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LUMglobal #078 ---- 4/30/09

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

                (formerly "Hope4Kyiv")
        Monthly Praise and Prayer Letter Of

          Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

              Life Unlimited Ministries

        "Touching Nations Here and Abroad"


                     Number 078

                  April 30th, 2009


Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:


Yesterday we were discussing some decisions we need to make, and Jo Ann said, "tomorrow is the last day of April," and we suddenly realized we need to get our "LUMglobal" letter written!  So, here it is . . . a bit rushed.


Rain, rain, rain, is the order of the day . . . the past few weeks, in fact.  This has been one of the wettest and windiest Springs in many years.  Even yesterday our county was under another severe flash flood warning.  Although there is no danger to our house which sits on the knoll of a hill, there are some low spots on the two country roads leading to our house making it possible to be cut off if too much rain fell at once.  Our soil, which has lots of rock and clay in it, is so saturated that our yard sometimes looks like a small lake.  Fortunately, the slight slope causes most of it to run off pretty quickly. 


But, . . . the up side of that is we get to sit and enjoy the quietude and serenity of the blossoming forest, the dozens of scampering squirrels, and the sounds of chirping birds seeking refuge under the eaves and porch of the house.  We couldn't ask for anything better for those days when we're home.  We've begun sprucing up the yard with some of our favorite Marigolds, Petunias, Viola's and the like, trying to reclaim some of the flower beds that were neglected the past six years. 




Bob is also trying his hand at gardening again . . . the first time in over ten years.  The picture above right shows the enormity of it . . . four hanging bags filled with two types of tomato plants, zucchini, yellow squash, red peppers, yellow peppers, green peppers, and cucumbers . . . all growing from either the bottom or the top.  This is the first time we've ever tried this method of gardening, but it's a great way to have the few fresh veggies the two of us can eat, and maybe freeze a few for the Fall.  And, . . . no weeding!!!




The wild cherry trees have lost all their blossoms, a few Redbud trees are hanging on to the remnants of their colors, the Flowering Crab and Bradford Pear trees have replaced all their blossoms with leaves, and only the Dogwood retains its splendor, as you can see above.  The Hickory, Oak, and Maple trees are now adorning their barren branches with new leaves.  It seems you can almost see them grow by the hour.  We are so blessed to live in such a beautiful place, even though six years of vacancy has certainly taken its toll on the property.  There is so much needing to be done that it sometimes overwhelms us and we don't know where to start when we wake up. 


What's Been Happening:


+  Much of our attention has been focused on continued projects on the house and yard, while visiting various churches and reconnecting with fellow ministry associates.  This past Monday we led a Prayer Summit in Warsaw, MO.  There are a few people there who have a deep burden for their town and are wanting to initiate some type of city-wide prayer movement.  The attendance was very small, but the spirit was excellent.  Bob spoke on some fundamental principles of cities, noting especially that every city has a special spiritual "entrance" that will allow believers to gain access to the spiritual dynamics going on, and that the beginning place for reaching any city is a strong and intense prayer base made up of pastors and other believers.


+  This week we secured a young married man from our home church who lost his job to come out and help Bob tackle some of the projects, beginning with the replacement or repair of either our hot water heater or our water softener, one of which has a slow leak we can't yet locate.  He will begin working with Bob starting this next Monday.  We are happy that our needs can help meet the needs of someone else.


+  We're still working on projects both inside and outside the house.  Jo Ann set up a service contract with Terminex, a pest and rodent control company, and it turned out that the man who did our initial service earlier this week is a bivocational pastor.  There has been a marked decrease in spiders, roaches, and crickets since the treatment, and we've had no further evidences of mice for the past several weeks.  But, we're holding our breath . . . it could be just a lull.  Bob has still been unable to locate any place where they could be getting in.  Fortunately, they have restricted themselves to two small storage closet areas near the family room.


+  Jo Ann keeps busy with desk work, cleaning projects, baking, preparing wonderful and nutritious meals, and dreaming big dreams about things she'd like to see done.  Nothing is more enjoyable, though, than to sit on the deck outside and enjoy a great sandwich with fresh veggies and an apple.  Not long after she finished baking the Oatmeal/Raisin cookies below, Bob happened to look out his office window and saw two adult deer and a young bambi right in along the edge of our yard about 40 feet away.  The picture below is one of several that he took earlier this afternoon.




