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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Again I write for your prayer support concerning the elections in Ukraine. 
The situation can become critical in Ukraine on Sunday.  Here is a message from a western observer who lives in Ukraine and is involved in helping develop the democratic process in the country.  His remarks speak for themselves.
Yushchenko will easily have the most votes Sunday but the authorities have prepared mass scale fraud to attempt to alter the results.  Bandits from Donetsk have been sent all over Kiev and Western Ukraine to steal ballot boxes and start fights with Yushchenko observers.  Factory owners have told workers that if they dont obtain absentee ballots and then give them to their boss (to be voted for Yanukovych) that they will lose their jobs.  The pressure is at an all time high -worse than in Soviet times.  Even the US Ambassador has said that the election will be decided in the streets -it's not a question of "if" anymore - only "when". 
Please pray that the bandits will be unsuccessful in their efforts to threatened, pressure, and attack people.  Please also pray that violence will not erupt on Election Day and the days to follow.  And finally, please pray that the will of the voters will be reflected in the final results.
Please mobilize as many intercessors as you can, asking them to pray that rightousness will prevail, truth will be declared, and that all voters will be able to vote safely.  That way, whatever the outcome, it will be the will of the people.
In His Bond and For His Kingdom,

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