tasks and responsibilities in our behalf. These
are unsung heroes who are as much a part of our ministry as any other person or
church. They're the ones who keep the grass mowed, keep the house cleaned, take
care of our mail and our bills, coordinate the "snail mail" printing of our
letters, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Praise God for them, and pray that
we will return in August with an equally strong team of "gate keepers".

+ Pray that we can increase our monthly support base.There always seems to be an
attrition process that accompanies every ministry. Familiarity sometimes leads
to losing the vision, or just not feeling as connected as at the beginning.
It's part of human nature. While our daily needs are generally covered, we're
spending several thousand dollars a year out of Bob's father's estate to cover
things such as insurance, plane tickets, etc. Bob's Medicare will not cover him
outside the United States, and this type of insurance is very expensive. So,
pray that the Lord will add more folks to undergird us first in prayer and then

+ Pray for all of us at KIBC as we face the continued spiritual oppression and
darkness that covers this place. It is a wearying battle at times . . . so
daily. The pressure and resistance never lets up, and sometimes it intensifies.
We desperately, above everything else, need warrior intercessors who will stand
in the gap in our behalf. The battles and challenges in the visible realm are
usually present because of the battles and attacks in the spirit world.


Thank you again, dear friends and family, for standing with us as part of the
team. We never take you for granted, and constantly thank God for you. There is
no such thing as an insignificant person on our team. We're grateful for you,
and grateful to you. We hope to see many of you while we're back in the States
. . . at least those in southwest Missouri and along the way on our trip to

In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom

Bob and Jo Ann

Your Missionaries to Kiev

Bob Tolliver

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