+  Last Saturday Bob's mowers were finally serviced and returned to us . . . to the tune of over $425.00!  We could have had someone else more the yard seven times for that, but it would have still left Bob without equipment he needs for other things.  As soon as the rain stops enough for things to dry out, he'll get out and mow, and also use his "Cyclone Rake" to suck up and mulch more Hickory nut hulls and other debris.  Without the mowers, we did parts of the yard with simple leaf rakes, stiff backs, and wheel barrows, but there is still much to do.  We're also trying to get rid of all the moss that has begun growing in the damp and shaded areas of the yard.


+  We've also been having various people come to make bids on some projects too big for us to do alone . . . checking the house's foundations, crawl space, etc., as well as checking out possibilities for some larger projects such as adding a screened-in porch where our back deck is located, creating a flagstone patio in the front of the house, and so forth.  There's so much to be done.  It will definitely take us at least until Fall to get everything done, and that's if our money holds out long enough. 


Family Update:


+  Thanks for praying for some of the things we mentioned in our last letter.  Cindy's tests turned out just fine with no evidence of cancer returning.  They are all busy preparing for their return to the States from South America on June 22nd.  We hope to see them soon thereafter.  We've heard nothing from Debbie or any of her clan, so we have no news about them.  We talk with Bob and/or Cheri a couple times a month and get e-mails from them pretty regularly;  they are changing their diet dramatically as they continue monitoring Bob's Prostate cancer, and are still gathering more counsel and information as they prepare for surgery on June 9th.  Deanna and her family continue settling into their new house, and the church continues growing with the sanctuary pretty well maxed out every Sunday.  We're looking forward to visiting them probably in late May.


+  Personally, we're doing better as our endurance continues to increase.  We're both sleeping much better . . . most of the time.  Bob has stopped taking pain medication for his shoulders, and doesn't notice any increase in pain without it.  His right arm is still weak from the injury caused by his fall, and even though the x-rays showed no broken bones, we feel he definitely tore a muscle or ligament in his right forearm just below the elbow joint.  He is significantly limited in how much he can lift, and the position he must use for lifting at all. It is definitely a hindrance for the work he needs to be doing.  We hope it isn't permanent, and realize that such injuries take a very long time to completely heal.


Update Report on the Farsi Work in Ukraine:


We recently received the following report from our "M", who leads the Farsi ministry established by KIBC.  Even though we're no longer part of KIBC, we still maintain very close contact with those young men and women who lead that vital ministry.  Rejoice with us over what God continues doing.
+  "Mother T" and Evangelism:
    Several weeks ago, an Iranian Christian lady in [another country] found out about the Farsi ministry in [our city].  She then contacted "V" and talked to him about the possibility of sending us Farsi Bibles.  Soon after, she sent us around 500 New Testaments in Farsi.
    Few days ago, she herself came to [our city] to help us to Evangelism. Because of the danger of public Evangelism in [our city], "Father's House" accompanied her to different hostels, and let her go to the rooms of Iranians and hand out Bibles.  We reached 5 or 6 major hostels in [our city] and [city #2].
    For example, "F" took her to his hostel and showed her all the rooms and floors that Iranians live.  Then it was her job to go door by door and hand in the Bibles to the students.  Since she has been living in [another country] for more than 46 years and has [another country's] passport, there was no problem for her to do that.  Meanwhile, we stamped each Bible with an email address we had opened, as a way of contact for anyone who is interested to know more about the Lord.  We also sent "V" and her to [city #2] and there they gave out many Bibles and talked to many Iranians as well.
    “V” described a situation as they went to eat in a Persian restaurant in [our city] ". In restaurant, “V” and “Mother T”(Iranian lady) were waiting for the food that 3 Iranians entered the restaurant. "Mother T" gave them the Bibles, they began to rejoice telling them that they were looking for Farsi Bibles for almost a year and today they got one. 
    She was here for 5 days, and more than 300 Farsi Bibles were given out to people. She also gave out around 100 Russian Bibles and about 60 Arabic Bibles as well. Besides all that, we made contact with lots of new Iranians.
New Believers:
    We had 2 new people that accepted the Lord lately. One of them was a man from Tajikistan that came to our church few weeks ago. He had lost his job and all his hopes due to devastating economic crisis in [the country where we live]. We shared with him about the Lord and the changes He can bring to his life. Meanwhile, people from Tajikistan speak in Farsi so it was very easy to share our heart with him. The next day, we heard from an Iranian believer that he had accepted the Lord.
    Last Thursday, an Iranian came to our Farsi Bible study that we haven’t seen for more than 4 months. He used to come to us with his girlfriend, but he stopped attending our Bible studies. He lives in “Hu” hostel and had come to know about Christianity through “Hu” witnessing. Since he had quitted coming, we felt he has lost interests. But as he showed up on Thursday, we found out that he’s been dealing with many problems in life. He told us he felt like he was at the end of his life (even though he is only 23).
    We then explained him again the work that Lord did for him on the cross. After the Bible study, he stayed with us as we had coffee and talked more. I told him that today might be a day that Lord wanted him to trust Him. As our conversation went on and his eyes were filled with tears, he told me that he wanted to pray and accept the Lord because he felt like his life was spent in vain. “V” and I then prayed and he prayed and accepted the Lord.  We specially rejoiced more because he is the son of the ex ambassador of Iranian government in [our city]!  It is amazing that the Lord works in hearts of people we never expect.

