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How They Celibrate Christmas Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"How They Celibrate Christmas"
The teacher asked her students how they celebrate Christmas. She called on
Patrick Murphy. "Tell me, Patrick, what does your family do at Christmas
"Me and my twelve brothers and sisters go to the midnight Mass and we sing
hymns, then we come home very late and we put mince pies by the back door and
hang up our stockings. Then, all excited, we go to bed and wait for Father
Christmas to come with all our toys."
"Very nice, Patrick. Betty Schmidt, what does your family do at Christmas?"
"My sister and I also go to Church with Mum and Dad and we sing carols and we
get home ever so late. We put cookies and milk by the chimney and we hang up our
stockings. We hardly sleep, waiting for Santa Claus to bring our presents."
A Jewish boy had his hand in the air so the teacher asked Isaac Cohen, "What
does your family do at Christmas?"
"It's the same thing every year. Dad comes home from the office. We all pile
into the Rolls Royce, then we drive to his toy factory. When we get inside, we
look at all the empty shelves and sing 'What a Friend We Have in Jesus'. Then
we all go to the Bahamas."
"Christmas Post"
'A woman went into a post office to buy some stamps for her Christmas cards.
What denomination do you want ? asked the lady at the counter.
'Good God!' she replied, Has it come to this?
I suppose you'd better give me twenty Catholic and twenty Presbyterian. 
"A Car For Christmas"
Danny had recently passed his driving test and decided to ask his clergyman father if there was any chance of him getting a car for Christmas, which was yet some months away. 'Okay.' said his father 'I tell you what I'll do. If you can get your 'A' level grades up to 'A's and 'B's, study your bible and get your hair cut, I'll consider the matter very seriously.'
A couple of months later Danny went back to his father who said 'I'm really impressed by your commitment to your studies. Your grades are excellent and the work you have put into your bible studies is very encouraging. However, I have to say I'm very disappointed that you haven't had your hair cut yet. 
Danny was a smart young man who was never lost for an answer. 'Look dad. In the course of my bible studies I've noticed in the illustrations that Moses, John the Baptist, Samson and even Jesus had long hair.' 'Yes. I'm aware of that...' replied his father '... but did you also notice they walked wherever they went?' 
Have a Blessed Day
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