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Lets Roll

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Today is the one year anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States.  Please take some time today to say a prayer for those lost on that terrible day.  Thank you all and God Bless America.


She heard him say, "Let's roll", and then
As he laid down the phone.
She knew at once what he had meant,
Now she'd be all-alone.

He had called to tell her, of his love,
From a high jacked plane that day.
And as she heard his little prayer,
He started on his way.

He and others made a pact,
To fight for what was right.
They knew that none of them would live,
They'd not be home tonight.

The terrorists were taken down,
The plane fell from the sky.
These heroes will forever live,
We'll hear their final cry.

"Remember Pearl Harbor"
Was the cry in my big war.
Just like we did in '41,
We'll rise up from the floor.

The battle cry, will now rings out,
As one voice, we'll shout, "Let's roll"
For to rid the world of terrorists,
Is now our Country's goal.

A monument will soon be built,
Where these heroes took their stand.
We owe each one our gratitude,
From all across the land.

Tonight let's pray, for these brave souls,
Who gave their very lives.
And for the parents, siblings too,
The children and the wives.

So look around and you might see,
A hero by your side.
We never know who might stand up,
And fight instead of hide.

I'm proud of those who serve today,
I hope we stand our ground.
It may take years for us to win,
'Till the killers all are found.

Now GOD, I ask YOUR blessing,
On this country we hold dear.
'Till the warriors return safely home,
Then we can stand and cheer!

Copyright © Joe Pielmeier Sr. February 2002

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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