+  Prayer requests:
    Please pray for 2 Iranians "F" and I took to coffee shop last Sunday to build a better relationship with them. We have shared with them already. Especially "F" has shared the gospel with them 3 nights from 12 a.m to 6 a.m! They live 2 floors above “F” room.
    Please pray for those who have received the Bibles. Pray that our Father would open their hearts to believe.
    Please pray for "P", the son of the ex ambassador that has believed in the Lord. Pray that he would grow in his faith.
    Please pray for coming events. We are planning and praying about going to the [city #4]and share the gospel with Iranians there. We are also planning to establish a website in Farsi for our Farsi ministry to reach out to people in Iran. A person is coming from another country to help us build it May 1 to 5.
    Please pray for our safety. It has become very dangerous. Even more dangerous than a week ago! Iranian government has established an especial force that track Iranian Christians outside the territory of Iran and do terrorism. They have already threatened the Iranian church in Athens (Greece).
    Please pray for [this country's] government. We are very tired of Neo Nazi rallies and disrespect to foreigners. Even though the major revenue of the [country's] government is earned by having foreigners either investing or studying here, the situation for foreigners worsens even single day.  Last Monday, one day after Easter in [this country], in the downtown of [our city], many people celebrated Hitler’s birthday. We didn’t leave our apartments that day due to the danger of getting harassed. The sad thing is government only denies the fact that foreigners are being harassed and doesn’t do anything about it.
    Please pray for me and [my wife]. Please pray for strength and peace for me. I’ve been frustrated lately because of many things that I have to deal with every day and face in [this country].
At the end, we appreciate all your love, care, support and friendship. That indeed encourages us very much.  It's by your prayers that we are still safe and fine and do His work.
May your hearts be filled with Peace,
In Him,

Work at KIBC:


Even though we're no longer part of the KIBC work, we do get reports periodically, and are excited with what we hear.  Even though the attendance dropped dramatically after we left (which disappoints us deeply), several new ministries have developed, including the following ---- Dennis and Lydia Bowen with Ascent Ministries are leading a family communications seminar, the church is having a monthly Sunday potluck dinner, an evangelistic English club will be led in May, the last Sunday of each month people, led by Ira Iurchuk, do street evangelism, an evangelistic picnic is scheduled for May 9th, and Tuesday evenings are set aside for prayer time and small group meetings.  This is all very exciting to us.


Coming Up:


+  NEW MAILING ADDRESS ---- VERY IMPORTANT!  Some of our supporters are still using our old mailing address at 6630 SE 951 Rd. even though we've asked that everyone use our new mailing address, which is P.O. Box 228.  So, please, when you write to us snail mail, be sure to send it to us at P.O. Box 228.


+  Beginning this next Sunday we will lead a four-day Bible conference on "Today's Indicators of Tomorrow's Headlines", hosted by the Open Arms Church in Warsaw, MO, and other churches participating.  This is also where we spoke at the Prayer Summit last Monday.  Between the Summit and the coming meeting, it may develop into a an ongoing relationship between Bob and area pastors, especially if the express a genuine interest in developing a pastor-driven prayer strategy.  Right now, the ministers in the area have almost no contact with each other.  What little there is seems to be on a pretty casual basis.  Our experience in Reedsburg, WI, makes us pray that the area pastors can really come together with a serious effort to impact their community.


