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Language Barrier

Posted by: root <root@...>

A few years ago, I decided to visit my brother who was stationed in Germany.
I assumed that most Germans would speak English.
But I found that many people spoke only their native tongue -
including the ticket inspector on the train.
He punched my ticket, then chatted cordially for a bit, making gestures like
a windmill.
I simply nodded from time to time to show him that I was interested.
When he had gone, an American woman soldier in the compartment leaned
and asked if I spoke German.

"No," I confessed.

"Then that explains," she said,
"why you didn't bat an eyelid when he told you that you were on the wrong


Two contafiters way up nort in Chicargo wuz makin sum contafit money
an dey accidently
made sum twelve dollar bill by mistake. Dey made a whole bunch of
dem before dey
foun dere mistake, so insted of startin over dey decide to try to
pass dem off.

Dey always herd how backward people in Louisiana wuz, especially dem
folks name
Boudreaux frum down neer Lafayette so dey jump in dere car an drive
down to Lafayette,
LA an wen dey got dere dey look in da fone book an shore enuf dey
fine Boudreaux's
General Store an Mercantile listed rite dere in da yeller pages.

Dey went to Boudreaux's store an walk up to da man at da counter.

Da firs contafiter say, "Are you Mr. Boudreaux?"

Boudreaux say, "Mais shore, dat's me. Wat can Ah do fa you fellers?"

Da contafiter wisper to his frien, "This is gonna be easier than I

Da contafiter say, "Can you give us change for a twelve dollar bill?"

Boudreaux say, "Mais shore Ah can! How you want dat, tree fores,
fore trees, or
2 sixes?"