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Hope4Kyiv #057 ---- 7/31/07

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>


Hope 4 Kyiv

The Monthly Praise and Prayer Letter Of

Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine


                   Number 057

                  July 31, 2007


Dear Friends, In-Pact Partners, and Family:


Well, even though we have spent it all in the States, this month has turned out to be one of the most memorable in recent memory.  So, let's get caught up.


A Very Special Letter:


This letter to you is a very special one because it contains two personal reports of amazing things God has done even during our stay in the States.  So, even if you skip some of the update and other sections, be sure to read the "Really Big Stuff" section.  We continue standing in awe at things that happen as a result of seemingly impossible circumstances.  Our God is truly an Awesome God.


A Big Blunder:


It was not until two weeks ago that we discovered those who get our letters by regular mail had not heard anything from us since last November or December.  We were completely stunned.  Apparently, due to a computer change or a change of internet service providers (we still don't know which), the mailing service responsible for printing and mailing our "snail mail" letters either lost our list or stopped receiving our letters (again, we still don't know which).


Anyhow, he feels terrible, and I think has already sent out our last letter to everyone, albeit a bit late.  However, he may not have current addresses, so please notify us if the address needs to be updated.  In spite of the resumption, that still leaves six months of blank spaces where some don't know what's been going on. And, it has been plenty!


So, here is a very brief recap of just the highlights. We don't dare share everything, but here are just a sampling of many wonderful things that took place.


So Far in 2007:


+  January ---- The ice storms cancelled most of our speaking engagements while we were in the States, and we returned to Kiev near the end of the month.  Bob spoke effectively at the Missouri State Evangelism Conference just before we left, and received many positive responses to his message.  The Persian ministry continued to grow.  The Chinese Christmas concert saw several salvations.  One of our partnership churches did not renew their financial partnership with us, and the effect has been felt.  However, many in the church continue giving faithfully.  Attendance at KIBC began to grow following the holidays.


+  February ---- Translations of fourteen Bible study booklets into Russian, Ukrainian, and Farsi were completed.  Attendance continued to climb.  We called Pastor Feng to lead a new Chinese ministry, it officially began on February 25th, and they had two adult men saved in their first Sunday service.  We were able to purchase a new 14' projection screen for our sanctuary.  A Persian young lady came to Christ.  Our Persian leader continued to have health problems as well as difficulties with his needed documents.  We chose "The Alpha Course" and "From Creation To Christ" study from New Tribes Mission as two primary foundation curriculum materials to be used in all of our language groups.  We had a major five-week focus on biblical stewardship called "The Blessed Life", and it revolutionized the thinking of our entire congregation.


+  March ---- We attended a Leadership retreat in Garmisch, Germany where Phil Waldrep, Jim Henry, and others were keynote speakers.  It was all a gift from Phil's ministry to pastors and wives in the IBC.  Attendance in church continued to increase weekly with new faces almost every service.  The Persian ministry began a new Sunday afternoon Bible study using the "Alpha Course" material.  Several people have come to Christ in our various groups.  The Spanish group continued to minister at an orphanage of disabled children in central Ukraine.  Richard and Stephanie Blake arrived to spend three weeks with us ministering.  It was a productive time.


+  April ---- Translation of more material into Farsi, Spanish, and Russian continued.  The Sunday afternoon young adult lunch Jo Ann cooks for each week saw as many as 25 stay for lunch.  It's a great time.  Several more indicated a desire to join KIBC as members.  KIBC received its first baby, a little girl, as the Shafers, one of our missionary couples from YWAM gave birth. 


+  May ---- Tom and Tim Stevens came to visit us in Kiev before Tom returned to Missouri to begin teaching at SBU in Bolivar, MO this Fall.  We enjoyed an awesome joint service with Christ's Cathedral Church one Sunday.  Bob preached on "Baptism: A Testimony and a Test".  He then baptized seven Chinese students.  A week later Pastor Feng baptized fourteen more in the city of Odessa.  We observed the Global Day of Prayer with a powerful Spirit-anointed service.  Several of our missionary families began departing for the States and were gone several weeks/months.  Our own attempts to use our free airline miles for our June trip ended up a failure because of a foul-up and long "feet dragging" by the airline company. 


+  June ---- You got that information.


