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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Friends, even though we sent an update Saturday, we thought you might want to know about this.  Here are "parts" of Jim's letter.
Yesterday morning, at about 9:15, an hour from when I was supposed to return to our church's pulpit, Nicole's G-Tube (feeding tube) came out.  Not a big deal, actually . . . .  Still, we had to immediately take her the ER [25 miles away] and have a new one re-inserted.
Then, last night, around midnight, Deanna discovered that the second G-Tube had also come out!  (The balloon thing that they use to keep it in place appears to have simply split. like it was defective or something.)  So. another trip to the ER - this time, we arrived home around 3:30 AM  So. as you can easily figure out, we've had ZERO sleep.
Ever since the second re-insertion in particular, Nicole has been a terrific amount of pain.  She sleeps - but wakes up with each new pain.  It seems to simply be gas pain. and probably just the pain of the trauma of 2 G-Tube insertions in about 14 hours!  So, again, as you can imagine, we still aren't sleeping. not even resting. because every few minutes another wave of pain hits and she lets out a fresh yowl . . . . the ONLY comfort she seems to receive is to be constantly held and patted . . . . We're trying to take turns but, personally, I can't rest knowing how much Deanna is struggling.  Plus, I spent the first several minutes of my "rest time" crying. praying. wishing that my baby would just stop hurting.
We did get a bit of good news today . . . . on the counsel of our home health nurse, we contacted a state government agency that is trying to set us up with 70 hours a week of skilled nursing care . . . . IF they can find someone to take us, we would be able to use the nurse from 9-ish in the evenings until 6-ish in the mornings. allowing us to hopefully sleep.
SO. pray for [the] . . . . G-Tube to stay in place.  Pray for our baby to stop hurting.  Pray for a quality, skilled, kind nurse who we will be comfortable with, who will care for Nicole overnights.  Pray for us to be able to get some rest and to stay healthy . . . .
So, continue praying according to those specific previous requests, and then add these to them as well.  Thanks so much for allowing us to keep you updated like this. 

In His Bond,

Bob and Jo Ann
Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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