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Hope4Kyiv #071 ---- 9/30/08

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>


Hope 4 Kyiv

  Monthly Praise and Prayer Letter Of

     Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

   Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine


                    Number #071

               September 30, 2008


Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:


Wow!  What a week!  What a month!  The signs of Christ's return just get stronger and stronger.  We are indeed living in the most challenging and uncertain time of human history.  And, yet, for those of us who trust in Christ, our Rock is as solid as ever, our needs are guaranteed to be met, and our future is as glorious as ever.  So, . . . we really hope you are not stressed out over what's been going on, whether it's global, national, or personal.


We've been back home in Kyiv now for just over a month, but it seems much longer.  We've experienced a number of events and faced a number of circumstances that got up and running again after three months in the States.




Medicare Waver ---- It looks like Bob did get some type of relief on the extra penalty for his Part B Medicare payments, but we don't think it was as much as we had hoped for.  He did get a small check last month in addition to his regular check, but we're waiting to see what the amount will be this month.


Construction work ---- The work on the hospital building behind us continues at a slow and quiet pace, though nothing more has been done on the building immediately behind us.  Just more weeds and trash.  The main building now appears to be "topping off" at about 25 stories, as you can see below.  We still find it hard to believe that this building rests on large pre-formed slabs of concrete, has no apparent steel superstructure that we have seen, and consists of individual slabs of concrete linked together by reinforcement bar welded or bolted together. 


Married Again ---- Last Saturday we had the joy of attending Joel's and Ira's Ukrainian wedding ceremony.  After being stuck in absolutely indescribable traffic for over two hours with cars actually traveling on sidewalks and grass where traffic isn't supposed to drive, we arrived at the church more than an hour late only to discover that everyone had been stuck, including the wedding party.  So, the ceremony began two hours late.  That meant that the reception began three hours late.  Even by Ukrainian standards, that is unbelievable.  An hour late, probable.  But, two or three hours? 


As you remember, Joel and Ira were legally married in the States back in the Summer, but had waited to set up house keeping until they had a ceremony in Ukraine for Ira's family.  Now, they are honeymooning somewhere.  They are an extraordinary couple.  Joel is a missionary kid raised much of his life in a Latin American country.  His first wife died of cancer after just a few years of marriage.  Soon thereafter, he came to Kyiv where he has been involved in training church leaders and also helping with our Spanish church.  He speaks fluent Spanish.  Ira's father and several uncles are Ukrainian pastors.  She speaks fluent English in addition to Russian and Ukrainian.  We met her when she translated for Bob when he taught at St. James Bible College.  The two of them actually met in our old apartment in July, 2003, when we had an informational meeting to discuss the possibility of starting Kiev International Bible Church.  Their initial assessment of each other wasn't all that great, but through a series of events over time, it became clear to us, and finally to them, that this was a marriage ordained of God.  We are so thankful for them.




What's Been Happening:


Third Anniversary ---- It's hard to believe that KIBC is now three years old.  God has blessed abundantly during those three years, far beyond what we could have ever imagined for a work begun as an international work designed to reach the nations living in Kyiv.  Ministries in seven languages, intense leadership development, evangelism training, ministry to students, ministries that have extended to other cities in the country, and more than 150 people (mostly Persian and Chinese) have come to Christ.  Even more amazing, many of our people have left us as God has taken them to other places.  Today, for example, we have former KIBC members serving the Lord in other Kyiv churches, in L'viv, in Kharkiv, and in several other towns and villages throughout the country.  In addition, we have former members in Canada, the U.S., China, Afghanistan, Sweden, Norway, and other countries. 


Our celebration this time featured numerous testimonies by people from some of our various ministries.  Elena (Helen) was the first person Bob baptized after KIBC was begun.  She's a member of our worship team with a beautiful deep alto voice.  Vitaliy has been a member of our Pastoral Leadership Team from the beginning, preaches periodically, does some of our translating into Russian and Ukrainian, and leads various Bible studies.  A former professor he lived in the U.S. and England for several years.  He now serves as a professional translator for an international computer peripherals company.  "H" is one of our newest Farsi converts and is becoming a strong leader and very courageous witness to his countrymen.  His life was radically changed from a violent, angry young man who partied and drank all night into one of the kindest and most compassionate people we've met in Kyiv.  We also heard from Joel, "M", and others who shared how God had changed them through the ministry of KIBC.  The two of us just sat there in awe and wonder over God's indescribable blessings of the past three years.