Current Update:


With that behind us, here's what's happened this month both here in the States and in Kiev.


+  Both of us had good physical exams including blood work and other things.  Both results were excellent.  Jo Ann says Bob's stats were so good they were aggravating.  She always struggles with blood pressure and cholesterol, but Bob doesn't with either.  The one bad thing is that a sore on Jo Ann's ear that had not healed for almost a year turned out to be Basal Cell Carcinoma.  Fortunately, it was not cancerous, so she just had it frozen off with liquid nitrogen, and we have delayed our return to Kiev just one week.  We will leave August 7th instead of August 1st.


+  Phillip Barnett, pastor of the host Christ's Cathedral Church in whose building we meet, returned to the States for possible heart and cancer surgeries.  Part of the surgery was performed, but Phillip still has serious heart problems that will probably result in more surgery and a pace maker.  A letter yesterday indicated they are back in Ukraine, doing well, but still facing challenges in days ahead.  We join them in continuing to pray for complete healing.


+  Our automotive challenges didn't end with just the fire in the Town Car on June 19th, as we wrote previously.  All told, we took the two cars in six times for various expensive repairs and corrections, the most recent of which was last Friday in Wisconsin Dells when the Right front brakes locked and began smoking, as was the case on June 19th with the Left front brakes.  Fortunately we caught it before it burst into flames, and were miraculously led to a nearby mechanic.  It turned out to be a guy we had used for several years while living in Wisconsin.  Repairs could not be completed until Monday (July 30th), so we were a day late returning from that trip. Through it all, we were safe, no major breakdowns, and the Lord provided for our needs. 


+  That trip was, of course, to help Trinity Church in Reedsburg celebrate its 30th anniversary.  It turned out to be one of the most refreshing, restoring, and wonderful experiences we've had in years as we renewed fellowship with so many people we had known and loved since 1984 when we first arrived to pastor the church.  Space won't allow us to tell you all the great blessings, but it was truly wonderful.  We led a worship segment of old 1980's and 1990's worship songs on Saturday night.  Sunday morning Bob shared a ten minute testimony, and that afternoon following a humongous dinner, we showed a PowerPoint presentation of our work at KIBC.  About 100 people stayed to watch it.  While there, we also spent time with Leo and Zhanna from our church in Kiev.  They are students working in Wisconsin Dells for the Summer.


+  Most of our immediate family and kids spent time with us at our home in Collins the week of July 15th.  Cindy's were home from the mission field for a conference, and were able to spend about six or seven days with us.  Cheri's came from St. Paul for about four days.  Only Seriozha and Anya came with them.  Deanna's were here for about five.  Debbie's and her girls didn't come.


+  Our worship leader, Brent, has returned to the States and will be enrolling in the International House of Prayer's Music/Worship school of ministry.  We are currently without an official worship leader.  We thought we had a possible one coming from Egypt, but his company changed his plans, and he will not be coming at this time.  "M" and Emily are partnering while we're gone to keep things going, and we'll tackle that area soon after we return to Kiev.


+  A few weeks ago five new believers from a Muslim country contacted our leadership in Kiev about being baptized, and rode an overnight train to Kiev just so they could be baptized.  Stan baptized them in the bathtub in our apartment.  We are developing a strong link between the two groups, just as we are in the Chinese work.  We are amazed at how God is expanding our language ministries beyond the city of Kiev already.


+  We are anticipating some ministry revision in several areas as we take the next step in KIBC's life.  September 2nd will be our Second Anniversary as a church, and as we continue planning for the future, we know some changes need to be made in a couple of areas, and we also feel strongly that it's time to begin three or four new ministries.  Our Timothy and Esther Fellowship groups will be by invitation only beginning in September.  In the past we had too many who came and went without really plugging in to the real purpose of these groups . . . training and equipping leaders. 


We will also probably make some revisions in our worship services as well as take the next step forward with our worship team (awesome young people!).  The Persian ministry will expand by offering training classes in English and in Mathematics as a means of establishing relationships with more Persians in the city.  This will lead them into Bible study groups.  The Persian ministry also has developed its own website already up and running.  We are trying to build a financial support base for our Chinese Pastor Feng; he is in dire need of substantial financial support since he has none whatsoever other than a small amount from KIBC, some that is provided by a few contributors through us, and then the local Chinese people who generally can only provide him things like food.


