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Hope4Kyiv -- Special message -- God Bless Ukraine

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>


We've written before about the coming elections on Sunday, but we also want
you to understand the strategic significance of this particular election.
This election will determine the direction of Ukraine for years to come, and
will also have significant effect on future missions in the country. Please
read the following closely, and pray. This was forwarded to us by a
missionary colleague with another agency ---- a good friend and brother.

Bob and Jo Ann

----- Original Message -----
From: "PL" <>
To: "P L" <>
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 1:23 PM
Subject: God Bless Ukraine

> Dear friends,
> I just received this e-mail a few moments ago from a Russian-speaking
> brother regarding the Ukrainian election scheduled for this Sunday. I
> it speaks well of the situation.
> In an earlier e-mail I mentioned one candidate representing a 'bright'
> future. Though I'm not aware of all of the candidate's views, many
> he (Yushenko) will bring greater honesty and less corruption to the
> office...which could mean an easier, 'brighter' future for many. Please
> pray!
> Blessings,
> Paul.....................
> Hello my friends,
> Some of you I write often some of you ... not so often 🙂 But this
> time I am writing to all of you just because of the importance of the
> issue. This coming Sunday there will be an election of the President
> of Ukraine. It always important to pray for election, but this time it
> is a very special case.
> First time in the last 90 years Ukraine has a chance to elect a
> president democratic way, by the sole choice of people. Previous
> presidents and rulers were elected by decision of authoritative bodies
> and made look like democratic elections. This time we have two
> candidates running. One from ruling authorities (he was in jail two
> times in youth age), and another from democratic forces. The world is
> looking very close to the elections here in Ukraine, we've got about
> 1500 international supervisors only, and much more domestic. Many
> people who understand the need for an honest president, who are not
> indifferent for the future of the nation are supporting democratic
> candidate. All pastors I talked with, about 10-14 people, are
> supporting him as well. The government is preparing different ways to
> falsify the results of election in case if opposition wins, and the
> only way the opposing candidate can win is by the sole majority of
> votes, that can not be hidden, and by prayers of believers. Although
> Ukraine is considered an independent country only now we have felt the
> smell of freedom from Soviet Union mentality and its heritage. So
> please take a short time and pray for us in Ukraine that the freedom
> would win.
> If busy, please just say - GOD BLESS UKRAINE!
> We would very much appreciate your input in this. We need it very
> much.
> Blessings,