Preaching Through Praise ---- Finally, something we have wanted to do for over two years became a reality on September 21st.  After more than seven years, the two of us led the worship time in our church services, designing the "sermon" . . . actually the entire service . . . around music and scripture.  Jo Ann chose seventeen worship songs and hymns, putting them into a smooth flowing sequence.  Bob selected some appropriate scriptures, and away we went!  After Emily got everyone warmed up with two or three praise songs and then helping at a second keyboard and vocal back-up, and with our lovely Lena on violin, we sang and praised our way through ninety minutes of worship with Jo Ann at the big keyboard and Bob leading vocal.  When it was over, the response was overwhelming . . . far more than we expected.  Bob even sang his "Why Do I Sing About Jesus / Singing I Go" medley.  The two of us probably enjoyed it most of all, and it whetted our appetite to do something that was a part of our ministry in the past.  You see that picture at the top of our letter.  Unfortunately a picture of the entire worship "team" wasn't taken, so you just have to settle for the two of us.


Sunday Lunches ---- have begun again.  Jo Ann never knows from one Sunday to the next who all will be there, but generally she feeds between 15 and 20 people most weeks.  Emily, our wonderful worship leader is front right, and has an amazing ministry in an orphanage here in Kyiv.  Helen, front row, is our singer mentioned above.  Next to her, along with the gal next to Jo Ann are two newcomers from Iran.  Behind and between the two of us is Kevin, from Hawaii, a missionary to Russia on his way to England.  "F", "H", "V", and other guys from our Farsi ministry take up the back, along with Max in the red T shirt.  Vlad, a professional translator, is in the Alabama shirt.  "M" and Ira are on the far right middle row.  He is our primary leader of Farsi work.


The Sunday schedule is packed for the two of us.  Bob is in his office by 7:30 am making last minute preparations and getting the data projector and computer ready for use, Jo Ann finishes the refreshments and sets up in the fellowship hall above our apartment, prayer time begins at 10:10 am, services begin at 10:30 am, fellowship time starts around 12:20 or so, Arabic Bible study starts at 12:30, English Bible study (which Bob often teaches) begins at 12:50, Farsi Bible study starts at 1:00, Jo Ann hosts lunch at 2:00, and many of the young people remain until 3:30 or 4:00.  Sometimes the last one leaves around 5:30 or 6:00.  Occasionally we'll also show a movie.  When that doesn't happen, we collapse in the living room with some cheese and crackers or popcorn and fall asleep watching Christian television or a movie.  Below is the group she fed on Anniversary Sunday, September 7th.


Middle East Ministries ---- Our Farsi ministry continues to develop and expand.  Even after a Summer of scattering, the work is regrouping and getting up steam again.  Beginning October 19th they will begin having their own informal worship service following our English services.  There is a strong leadership core right now of six to eight young men, and they still have about 30 or more people involved at one point or another in the ministry.  Several have come to Christ, and still others are expressing genuine interest in studying the Bible.  The Arabic work also continues growing and, believe it or not, also involves a couple of people from Jewish background.  Imagine!  Arabs and Jews in the same Bible study!  Last Sunday we had two young men from Syria in our apartment as Mark brought them to meet us following their Bible study group.  We still just stand around a lot with our mouths open.


Chinese Ministry ---- Our only serious disappointment has been to see our Chinese work shut down, even though it is for logical reasons and truly fits into the strategy we agreed on at KIBC's beginning.  We agreed that we would not do something just because it was a good idea, and we agreed that sometimes ministries run their course.  When graduation time came, about one-third of our Chinese "kids" returned to China or moved to the U.S. for graduate studies.  Ethnic harrassment also discouraged some from coming to gatherings.  Still others began attending a local Chinese church that had just secured a dynamic visionary pastor.  So, while we feel sad that we aren't currently ministering in this area, we accept it as part of God's timing.  Perhaps in the future this group will again be part of God's strategy here.  In the mean time, we praise God for some 70 or more Chinese students and business people who came to Christ through the work that we supported and participated in.


