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"Just Laugh It Off" Friday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Just Laugh It Off"
Lil' Johnny came downstairs bellowing lustily.  His mother asked,
"What's the matter now?"
"Dad was hanging pictures, and just hit his thumb with a hammer,"
said Johnny through his tears.
"That's not so serious," soothed his mother. "I know you're upset,
but a big man like you shouldn't cry at something like that.  Why
didn't you just laugh?"
"I did!" sobbed Lil' Johnny.
A is for apple, and B is for Boat,
that used to be right, but now it won't float.
Age before beauty is what we once said,
but let's be a bit more realistic instead.
Now, A's for arthritis; B's the bad back,
C is for chest pains, perhaps cardiac.
D is for dental decay and decline;
E is for eyesight, can't read that top line.
F is for fissures and fluid retention,
G is for gas, which I'd rather not mention.
H is high blood pressure--I'd rather it low;
I for incisions with scars you can show.
J is for joints, out of socket, won't mend.
K is for knees that crack when they bend.
L for libido, what happened to sex?
M is for memory, I forget! What comes next?
N is neuralgia, in nerves way down low;
O is for osteo, the bones that don't grow!
P for prescriptions, I have quite a few,
Just give me a pill and I'll be good as new.
Q is for queasy, is it fatal or flu?
R for reflux, one meal turns to two.
S for sleepless nights, counting my fears.
T for tinnitus; there's bells in my ears.
U is for urinary; big troubles with flow;
V is for vertigo, that's "dizzy" you know.
W is for worry, NOW what's going round?
X is for X-ray, and what might be found.
Y is another year I'm left here behind,
Z is for zest that I still have--in my mind.
I've survived all the symptoms, my body's deployed,
And I've kept twenty-six doctors fully employed!!
May your troubles be less, your blessings more and nothing but Happiness come through your door.
Young Patients
A pediatrician in town always plays a game with some of his young
patients to put them at ease and test their knowledge of body parts.
One day, while pointing to a Little boy's ear, the doctor asked him,
"Is this your nose?"
Immediately the little boy turned to his mother and said, "Mom, I
think we'd better find a new doctor!"
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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