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Kids Takes On Life

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Kids Takes On Life

Some Surefire Ways to Make a Person Fall in Love
with You

*"Tell them that you own a whole bunch of candy
stores." - Del, 6

*"Shake your hips and hope for the best."- Camille, 9

*"Yell out that you love them at the top of your lungs ...
and don't worry if their parents are right there."
- Manuel, 8

*"Don't do things like have smelly, green sneakers.
You might get attention, but attention ain't the same
thing as love." - Alonzo, 9

*"One way is to take the girl out to eat. Make sure it's
something she likes to eat. French fries usually works
for me." - Bart, 9

How can You Tell if Two Adults Eating Dinner at a
Restaurant are in Love?

*"Just see if the man picks up the check. That's how
you can tell if he's in love." - Bobby, 9

*"Lovers will just be staring at each other and their
food will get cold ... Other people care more about
the food." - Bart, 9

*"Romantic adults usually are all dressed up, so if they
are just wearing jeans it might mean they used to go
out or they just broke up." - Sarah, 9

*"See if the man has lipstick on his face." - Sandra, 7

*"It's love if they order one of those desserts that are
on fire. They like to order those because it's just like
how their hearts are --- on fire." - Christine, 9

Titles of the Love Ballads You can Sing to Your Beloved

*"'How Do I Love Thee When You're Always Picking
Your Nose?'" - Arnold, 10

*"'You Are My Darling Even Though You Also Know
My Sister.'" - Larry, 8

*"'I Love Hamburgers, I Like You!'" - Eddie, 6

*"'I Am in Love with You Most of the Time, but Don't
Bother Me when I'm with My Friends.'" - Bob, 9

*"'Hey, Baby, I Don't Like Girls but I'm Willing to
Forget You Are One!'" - Will, 7

*"'Honey, I Got Your Curly Hair and Your Nintendo
on My Mind.'" - Sharon, 9

What Most People are Thinking When They Say
"I Love You"

*"The person is thinking: Yeah, I really do love him. But
I hope he showers at least once a day." - Michelle, 9

*"Some lovers might be real nervous, so they are glad
that they finally got it out and said it and now they can
go eat." - Dick, 7

How was Kissing Invented?

*"I know one reason that kissing was created. It
makes you feel warm all over, and they didn't always
have electric heat or fireplaces or even stoves in their
houses." - Gina, 8

How a Person Learns to Kiss

*"You can have a big rehearsal with your Barbie and
Ken dolls." - Julia, 7

*"You learn it right on the spot when the gooshy
feelings get the best of you." - Brian, 7

*"It might help to watch soap operas all day." - Carin,9

When is it Okay to Kiss Someone?

*"When they're rich." - Pam, 7

*"It's never okay to kiss a boy. They always slobber
all over you ... That's why I stopped doing it."
- Tammy, 10

*"If it's your mother, you can kiss her any time. But if
it's a new person, you have to ask permission."
- Roger, 6

*"I look at kissing like this: Kissing is fine if you like it,
but it's a free country and nobody should be forced to
do it." - Bart, 9

How to Make Love Endure

*"Spend most of your time loving instead of going to
work." - Dick, 7

*"Don't forget your wife's name ... That will mess up
the love." - Erin, 8

*"Be a good kisser. It might make your wife forget that
you never take out the trash." - Dave, 8

*"Don't say you love somebody and then change your
mind ... Love isn't like picking what movie you want
to watch." - Natalie, 9


Cute Sayings

Gardening Rule: When weeding your garden, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it come out of the ground easily, it was a valuable plant.

The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement.

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

One good turn gets most of the blankets.

There are two kinds of pedestrians - the quick and the dead.

Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.

Every morning is the dawn of a new error...

I can see clearly now, the brain is gone...

I used up all my sick days, so I'm calling in dead.

Mental floss prevents moral decay.

A conclusion is simply the place where you got tired of, thinking.

If at first you DO succeed, try not to look astonished!

It's not hard to meet expenses, they're everywhere.

Budget: A method for going broke methodically

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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