Commissioning another missionary ---- This past Sunday we had the joy of commissioning Maxim as a missionary to Bangkok, Thailand.  Bob baptized Max in August, 2003, at the other church (middle picture below), and when we started KIBC, Max immediately indicated he knew God wanted him to be part of that adventure.  He has been part of our Timothy Fellowship group, has served faithfully in many areas of practical service, has been involved in area student ministries through Intervarsity, and has ministered in numerous English camps during the summers.  Until he answered God's call to Thailand, he taught English in the high schools around Kyiv.  God's call to Thailand is a series of amazing circumstances that only Max can tell adequately.  Feeling God calling him to Asia, he began searching the web for English teaching opportunities, found one website, contacted the director only to discover he is a Baptist pastor living there using the school to establish relationships.  Max will teach English, do sports evangelism, and do home Bible studies for interested individuals.  We ask you to pray for Max.  He leaves Friday.  We also ask you to write to him occasionally, telling who you are and how you are connected with us.  His e-mail is




Also in the right picture you see our Pastoral Leadership Team members ---- Vitaliy (Ukrainian), Stan (American), Max (Ukrainian) who was a PLT "intern", Bob (American), Alan (American), and "M" (Persian).  They are a great group of guys with whom to work.  All can preach, along with five or six other men in our fellowship. 


+  "Advanced" Leadership Training ---- Because we know that the Lord will be moving us on to other ministry in the future, we wanted to concentrate on some "heavy duty" training in areas of leadership and "equipping the saints" during whatever time the Lord leaves us here.  Each Wednesday the two of us meet with a small group of young adults, only about four or five in number, to train them in "Biblical Principles of Servant-Leadership", based on the examples found particularly with Moses and Nehemiah.  Bob originally taught this material in 2003 as an advanced class in the English language program at the other church.  In addition, he is teaching a short Bible study on "Strategic Prayer Walking" during the Sunday afternoon Bible study.  Upon its conclusion he will then teach a Bible study on "Successfully Sharing Your Faith Without Fear".


Our Tania ---- We are thrilled to tell you that our Cuban Tania, now living near Skelleftea, Sweden, just 80 miles from the Arctic Circle, passed the next level of her Swedish language class.  She was the only gal who passed, along with three guys, and now is set to begin her advanced class next.  We miss her so much!  Pray for her as she continues serving the Lord and sharing Jesus with her friends.  Currently she is witnessing to several Latin Americans as well as a Chinese friend.  We wish we could go see her.


What's Ahead:


English and Bible for Ukrainians ---- Beginning Tuesday, October 7th, Vitaliy Babych will begin teaching a special class for Ukrainian speakers, using the Bible as a text in teaching people to speak English.  As a former professor, Vitaliy will do a great job, and we really anticipate the Lord using this to help KIBC establish some fresh connections with new people who need to know about the Lord.


Ministry to Jews ---- As you may recall, over one million Jews were murdered in Ukraine during World War II under Hitler's "Final Solution" strategy.  Thirty-seven thousand were killed in two days just outside of Kyiv at Bab-Yar, only thirty minutes by Metro from where we live.  We recently began the exploratory process of developing a ministry to the Jewish community in Kyiv.  Yesterday we met with church members Stan and Jean Jorash who have a real passion for Israel and the Jewish people.  Stan has scheduled some people involved in such ministry around Ukraine to come and speak to the church.  This coming Sunday we will recognize the "Global Day of Prayer For The Peace of Jerusalem". 


The largest Messianic church in Europe is located in Kyiv, and there are other ministries here as well such as Jews for Jesus.  However, as we have studied scripture the past couple of years, we believe the Lord wants KIBC to be more involved in practical and loving ways that are not offensive or pressure-filled.  Two of our members will also be attending an eastern European conference on Jewish ministries to see what ideas we can find as to how to develop our ministry.  We believe there is a strong possibility that we might partner with other ministries and provide resources to minister to the Jewish people here as well as help some who want to relocate in Israel.


Israel, Here We Come! ---- Yes, it's true!  Finally, after years of not really caring whether or not we ever made a trip to the Holy Land, we've decided we shouldn't wait until Jesus returns, but just go ahead and make the trip while we're this close (only a three hour flight).  So, on October 23rd we'll board an Aerosvit flight to Tel Aviv where we'll join a group of about 30 people from six countries and led by American-based Irishmen Paul and Nuala O'Higgins.  With over 40 such trips behind them, they will be great hosts as we travel from Tel Aviv south as far as the Dead Sea.  Stan and Jeanne Jorash from KIBC took this same trip last year and spoke highly of both the trip and the O'Higgins.  One thing we like about this is that they're taking us to places that are not just the traditional "unfounded" sites, but are trying to put us in places where evidence is stronger as to their veracity. 


