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HOPE$KYIV #040 ---- 12/14/05

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Hope 4 Kyiv

The Monthly "In-Pact" Praise and Prayer Letter Of

Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine

Number 040


December 14, 2005

Dear Friends, Family, and "In-Pact" Prayer Team:
It is obvious that God has been answering our prayers.  We finally received first-hand information from the host pastor of the church that owns the building where we meet, and the situation about which we wrote the past two days has improved drastically.
To Set The Stage:
After years of efforts to purchase property and build a state-of-the-art church building, Christ's Cathedral successfully made the purchase and began building.  Thanks to the generous gifts of many believers in America, a building unlike any other in Kiev has been erected.  A beautiful, six-story structure that provides worship and ministry space for eleven churches each week, plus other ministries and organizations that use space there for offices and other functions, the rich blue and white building is recognized across the city by it's blue roof and modern appearance.
Under Pastor Phillip's leadership (he's been a missionary in Ukraine for over twelve years and has planted four churches and has developed an extensive training network to equip Ukrainians for ministry), the building has been slowly finished off in the interior as God has provided funds.  Opposition to this "cult", as it is known by the government and other anti-Christian minds, has been long, persistent, and often intense.  However, God has been faithful.
As we neared the end of our term with the IMB, and through a series of circumstances, we became aware of space available for a church.  If we could raise $20,000 to finish off a beautiful amphitheater auditorium that will seat 300 people, we could use it free of charge for three and one half to four years, along with two additional rooms each week . . . all for four hours each Sunday and three hours each evening.  The money was quickly provided.  In addition, we learned of a large apartment also available for two years or more if we could pay the rent in advance so it could also be finished.
You know the saga of our making the move, and all the interesting challenges we continue facing.  We still have no gas for stove, ovens, or dryer; we still have one entry door not installed; we still have no internet service; we still have no washing machine as we wait for a voltage inverter.  All of this was to have been completed two months ago.  We are also waiting for the completion of the painting, flooring, and carpeting for the new auditorium.
As Pastor Phillip has diligently worked on these projects with his construction crew, certain construction and utility departments of the city government have done inspections and added more requirements to apparently satisfy fire safety codes and other laws.  Some of these codes have been changed during the process, and apparently there is no such thing as a "grandfather clause" in Kiev.  When the officials came last week to do an inspection, they required the construction of additional fire proof walls and other changes, and levied a "fine" on the church for not completing the work by the "deadline".
The Showdown:
Because the work was not complete, and the inspectors were not satisfied with what they "saw", they ordered the electricity cut off and the building closed.  The electricity was cut off Monday or Tuesday.  We lost some frozen goods in the refrigerator as a result, and the young couple whom we had enlisted to take care of our apartment had to temporarily move out.
So, after "fining" the church $300, they issued him another building permit for another year, at a cost of $1,800, and the church wrote a guarantee letter that the work would be finished by December, 2006.  The work that must be done will cost about $45,000 more.  In the past two weeks over $22,000 of that has been raised, with another $12,000 probably to be raised this week.
So, apparently a mutual agreement was reached, the electricity was restored today, and things are progressing.
The Status Today:
Here is what we know as of today:
+  Fortunately, the heat was never turned off, so there was no danger of things (water lines, plants, etc.).
+  Because the electricity was turned off and the gates were locked, John and Betsy were unable to retrieve our refrigerated items until sometime yesterday.  By then, some things had already begun to thaw, and were lost.  They took the rest to their apartment to keep until all is safe.
+  Our apartment is secure, and our possessions are safe.  The young couple will move back in either today or possibly tomorrow, just as soon as they know the electricity is on and will remain so.
+  After canceling English classes Tuesday evening, the schedule is back up, and, unless things change again, services will be held as usual on Sunday morning.
+  Work is continuing on the sanctuary.  Painting will be completed by the end of the week or the early part of next week, then the tile in the "stage" area will be installed, sub flooring in the seating area will be laid, followed by the carpeting.  It is doubtful that all the carpeting will be done before our January 8th celebration service, but the room will be clearly usable.
+  We have no information on any progress on the apartment.  As far as we know, there is still no gas, the washing machine still cannot be used, internet service will not be pursued until we return, the bathroom stool has not been repositioned, the entry doors have not been lowered and reinstalled, and touch up painting is still yet to be done.  But . . . we can live with that, knowing that someday . . . .
The Need:
We don't know if anyone would be interested, but we would gladly welcome any financial gift that would help Pastor Phillip and his people complete this work.  They are so near the finish line, and it would be wonderful if we could help him raise a remaining $11,000 to finish this work once for all, get the "inspectors" and "regulators" off his back, and finish up a gem of a building that is designed to bring glory to God and people to Christ.
If you'd like to do that, just let us know by e-mail or phone call, and we'll tell you how you can channel it directly through our ministry to Christ's Cathedral Church.  It would be tax deductible, of course.  We'd welcome any help, no matter how small.  All the churches that use the building are chipping in to try to bring this chapter to a victorious conclusion.
So, friends, . . . Praise the Lord!  And Thank You for your prayers!  God has been faithful. 
BUT! . . . the end is not here yet.  There is still great potential for major problems and confrontations as the battle continues.  There is still much to be completed on the building, there are still many issues (particularly with the utilities) to be resolved.  We still need gas so we can use a stove and oven, they still must approve the use of an American made washer and dryer, and so forth.
So, don't stop praying.  This is a reprieve, but not a total solution.  Keep praying that all the funds will come in, that manpower and materials will be sufficiently available, that everyone will be kept safe, and that the work can all be completed within this next year.
Thanks again for your prayer support.  We know you rejoice with us over these recent developments, and with the progress.
Just keep it up!  We will keep you posted, and pass on additional information as we receive it.
In His Bond and Great Grace,
Bob and Jo Ann
KIBC - Hope4Kyiv

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For Other Ministries in Ukraine:  for IMB work in central and eastern Europe.  Links to 24 countries by clicking on the flags. for virtual prayer walks in Ukraine. for another virtual prayer walk in our beloved city of Kiev. for good general and missionary information about Ukraine in general and the IMB people teams. for information about IMB work in east Central Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk, etc.) including another related virtual prayer walk.
Secular News on Kiev and Ukraine will give you interesting views at . . .
Some More Good Sites: for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. for general info on Ukraine and Kiev. for general current info.on Ukraine. Consular division of U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. Live webcam of Independence Square, Kiev. Excellent website on Ukraine with lots of links.  Excellent website on Ukraine with lots of links. Source of many sites relating to religious issues in Eastern Europe.

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