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{intro}David Wright

Posted by: davidrenewright <davidrenewright@...>

Hey all,
I happened upon this grand venue through TBL (the Bottom Line) and was really happy there is a place for those in church to go and share trials, and victories.
My name is David Wright, 57 and divorced about three years ago.  I am the bassist at The First Christian Church in Springfield Oregon.
My ex and I have a good relationship now and she is going her way and I am staying on the course set out for me.
After the divorce, I found a lot of time on my hands and having always wanted to play bass, decided that I wasn't too old to do it.  I have been singing for at least ten years on worship teams and thought this new interest would be worth it.
I haven't been sorry.  I am still pretty raw around the edges, but I know my basses (4 of them, 2 Ibanez, I Yamaha BB350 and a Carvin LB75) and their voices.  I am learning at a pretty good rate, but need to break down and start lessons to get away from chord sheets etc.
I will be willing to contribute to these postings whatever I can. (being a newbie and all)  I am just glad that there is a place for us to share  this stuff.
Thanks for your time folks.
With His love,   David