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HOPE4KYIV #23 ---- 8/26/04

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

     HOPE 4 KYIV
                     NUMBER 23
                  August 26, 2004
       The “In-Pact” Prayer Newsletter of
             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
           Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine
Dear Friends, "In-Pact" Partners, and Family:
Greetings from a balmy and sunny Kiev, Ukraine.  Again our thoughts of appreciation and gratitude fill our minds as we remember your faithfulness in prayer and encouragement.  Thank you for that.
We'll get right to the point in this month's official letter.
+  We've both gone through a rather difficult time emotionally the past several weeks.  Late July and most of August is "down time" in Kiev as people leave for vacation, so we probably have a little too much time on our hands for useless thinking.  At any rate, the tug from America and family has been pretty intense at times.  More than once we could have packed up and headed home if we'd had the chance.  Not that anything was wrong here, but just that we missed our house in the woods and we missed our family . . . . and we felt we needed a break.  Now that things are beginning to pick up momentum toward our Fall schedule, we feel much more focused.
+  Jo Ann is pretty much done with her dental work, but Bob has resumed his as of three weeks ago when he had a tooth extracted, and then this past Monday when he had an unexpected root canal.  It's not that his teeth are that bad . . . it's just that apparently root canals are Ukraine's answer to all dental problems.  We think it is probably more preventive rather than corrective.  Either way, how about $8 for an extraction and $40 for a root  canal . . . . good ones, at that.  He has another appointment Saturday morning, but we don't know what will be done.  It's always surprise time here in Ukraine.
+  Your prayers have been so vital concerning little Nicole Grace, and we thank God for your faithfulness.  She is now eleven weeks old today, and has "beaten the odds" numerous times.  Today Jim and Deanna take her back to Barnes' Hospital in St. Louis for follow-up tests that will update her condition and prognosis, and help determine future treatment.  She currently weighs just over 7.5 pounds, and most of her conditions have stabilized.  A recent test revealed to evidence of seizures, so her apnea spells are most likely caused by either a drop in oxygen level or a neurological misfire (that's our assumption).
Her overall condition remains uncertain from a medical standpoint, so we know you'll continue praying . . . . strategically, specifically, authoritatively . . . . as in the past.  Continue praying for the humanly impossible.  While what we're asking may be totally out of man's grasp, it is clearly within God's reach.  A personal report from Deanna is found below.
+  We just had an almost unbearable and certainly unexplainable shock!  Some craftsmen who were scheduled to come to our apartment and measure for "blindow winds" on Friday, showed up today (Thursday) morning.  This is absolutely the first time since we've lived here that someone showed up early; it's almost always late.  So, since we had no translator and we only speak "choot-choot Parooski" and just one of the guys spoke "choot-choot Angleski", we may be surprised what we end up with.  (That means "a little bit".)
As we watch many of our colleagues with whom we "graduated" two years ago returning to the States to pursue other ventures, we are reminded that all of man's plans and hopes are always subject to circumstances and the purposes of God, and are always tentative at best.  Nonetheless, . . . .
+  We are gearing up for three very important occasions at the church ---- a special congregational meeting on September 5th where we will lay out the entire situation regarding the process of transitioning from an IMB-provided pastor (Bob), the resumption of our various ministries that were suspended during certain portions of the Summer, and the church's 10th anniversary celebration to be observed September 18th and 19th.  These three events have taken up an enormous amount of our attention the past months.
+  Attendance has been down, as usual during Summer months, but we have had some phenomenal services.  We've also been blessed by the presence and ministry of several volunteer teams who visited our services, and also the recent surfacing of several men from America who have shown interest in our work.  Some have been here for short term job assignments, while others are more "permanent".  We feel this is part of God's answer to our praying that we would see in rise in involvement from native English speakers, which is so vital to the survival and future of the church.
+  As we face the future, we will resume and expand the following ministries ---- prayer focus, student ministry, leadership development, English classes, Bible study, and worship ministry.  All of these are in varying stages of modification and expansion, and they all have a promising effect on the church as a whole.  We also hope to add the following ministries ---- creating of a pastoral shepherding team to give stability and continuity for the future, creation of a praise team of vocalists and instrumentalists, begin a serious search for our own meeting facilities, initiate a "Timothy Fellowship" of younger guys that Bob will mentor, and the formation of a "ministry intern" program with several students from Kiev Christian University who want to be equipped for English-speaking ministry in the future.
+  Even though we have been officially approved for and have accepted the term extension that will allow us to remain with the IMB until December, 2005, other unresolved factors still make our tenure unclear ----
    >  The decision by the church as to its intent regarding the proposed transition and future ministry.
    >  Available resources to cover our housing and utility expenses which we must assume in January.
    >  Personal health and family situations with Nicole and other circumstances.
It's our personal desire to secure a replacement pastor just as soon as possible in order for us to have more flexibility in our ministry future.  The September 5th meeting, and also our return to the States in November/December will both go a long way in helping clarify the picture as to our tenure at the church.  So, this is a critical time for us all.
