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Little Johnny Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>


"Please Keep Niki In Prayer"
Niki has been moved to a more advanced rehabilitation hospital. This is definitely a good sign and shows God working in Niki's life. Please keep Niki and her family in prayer as she moves on to this next step.
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"Little Johnny"
Little Johnny was visiting his grandparent's farm.  
Investigating the chicken lot, he came upon their peacock.
He ran quickly to the house, shouting, "Granny, come quick!  
One of your chickens is in bloom!"


"Little Johnny"

Little Johnny brought his puppy to visit his grandmother.
She was busy fixing dinner and paid no attention to the  
After a while Little Johnny, with tears in his eyes,  
asked her reproachfully, "Aren't you even going to speak  
to your granddog?"  
"Litttle Johnny"
One Sunday morning the pastor noticed Little Johnny standing staring up
at the large plaque of names that hung in the foyer of the church.
The young man of seven had been staring at the plaque for some time, so
the pastor walked up and stood beside him and gazing up at the plaque,
he said quietly, "Good morning, son."
"Good morning pastor," replied Little Johnny not taking his eyes off the
plaque. "Sir, what is this?" Little Johnny asked.
"Well son, these are all the people who have died in the service,"
replied the pastor.
Soberly, they stood together staring up at the large plaque.
Little Johnny's voice barely broke the silence when he asked quietly,
"Which one sir, the 8:30 or the 10:30?"

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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