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"Instant Reaction"

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Instant Reaction

A father took his 5-year-old son to several
baseball games where The Star-Spangled
Banner was sung before the start of each

Then the father and son attended a church
on a Sunday shortly before Independence Day.

The congregation sang The Star-Spangled
Banner, and after everyone sat down, the little
boy suddenly yelled out,



Little Johnny had been ill, requiring several doctors' visits and tests
before a specialist came up with the final diagnosis and treatment.

Afterwards, his mother asked him if he understood what the doctor had
explained to him.

"No," replied Little Johnny, "not really."

"Okay," his mother replied, "the doctor said you started with a virus

At which point Little Johnny interrupted to ask, "Does that mean I need
a new motherboard?"

I'M Late

I had always prided myself on being an "on time" person. One morning I overslept and rushed around getting ready for Sunday school. As I ran out the door, my wife tried to say something.

"What?" I called back. "Don't slow me down. I'm late."

"No you're not," she responded. "It's Saturday."

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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