+  One of the most intriguing and fascinating things to happen this month has been the unexplainable connections that have developed with several Americans who have been here for short periods of time, and also for one who is in the country for an extended period, and still another one who serves here in a significant ministry.  Taken alone, these would appear to be coincidental.  However, the timing of these contacts, the personal interest the men have all expressed in our work, and the potential connections they each have either in Ukraine or in the States leads us to believe that God is in the process of choreographing some things behind the scene which we do not yet see or understand.  This is all we want to say at this time, but you should know that these various connections could have a significant effect on many of the things we face as a church.  We are very excited about these new friendships simply for the sake of the friendships, but also excited over what it could mean to the long term future of the church.
Report on Nicole:
We have recently begun a second album of pictures at the site, so feel free to see Nicole's latest pictures along with some neat ones of Michael and JoyLiinn.  In order to expand the details concerning her condition, here are excerpts from recent letters from Jim and Deanna.  As a precursor, A few weeks ago the feeding tubes pulled loose from Nicole's stomach, some infection set in, and she ended up in the local hospital for about eight days.  During her stay there, the local medical staff, not sufficiently aware of the conditions and needs, made some oxygen adjustments and other things that caused something of a setback.
Once those were corrected, Nicole stabilized, and is now back home.  Also, Medicare is providing badly needed home care nurses at night, allowing Jim and Deanna to try to get enough sleep to overcome their physical and emotional exhaustion.  The time at home has been harder on them than the time at the hospital.  Through it all, however, their absolute confidence in a sovereign God has never changed.  They've faced their own limitations, have severely felt their inadequacies, have been bombarded by the attacks of the enemy accusing and condemning them and their feelings, and have carried the burden of guilt and failure.  Yet, they have not given up, and they have not wavered in their trust and their willingness to see this through. 
Their prayer, as is ours, is the same ---- total and complete healing for our Nicole Grace, our "victorious heart".
With that in mind, here is part of Deanna's letter from last night.
It's been pouring rain most of the day along with loud thunder and lightning.  We had Nicole on our own last night without a nurse.  So that meant not much sleep - maybe about 4 hours total.  Thankfully, we think that is the last night we'll be without a night nurse, unless something unforeseen happens like bad winter weather, etc.
. . . . remember our trip to St. Louis tomorrow. 
[That's today, Thursday.] We leave at 5:30 am and will return sometime in the afternoon.  We need good sleep tonight and a peaceful car seat experience.
Now to the new specific requests.
1)   Pray that nothing would cause us to stray from God's path for us - not emotions, circumstances, frustrations, fears, physical weariness, - NOTHING.  We committed our lives, marriage, family, ministry, - ALL - to Christ long ago and we're not about to change.  Pray that anything contrary to the will of God for our lives, ministry, etc would be bound in the name of Jesus and allowed no influence on us as we know and follow His will.  This request is not only for today, tomorrow, next month - but for always, no matter what the outcome.  I guess this request is also a recommitment to do just that - to seek and follow God's plan, not our plans, emotions, etc.
2)   Pray that Nicole would have (and we would SEE) significant increase in quality of life AND significant notable progress in making up ground lost to the very notable developmental delays. 
3)  Pray, as Psalms 119 says many times, that she would be revived according to His Word - whatever His Word is concerning her; pray that we would see noticeable steps in that direction.  I realize God's plan may very well be a very gradual day-by-day process (which drives me nuts - I want progress, giant steps, not baby ones); and I will accept that only if His will won't allow for at least occasional leaps in progress for our encouragement.
4)  Pray that we would have enjoyment.  Being emotionally exhausted and physically spent as we are, it is hard to have anything "left over" with which to enjoy anything or anyone.  When we spend time holding her to calm down her fussiness and gas pains, hoping she'll sleep a while so we can rest or get something done, we find it hard to ENJOY holding her.  When we see how developmentally behind she is and wonder/fear what her long-term brain functionality will be, it's hard to ENJOY the itty bitty
steps she makes.  When you're so tired that you are desperate for sleep, you don't enjoy a good's night rest.  When you have no appetite and eat only because you're body says it's hungry, it's hard to ENJOY food.  So pray we'd find enjoyment in her, in the other two (the easiest part), in ministry, in yard work, in each other, in friends, etc.  Pray we would enjoy life, not just live it.  Abundant life is God's design, God's promise, -- pray we would experience it anew.
5)  Yesterday I was reading Ps. 111.  Verse 4 says, He has made His wonders to be remembered, The Lord is gracious and compassionate.  The wonders He performs  have purpose - and He performs them in such a way that they will be remembered, not forgotten.  That is based upon His character that is gracious and compassionate.  So pray that He would perform in Nicole's life in such a way that it would be remembered.  That is His nature, that is how He works - let's ask for nothing less.
6)   Pray as Elijah did for his servant that we would be able to see with spiritual eyes.  When we look at Nicole's condition and the equipment surrounding her, and live our "new normal" routine of medicines, nurses, therapy, etc. it's very easy to see the circumstance that falls grossly short of the miracle we are praying for.  Pray that
we will have spiritual eyes that will enable to us to continue to ask in faith for the impossible, for complete healing and wholeness.