New ministries will hopefully include . . .

    >  Beginning an evangelistic English language Bible study in September,

    >  The development of KIBC Family Circle groups and Prayer Walking teams,

    >  The possible partnership with a major orphanage ministry in L'viv (western Ukraine),

    >  The possible partnership with a "half-way house" ministry to street teens in Kiev,

    >  The development of a strategic ministry of love to the Jewish community,

    >  The possible development of a comprehensive evangelistic sports program,

    >  More active involvement with the Spanish church in ministering to an orphanage for physically and mentally handicapped children in central Ukraine,

    >  The establishment of a major portion of our church's offerings directly to missions,

    >  The creation of a church media library and resource center,

    >  Expanded use of volunteer groups and individuals,

    >  The need for several individuals to come and help us by providing leadership and direction in some of the above-mentioned areas.


As you can see, we have a very full plate for this Fall.


+  We have had at least a little time to get some important things done around the house, even though the two main things we wanted to do were not accomplished.  We got lots of "stuff" moved out of a couple of storage rooms out into the garage.  We're currently crossing our fingers regarding our refrigerator.  Water has been leaking into the freezer compartment, and we're not certain what is causing it.  We've turned off the water to our ice maker, so will see what happens the few remaining days we have here in the States.


Really Big Stuff:


During the past two weeks, we have received two astounding reports we want to share with you from two of our Persian young men.  These reports are characteristic of how God is at work in the people of KIBC.  Obviously we have edited them for anonymity and brevity.  But, read on . . . you will be blessed.  The first is from "F" who is currently in his home country.  The second, from "M" relates to something that happened in Kiev.


+  From "F" ----

Hi Pastor Bob,
This is a Hi from shiny & hot (location of town).  I miss you so much because after being a christian, this time was so long that i didn't see you and JoAnn. You are my parents in Kiev.  😉  At the first minutes of seeing my family in the way back from airport,I talked about you and How lovely a man can be and my father,mother and my uncles were so excited, listening these.
In the car i talked a lot about our company in Kiev and attending in Kiev and having true christian friends who i hadn't the previous year.  Even in the car i start talking about Islam to my uncle who has no specific faith,and i told him that how childish and wrong is what is Islam want to impose us and he was totally agree with me.  My last 3 uncles(3 youngest) are against Islam teaching and our conversations before i came to Kiev was about that.They are always ready for plotical debates and talking about how wrong Islam is.
So i used this to begin talking more about what i recently believe.I used you and Paul as examples that man can have relationship with God,I told them that I know these friends have God in their daily life and they are true christians and they help me to know more about true christianity NOT what Islam says about it.
Before dinner, in my uncle's, I finally begin to introduce the alternative way to have God in our life. My family and relatives always want to talk bad about Islam-How wrong it is,and how could some people accept this-and they never have looked for an alternative. I stoped them in the middle because they were ready to talk about islam for the whole night. so i said to them that I think what (his nationality's people) need is knowing about christianity which is totally right and has power to make the people free.  I told them that Jesus has come to forgive our sins and why Bible is True and not changed. I told them about having "Personal Relationship" with God and it's possible through Jesus,they just listened and have nothing to talk or oppose to me. I told them that we knew that Islam is not reliable,so IF we are looking for having relation with God this is a way.  It was near serving dinner so our conversation finished without any opposition 😉
In days after that My father explained me about how dangerous is talking about my Ideas in public and these things and i made him sure that i'm careful about everything.  He said that you have Modern thoughts that these ordinary people cannot accept it, He said that your sayings are Good.
After that i had Eye problem and operation(on my eyelids) so had less time to talk.I presented my father English Bible and my sister and Aunt a persian Bible.
Almost most of my relatives knew that i believe in Jesus but my Sister is more advanced,i mean she has read John in first day and Roman the day after that. I invited her to a cafe and talked to her and she was totally agree with that,so she started to read the bible. Although i told her that it need more thinking and you shouldn't be fast,she was so fast!!  I think at this moment she beilive but it's time for her to RECIEVE.
so I connected her to Paul and Taniya whom my sister Soheila really Love them.  I think that the first person to accept Lord to work in her life should be my sister.
My parents still belive that every religion are true and they are ways for people to come to God,They are not Muslem but they need time to put their trust in Jesus. Please keep in you praying my parents and my sister as well as my relatives and Me. My parents know you and respect you and love you,so do I.
I miss you and waiting for Augest 10th when I'm going to come back to Kiev. Hope you and Joann had wonderful time in US and pray for you to have a safe trip and happiness and health.


