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"Love Bug" Virus Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Love Bug Virus   
Recently, the "Love Bug" Virus circled the globe, damaging
computers in it's path. There have recently been some new
mutations or variations of this virus that you should be
aware of.

* The "I Love You, But I'm Shy" virus never actually invades
your computer, but collects data about it worshipfully from

* The "Love The One You're With" virus hangs around your
computer, but the whole thing is just temporary until it can
find the computer that it really wants to invade.

* The "Happily Married" virus invades only one computer
and stays with it for life.

* The "Unhappily Married" virus spends a long time negotia-
ting with a computer, finally invades it, and then strays to
other computers from time to time.

* The "I Want A Divorce" virus sends repeated, hard-to-read
messages that your computer isn't working and takes half of
your computer's best data in an ugly network session.

* The "Stalker" virus spends unnatural amounts of time
monitoring your computer, collecting data your computer has
thrown away and tries to record all of its functions. And it
writes rude messages to any other computer with which yours
connects on any regular basis.

* The "Forever Single" virus causes your computer to focus
solely on other computers with which it is totally incompat-
ible or prove generally unavailable.

* The "Deadbeat" virus invades your computer, spawns an
entirely new database, then refuses to help update it as
it grows.

It Was an ID Ten T Error
I was having trouble with my computer,
so I called the computer guy over to my desk.
He clicked a couple buttons and solved the problem.
As he was walking away, I called after him,
"So, what was wrong?"
He replied, "It was an ID Ten T Error."
A puzzled expression ran over my face.
"An ID Ten T Error, what's that, in case I need to fix it again?"
He gave me a grin.
"Haven't you ever heard of an ID Ten T Error before?"
"No", I replied.
"Write it down", he said, "and I think you'll figure it out."

Car Names Explained

Always Unsafe Designs Implemented

Big Money Works
Bought My Wife
Brutal Money Waster

Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer

Can Hear Every Valve Rap On Long Extended Trips
Cheap, Hardly Efficient, Virtually Runs On Luck Every Time
Condition Hopeless, Entire Vehicle Relies On Leftover Engine

Drips Oil, Drops Grease Everywhere
Dem Old Dudes Go Everywhere
Dead or Dying Gas Eater
Dear Old Dad's Geriatric Express

Failure in Italian Automotive Technology
Fix It All the Time
Fix it again, Tony!

First On Recall Day
First On Rust and Deterioration
Fast Only Rolling Downhill

Found On Road Dead!

General Maintenance
Great Mistake

Garage Man's Companion
Got A Mechanic Coming?

Had One Never Did Again

Hope You Understand Nothing's Driveable
And Inexpensive

Most Always Zipping Dangerously Along

Overpriced, Leisurely Driven Sedan Made Of
Buick's Irregular Leftover Equipment

Put in new transmission often

Poor old Neanderthal thinks it's a Cadillac

Send Another Automobile Back
Swedish Automobiles Always Breakdown.

Too Often Yankees Overprice This Auto

Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object
Vehicles Of Low Velocity Owners

Virtually Worthless

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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