7)   Finally, on the day I went to the doctor and then ended up having the emergency c-section delivery of Nicole, I had sensed something was not quite right with her that day.  She hadn't been moving much the past few hours and things that usually roused her and got her going hadn't.  In my anxiousness on the way to doctor, I began to sing the chorus (the part I could remember) of this song over and over and over.  It, along with a little song we've recently taught our kids called "Fear Not", has continually gone through my mind, even at almost 11 weeks.  I finally dug out the CD to get all the words and ask that, just like the Blessing Song, you pray the truth of this song over Nicole and us as well.
[Our Interruption ---- you can use this as a prayer guide simply by changing the personal pronouns to the names of Nicole, Jim, Deanna, Michael, and JoyLinn.]
Father of life draw me closer,
Lord, my heart is set on You.
Let me run the race of time
With Your life unfolding mine,
And let the peace of God, let it reign
Oh Holy Spirit, You're my comfort.
Strengthen me, hold my head up high;
And I stand upon Your truth,
Bringing glory unto You,
And let the peace of God, let it reign
Oh, Lord I hunger for more of You!
Rise up within me, Let me know Your truth.
Oh Holy Spirit, saturate my (her) soul,
And let the life of God fill me (her) now.
Let Your healing power breathe life and make me (her) whole,
And let the peace of God let it reign.
Those were truths I claimed that day, pleaded for that day, and on that day, He answered.  He did sustain her life and he gave amazing abundant peace.  I knew she wouldn't have survived labor, and she had to be resuscitated upon birth because she wasn't breathing on her own - so the symptoms and tests that led to the c-section that day preserved her life.  I found out after reading her discharge summary that my water had broken prior to the c-section (or at least at the very beginning of it - but not as a result of the surgery).  That means that had I not gone to the doctor when I did and had they not found reason for the emergency delivery, then I would have soon gone into labor - a labor she would not have survived.
Many times since, I have again pleaded the words of this song over her - that God would breathe life and make her whole.  We continue to do so, and ask that you continue to do so with us.
Thanks for not forgetting us and for continuing to lift us to the Father.  I had a mental image last night while praying with Michael and JoyLinn before bed-time of the thousands upon thousands of you lifting Nicole up before the Father over and over again.  How can He not respond to that?!  Please continue doing so - even if your arms get tired.  How interesting!  Exactly as I am typing this, the new song released by Selah, "You Lift Me Up" has started playing on our CD player.  That is exactly what you all do and we are forever grateful and forever changed because you do. 

Prayer Requests:
What else is there to say, dear friends?  You've felt the heartbeat of our daughter.  We know you'll pray.  We ask you to pray specifically as she has requested.
In addition, please pray for us here about the following:
+  That we also will be renewed, focused, and energized in this journey.
+  That God will create a pastoral shepherding team to bring long-term pastoral continuity the church's future.  That God will provide a senior pastor replacement for us.
+  That God will bring a resounding "Yes!" from the church to follow the pathway He seems to be marking out for them.
+  That the 10th Anniversary celebration will be all that God intends, and that it will be a huge motivation to the church to move on to the next decade.
+  That God will complete His purposes through the recent contacts we've had with these American friends.
+  That God will guide us as we initiate, refine, improve, and expand the various ministries we mentioned ---- especially prayer, worship, student, and Spanish work.
+  That God will place in the hearts of individuals and churches a desire to "partner" with us in order for this "toddler" church to become stable on its feet and strong in its will to move to the next level of ministry which God has given.
+  That God will arrange the sustaining base we will need beginning in January in order to remain in Kiev and lead the church.
+  Pray for our city.  Go to for details, and, if you're subscribed to our "PrayKIEV" e-letters, look for the next letter with new specific prayer requests for the city.  It's greatest challenges right now are . . .
    5,000 years of layer upon layer of spiritual bondage.
    Spiritual vision and unity within the Body of Christ.
    National economic development that will eventually positively impact the proclamation of the church.
    Coming national elections that will determine the future destiny of the nation.  It is a monumental election.
Thank you, dear friends, for your support and encouragement.  We again humbly confess that, if it were not for our "In-Pact" prayer team of some 1,000 or more people, we could not handle these circumstances and embrace these unbelievable opportunities before us.  May God bless you, and may He increase your tribe!

In His Bond, For His Kingdom, and To His Glory,
Bob and Jo Ann
The Tollivers
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
   Jo Ann:
Our Websites:  for the general work in Kiev. for access to our family and
    ministry photo albums. for information on our city-wide strategic prayer movement.
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   network, send a blank message to
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