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'If I Were a Millionaire" Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

 "If I Were a Millionaire"

"Take a pencil and paper," the teacher said, "and write
an essay with the title 'If I Were a Millionaire.' "

Everyone but Philip, who leaned back with arms folded,
began to write furiously.

"What's the matter," the teacher asked.  "Why don't you begin?"

"I'm waiting for my secretary," he replied.

"Not Mine"

There was a little boy in Kindergarten. He cried, so the teacher
asked him what was wrong. He sobbed, "I can't find my boots."
The teacher looked around the classroom and saw a pair of boots,
"Are these yours?"

  "No, they're not mine," the boy shook his head.  The teacher
and the boy searched all over the classroom for his boots.
Finally, the teacher gave up, "Are you SURE those boots
are not yours?" "I'm sure," the boy sobbed, "mine had snow
on them."

"Ad In The Paper"
The local newspaper funeral notice telephone operator received a phone call. A woman on the other end asked, "How much do funeral notices cost?"
"$5.00 per word, Ma'am," came the response.
"Good, do you have a paper and pencil handy?"
"Yes, Ma'am."
"OK, write this: 'Fred dead.'"
"I'm sorry, Ma'am; I forgot to tell you there's a five-word minimum."
"Hmmph," came the reply, "You certainly did forget to tell me that." A moment of silence. "Got your pencil and paper?"
"Yes, Ma'am."
"OK, print this: 'Fred dead, Cadillac for sale.' "
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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