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Posted by: root <root@...>

JOHN SMITH (Just like the police here)
By chance, John Smith witnessed a mugging. About an hour later, the cops
arrived, and the officer in charge asked the witness his name.

"John Smith," said Smith.

"Cut the funny business," the cop barked sharply. "What's your real name?"

"All right," said Smith, "put me down as Albert Einstein."

"That's more like it," said the man in blue. "You can't fool me with that
Smith stuff."



In the office where I work, there is a constant battle between our
technical-support director
and customer-service personnel over the room temperature. The frustrated
director, trying to get
us to understand his position, announced one afternoon, "We need to keep the
below seventy-five degrees or the computers will overheat."

Thinking this was just another excuse, one of my shivering colleagues
"Yeah, right! So how did they keep the computers from overheating before
there was air conditioning?"