+  From "M" ----

I am taking the liberty of sending you a little note of encouragement of what our Lord has been doing here in Kiev.  What I'm going to share with you was a great lesson for us as we saw Romans 8:28, the precious promise of our Lord fulfilled again.


The story started about 3 weeks ago, while my "brother" from Lebanon was passing through a subway and the Spirit prompts him to share the Good News with two old ladies that have been trying to sell some flowers.  While he was sharing with them, a Ukrainian guy approaches, and looks at them furiously and then walks away.


A few minutes later, he intends to leave the old ladies, and one of them advises him, "Son, be careful, they are dangerous people out there.  So don't walk alone in the evening..  And my "brother" answers back, "My Lord takes care of me granny."  He buys some flower from them and walks away.


After a few steps, he hears few men running toward him and shouting out loud.  He sais, "I thought they were going to a football match or they have just left a stadium."  As soon as approaching my "brother", those 4 men starting speaking him in Russian language.  The last phrase they say is, "we hate you foreigners."  They start beating him up.  Those two ladies that he's been witnessing to, were watching the scene and shouting for help, but no one would come up to help him out.  He says, "My feet went numb and muscles became weak, I was shouting the name of Jesus."  Miraculously, he slpis off from their hands and runs away, leaving behind his bag pack along with his digital camera, his English Bible and an umbrella.  He says, "After walking out of the subway with bloody face, I intended to go back to pick up my bag pack, but Spirit told me not to, and I walked away to my dorm." 


I didn't kow about the story until aboutr 4 days later, when one of his friends from dorm came to my Bible study group, and told me about it.  I was shocked and upset that why he hasn't called me and asked my help.  We all prayed for him that day.  I remember one of my "sisters" saying what this happened to him?  Why did God allow such a terrible incident?  What immediately came to my mind was Romans 8;28, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who love according to His purpose." 


Frankly speaking, it was difficult for me to comprehend how God is going to use this incident for His glory, and how it turns out to my brother's good…


Few days later, my wife Ira receives a phone call from the lawyer we've been applying to.  As you know, we applied to a Jewish lawyer (at least he called himself a Jew) that had promised us to help me with my passport situation, but broke his promise by almost doubling the price of the case. We had, therefore, refused to apply to him and withdrew our case. He was a very powerful and proud man that had many key contacts in the government. Any time we went to his office, he treated us as a high Cast treats a low Cast in India!  Ira and I were diligently praying for him, and were looking for a way to witness to him.


Any way, back to the story, Ira answers the phone and on the other side, there is this lawyer talking to her. He asks, "I wonder if your husband, or one of his acquainted has lost a bag pack, along with a Digital camera, an English Bible, and an umbrella?"  Ira jumps up and tells him with excitement that those things belong to one of our best friends. 


Ira arranged an appointment with him on the next day, so that me and my "brother" could go to him and take the bag pack back.


We went to him on the next day in the evening. Seeing us from the window of the office, he ran to the door and opened it for us, and asked us to seat on the chair. I was surprised why he became so friendly!  He gave my "brother's" bag pack to him, and said, "You know, I was thinking to myself it all should be God ordained thing!  Two days ago an old lady called me and told me that she has found my visit card inside a bag pack that belongs to a man with black hair. She said that she hid his bag pack after four guys had beaten him, and had run away. She came up to my office and gave me the bag pack. After receiving the bag pack, a voice told me to call Ira and her husband, and inquire about this issue. I don't know why I had on my mind, but I was sure that I have to call them. Then I though to myself, that I have already thrown their phone numbers away, but while walking up and down the office, I found that piece of paper on which I had written their phone numbers next to the garbage bin. Apparently I had tried to throw it away, but it fell of not into the garbage bin, but next to it on the ground. So I called Ira and found out that it belongs to one of her friends. I'm thinking this is an unusual story!!!"


