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"Irritation, Aggravation And Frustration" Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Irritation, Aggravation And Frustration"

A boy asks his father to explain the differences among irritation, aggravation, and frustration.  Dad picks up the phone and dials a number at random.
When the phone is answered he asks,
"Can I speak to Roger, please?"
"No! There's no one called Roger here."
The person hangs up.
"That's irritation," says Dad.
He picks up the phone again, dials the same number and asks for Roger a second time.
"No, there's no one here called Roger.
Go away. Don't call again."
"That's aggravation," says Dad.
"Then what's 'frustration'?" asks his son.
The father picks up the phone and dials a third time:
"Hello, this is Roger. Have I received any phone calls?"
From Brian

"Who Stole My Wig"
While my friend was working as a receptionist for an eye surgeon, a very angry woman stormed up to her desk.
"Someone stole my wig while I was having surgery yesterday," she complained.
The doctor came out and tried to calm her down. "I assure you that no one on my staff would have done such a thing," he said. "Why do you think it was taken here?"
"After the operation, I noticed the wig I was wearing was cheap-looking and ugly."
"I think" explained the surgeon gently, "that means your cataract operation was a success."
From Shirley
"Children are Kites"
You spend a lifetime trying to get them off the ground.
You run with them until you are both breathless.
They crash. They hit the rooftop.
You patch and comfort, adjust and teach.
You watch them lifted by the wind and assure them that someday, they will fly.
Finally, they are airborne;
They need more string and you keep letting it out;
But with each twist of the ball of twine,
There is a sadness that goes with joy.
The kite becomes more distant and you know it won't be long before that beautiful creature will snap the lifeline that binds you two together and will soar, free and alone.
Only then do you know that you did your job.
Erma Bombeck
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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