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Just Not their Day

Posted by: root <root@...>

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Just Not their Day
- -----------------

In August 1975 three men were on their way in to rob the Royal Bank
of Scotland at Rothesay, when they got stuck in the revolving doors.
They had to be helped free by the staff and, after thanking everyone,
sheepishly left the building.

A few minutes later they returned and announced their intention of
robbing the bank, but none of the staff believed them. When they
demanded 5,000 pounds in cash, the head cashier laughed at them,
convinced that it was a practical joke.

Then one of the men jumped over the counter, but fell to the floor
clutching his ankle. The other two tried to make their getaway, but
got trapped in the revolving doors again.

Signs Found In Kitchens

Clean enough to be healthy

but dirty enough to be happy


Kitchen closed - - this chick has had it!


So this isn't Home Sweet Home



Ring Bell for Maid Service.

If no answer do it yourself!

I clean house every other day.

Today is the other day!

If you write in the dust,

please don't date it!

I would cook dinner but I can't find the can opener

My house was clean last week,

too bad you missed it!

I came,

I saw,

I decided

to order

take out

If you don't like my standards of cooking.

Lower your standards.

My house doesn't always look like this

Some days it's even worse.

Help keep the kitchen clean

Countless numbers of people have eaten in this kitchen
and gone on to lead normal lives.

My next house will have no kitchen --- just vending machines.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see