We started witnessing to him. That proud, heart-hardened man, had become so open to hear the good news. We witnessed to him for about 45 minutes. We had a walk with him outside. He said that he's an Orthodox Jew, but hasn't been living a good life. He says that he's life is full of sin and that if he dies tonight, he doesn't know where he would end up in. We told him that today about the Rev 3:20; and that today is the day that Jesus is standing at the door of his heart and knocking. At the end of our conversation, He asked us the address of the church we attend, and told us that he would like to come and get to know us better.


Meanwhile, by the time my "brother" got his bag pack back, God had already put into the heart of one his Christian friends to buy him a Digital camera. So now he has two good cameras, two umbrellas and his favorite bag pack!!!


Now I understand how our God can get the glory through different circumstances of our lives, when we stand steadfast on our faith, and wait on Him as he reveals his love and will gradually…


"Oh, the depths of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgment, and His paths beyond tracing out! Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been His counselor? Who has ever given to God that God should repay Him? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever, Amen." Rom 11:33-36


Be blessed!

Your brother,



Prayer Requests:


We hope you are as amazed at these two stories as we are ---- "Always amazed, but never surprised!"  Obviously our hearts are thrilled with these two events, and we truly believe God will draw people to Christ as a result of what has been happening.  So, along with other requests, please pray for . . .


+  "F" and his family, many of whom are seriously considering his testimony of the reality of Christ.  And "M" as he and his wife follow up with the Jewish attorney.  Pray that he attends services, comes to accept Christ, and perhaps may be again able to help "M" get his permanent Ukrainian passport.


+  Pastor Phillip as he addresses the issues of his health.  He is a strategic spiritual "mover and shaker" in kingdom work in Kiev.  His health affects many people, including all of us at KIBC.


+  Trinity Church in Reedsburg as they continue to grow and become more and more "global" in their view of the Gospel and the mission of the church.   Pray for Mike and Angi who lead the church.  Pray for Ben and his family as he continues to experience God's healing presence and translates that into praise and worship that is more pure every day.  Pray for the elders of the church as they lead as a team in motivating the church into greater evangelism and missions.


+  For the two of us as we prepare these remaining few days to return to Kiev.  We are anxious to get there.  Pray for Jo Ann's treatment on the ear to be completely successful and for healing to come quickly.  Pray for Bob as he discerns the Lord's will regarding an invitation to teach on Mentoring at one of the seminaries in September and October.  Pray for us as we try to get Bob's Medicare coverage updated and as we make decisions regarding the type of insurance Bob needs to cover overseas since Medicare doesn't cover him.


+  Pray for the Pastoral Leadership Team (Bob, Jim, Vitaliy, "M", and Stan) as we prepare to "re-unite" after lots of travel by three of us.  Pray that we all have wisdom to initiate some strategic and exciting ministries in the next several weeks.


+  Pray for financial support for Pastor Feng, who so desperately needs it, and who so passionately loves the Chinese people living in Kiev.  This can be a monumental ministry in reaching the 13,000 or more Chinese people living in the city.  Most of them will return to China someday; how wonderful to think that many could go back as trained and equipped evangelists.


+  Pray for our own personal financial support, which still runs about $600 a month below what it should.


+  Pray for the development of an official website both for KIBC and also for Life Unlimited Ministries.  We need both . . . last year!


+  Pray for God's purposes to be clear regarding the above future ministries we described.




Dear friends and family!  These are amazing days, and our excitement constantly over rules our weariness.  When we think of quitting what we're doing, or of retiring, the idea is unthinkable.  Frankly, we have difficulty sometimes wondering how people in the Gospel ministry can "retire".  At the same time, we know that someday we'll have to face that.  Bob will be 70 next Spring, but the idea of spending our time sitting around trying to work with churches who have lost their vision and sense of purpose years ago is something that makes us shudder.  How long we'll keep doing this, we simply don't know.  But, as long as we have the energy, your prayer support, and the financial resources from God's people, we'll keep at it . . . until the Lord says it's time to leave home and go back to Collins.


Hopefully you see just how important your intercession in our behalf really is.  It is indispensable.


Be encouraged by our report . . . encouraged to praise . . . encouraged to intercede . . . encouraged to give . . . encouraged to tell . . . encouraged to go!


With All our Love, and In His Great Grace,


Bob and Jo Ann

The Tolliver's
Bob's E-mail

Jo Ann's E-mail ----

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