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This is a story about some American soldiers during the Korean War. They had
rented a house and hired a local boy to do their house-keeping and cooking. It
was common during that war for soldiers to get that kind of setup for
easy-come, easy-go, easy-pay.

This little Korean fellow they hired had an unblievably positive attitude--he
was always smiling, so they played one trick after another on him.

They nailed his shoes to the floor. He'd get up in the morning, pull those
nails out with pliers, slip on the shoes, and maintain his excellent spirit.

They put grease on the stove handles, and he would wipe each one off, smiling
and singing his way through the day.

They balanced buckets of water over the door, and he'd get drenched. But he
would dry off and never fuss, time after time.

Finally, they became so ashamed of themselves that they called him in one day
and said,"We want to you to know that we're never going to trick you again.
Your attitude has been outstanding."

He asked, "You mean no more nail shoes to floor?"

"No more." "You mean no more sticky on stove knobs?" "No more." "You mean no
more water buckets on door?" "No more." "Okay then, no more spit in soup," he
responded with a smile and a shrug.