Following the initial tour, we will stay a couple of extra days to see some things not included.  We hopefully want to go to Jaffa and Petra before returning to Kyiv on November 3rd.  We will not be attending the IBC annual meeting in Wiesbaden, Germany, this year because it coincides with the Israel trip.  Incidentally, it is possible our monthly letter may be late because of the trip.  We hope to be able to send it, but if time or internet availability won't allow it, we'll have to wait until we return to Kyiv.


Prayer Strategy and Small Group Ministry ---- we hope to begin developing plans for a strategic prayer ministry through KIBC by the use of prayer walking teams and small prayer groups.  We also hope to expand our evangelistic outreach through the use of small group Bible studies and "Strategic Ministry Teams" going into neighborhoods and villages to share the Gospel and the love of Christ in practical ways.  We'll have to wait and see how that develops in coming months.


Prayer Requests:


+  As you can see, there is much to pray about.  Rather than make this letter any longer by adding a comprehensive list, we simply ask you to go back through the letter and spend time praying for all the things we've mentioned . . . Joel and Ira, Max, Israel trip, Farsi ministry, Arabic ministry, ministry to Jewish community, etc.  In addition, we ask you to pray about the following:


Our future ---- While our "hearts long for home", as the song says, we also long to be precisely where God is at work here in Kyiv.  Pray that we will hear the Lord clearly in what he is saying to us regarding our ministry here and in other possible places.


Finances ---- Continue praying about our financial needs.  Not only has our monthly support diminished, but we still run about $500 a month below what we really need after the increased insurance costs.  And, of course, as the dollar weakens globally, our buying power here drops.  Kyiv remains the tenth most expensive city in the world.  One of our PLT members just had his rent jump $300 a month without notice.  God has been faithful, however, and we trust Him to continue that even in light of the unbelievable economic melt down that is affecting even the global economy. 


Israel and the Middle East Situation ---- As we draw ever closer to the Lord's return, things are happening just like chess pieces being positioned to win the game.  Someone once said that Israel was the center of the world, Jerusalem was the center of Israel, and the Temple Mount was the center of Jerusalem.  The world truly orbits around Israel.  We don't even know how to ask you to pray, other than to ask God to keep people safe, honor His Word to Arabs, Jews, and Palestinians alike, and bring peace to Jerusalem.


Economic situation ---- What is happening in the U.S. has a global impact.  As we watch news from the U.S., London, Russia, China, Frankfurt, and other places, we see two things.  First, there is a great difference between how the U.S. views world events and how the rest of the world does.  Second, what happens politically and economically in the U.S. has a major impact globally.  These are precarious days for those who do not trust in the Lord.  Pray that God uses this current economic fiasco to help people see that their security and hope will never be found in material things.  It just won't happen. 


Interestingly, the Christianity Today Magazine carried an article indicating that the Christian Financial world is relatively unscathed by all of this because of their use of Biblical principles of finances.  You might find it interesting reading.  Go to




Just today, one of Bob's cousins and a supporter of our ministry sent the following "Top Ten Predictions of the Coming Election".  It was significant enough to us that we wanted to pass them on to everyone with the hope that it will encourage you both as a citizen and as a follower of Jesus Christ.  Thanks, Dale!


    Top Ten Predictions No Matter Who Wins the Election

      1.  The Bible will still have all the answers.

      2.  Prayer will still work.

      3.  The Holy Spirit will still move.

      4.  God will still inhabit the praises of His people.

      5.  There will still be God-anointed preaching.

      6.  There will still be singing of praises to God.

      7.  God will still our out blessings upon His people.

      8.  There will still be room at the Cross.

      9.  Jesus will still love you.

    10.  Jesus will still save the lost.


Again, we thank you from the depths of our hearts for your encouragement, prayers, and financial support.  Every single day we are reminded that in all truth we are simply the hands, mouth, and feet of a group of people in America extended through the two of us to touch the hearts and lives of people from dozens of nations around the world.  We cannot describe the gratitude we feel.  It is a most humbling experience to realize how small we are, how great the task is, and how impossible it would be without the grace and provision of God being channeled through people like you.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!


In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,


Bob and Jo Ann

The Tollivers, missionaries to the world in Kyiv -- Bob -- Jo Ann

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