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Jogging Shoes Friday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Jogging Shoes"

Deciding to take up jogging, the middle-aged man was astounded by the wide selection of jogging shoes available at the local sports shoe store.
While trying on a basic pair of jogging shoe, he noticed a minor feature and asked the clerk about it.
"What's this little pocket thing here on the side for?"
"Oh, that's to carry spare change so you can call your wife to come pick you up when you've jogged too far."

"When I Grow Up"
A mother's four-year-old daughter was attending her first performance of the Ice Capades.
She was so mesmerized that she wouldn't budge from her seat, even during intermission. She watched the activity while the ice was cleaned.
At the end of the show, she exclaimed, "I know what I want to be when I grow up!"
The mother envisioned her on the ice in another 15 years, starring in the Ice Capades.
She was brought back to Earth when she continued, "I want to be a zamboni driver!"
"Cute Baby"
When we brought our new-born son to the pediatrician for his first checkup, the doctor said, "You have a cute baby."
Smiling, I said, "I'll bet you say that to all the new parents."
"No," he replied, "just to those whose babies are really cute."
"So what do you say to the others?" I asked.
"He looks just like you."
Have a Blessed Weekend
Dave and Barbara
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