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HOPE4KYIV #056B ---- 7/2/07

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Special Edition of

Hope 4 Kyiv

The Monthly Praise and Prayer Letter Of

Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine


Number 056B

July 2, 2007

Just today w received the following reports from some of our leaders at KIBC.
The first is from a mutual friend concerning our dear friend, F., for whom we asked you to remember as he visited his homeland.  We are amazed at his great courage and strength.  As you can imagine, it is imperative that we talk to our superior (yarp) about him often.
Here's the report:
Dear brothers,
I decided to send an update on F status in my country so that we can all keep him in P. The very next day he got there, he showed his family some of the DVDs on why I.... isn't a true religion. He copied those DVDs from Pastor B's DVD series about I....
Then he sent me an SMS the next day that he's started sharing with his family. He patiently took time to explain  to his father . Since his father is a real educated and a respected man, he didn't argue with him, he expressed that all religions lead to one God and it doesn't matter which one you choose. But F continued explaining to him and he's agreed to read the B. Then he has talked to his mother and sister accordingly.
He then went to his maternal uncles homes and shared with them. He let us know every time he was arguing with them with a SMS and we kept p'ing for him. He also went to his paternal uncles and shared with them.
The exciting story was with her 80 some years old grandma. She became furious when she heard about the Good News and called him an Infidel!
The very last update I heard from him is that his  some of his cousins and his aunt are willing to read the B. They are excited to hear about the good news!
He's planning to share with some his friends soon.
Please keep him in your P and specially P for the anointing of H.S to be upon him as he goes around different placed to share. We've been worrying about his safety there, but we're sure that G is going to take care of him.
I'll keep you informed.
This is a very dangerous thing F. is doing.  Frankly, we have been amazed at his growth, his wisdom, and his courage from the moment of his S.  Almost every person we know like this demonstrates the same.  They put most western C's to shame.  As M. said to me one day, "I'm p'ing for 1,000 young men here to get s'd and go back to their homeland, because they're not afraid to die."  We shudder to think how most of us would respond.
In addition, we received word this morning that Pastor Feng, our Chinese pastor, is returning to China for a few weeks.  They have been under intense harassment and financial stress.  Here is a note Bob received this morning from Louis, one of our key leaders in the Chinese church.  Louis is Chinese, lived in America several years, fluent in English, an excellent translator, and teacher of English and Chinese to business and industry personnel in Kiev.
Here is Louis' report:
Pastor Feng asked me to thank you and Joanne for your prayer support. He is leaving on the 18th of this month. He and his wife just want to get some time off to rest and reflect on their work in Ukraine. With all the unpleasant things having happened to them, they felt that they need a change of environment to heal fully.

Pastor Feng has asked me to lead the group while he is gone. This past Sunday we had nine people. Lots of students have already gone home. I plan to merge the Chinese service with the English one. I can translate during the service. I will also lead a weekly Bible study in Chinese.

Like you we also strongly believe in the Chinese ministry. Circumstances change, but the work should go on.

You can tell from both reports that these language ministries are strong, they are effective, they are under constant attack, and they desperately need our support, both in prayer and in finances.  We cannot stress enough just how strategic these KIBC ministries are at this time.  And, we cannot stress enough just how important your personal involvement is as well.
Please feel free to write to us about these areas if you have any thoughts or any desires to be involved in practical ways.
In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
Missionaries in Kiev, Ukraine

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