+  Bob continues making contact with various pastors and regional leaders concerning possible future ministry opportunities.  We still feel, though, that the Lord is keeping these months fairly free for us so we can get these much-needed projects done.


+  Our dear friends, Joel and Iryna Colon, will visit us next week-end as they travel across the U.S. trying to raise financial support for their missionary work in Ukraine.  Ira was Bob's translator at St. James Bible College the last time he taught there.  Joel, who speaks fluent Spanish and was raised as a missionary kid in Latin America, was  an early part of the Spanish work our church in Kyiv began several years ago.  They both were part of the original group that helped start Kyiv International Bible Church almost four years ago.


Letter from A Friend: 
Usually our letters are far too long anyhow, so we seldom include additional material such as "M"'s report and this letter from our friend, Paul.  But, with what's going on in America now, we felt it was appropriate.  Paul was the first person to welcome us to Kyiv in January, 2003, when we met him at the Ukrainian Baptist Union office.  He's been a missionary in Ukraine for many years, planting churches, conducting evangelistic churches, and training church leaders.  When we tried to develop a prayer movement among the scores of missionaries in Kyiv, Paul was one of the most ardent supporters.  Today we received this letter from him, sharing his heart's cry, and we share it with you because it illustrates the burden of heart that many American Christians share, and it summarizes the radical shift that has taken place in our political arena.  You may not agree with everything he says, but we think you'll agree that this is further indication that America needs a mighty moving of God in her Christian community, and a dramatic change of both attitude and action in the social sphere if America is ever going to return to the roots of her Judeo-Christian heritage.
Dear friends,
    This is not a forward or a copy.  I am writing some deep feelings of my heart right now while I'm at home.  "O Lord, in distress they sought thee, they poured out a prayer when thy chastening was upon them."  (Isaiah 26:16)  Last night, as we watched the presidential press conference, hearing the accomplishments, the plans... perhaps coming away with the feeling that 'all is in control', or 'we're in good hands', or the 'ship's on the right course'...let us be reminded at this hour, that this country has never been in more acute danger, or never strayed further from it's moral foundations in its history. 
- The Food and Drug Administration is now allowing 17-year-olds to get the 'morning-after' birth control pill without a doctor's prescription
- Millions of taxpayer dollars are now being released to fund abortion and 'embryonic stem cell' research
- Homosexual rights advocates fill the President's cabinet, and homosexual "marriage" is now law in four states--including Midwestern Iowa
- 'Hate crimes' legislation is being debated in the U.S. House or Representatives  (and possibly soon in the  U.S. Senate) which could, one day, be used to prosecute pastors, business people, and anyone for speaking (or even preaching from the pulpit!) truth about homosexual sin and other offensive activity. 
- The U.S. Senate is now one member away from giving President Obama effective total control of both  U.S. Houses to do whatever he pleases from his agenda in the coming years
- Pornography and violence fill our web-sites, cable channels, and children's video games 
- The "Fairness Doctrine" could be resurrected soon, which could severely limit what little opposing opinions we have left on our radio and TV stations
As we walk forward as a nation in these and so many other abominable deeds before our God, do we notice what's happening?  
- Dozens of mass-killings of innocent people in schools, churches, and other public places
- New epidemics or 'pandemics'  threatening our nation's health
- Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and fires seemingly growing in frequency and intensity
- The American economy in a free-fall, our government making interludes with Socialism 
- Our borders flooded with drugs and illegal immigrants
- Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, China, Russia building  their military forces which could one day be used against us
Is it possible that God is lifting His hand of favor from us?  Do we know that it's not the economy, or our military strength that is our greatest defense and national asset--but our moral health that keeps us in favor with God?   "How the faithful city has become a harlot, she that was full of justice!  Righteousness lodged in her...Your silver has become dross, your wine mixed with water.  Your princes are rebels and companions of thieves. . . Therefore the Lord says, the Lord of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel:  'Ah, I will vent my wrath on my enemies, and avenge myself on my foes.  I will turn my hand against you.....' "  
This word was given to Judah and Jerusalem several thousand years ago (Is 1:21-25) and I believe it's a word for us today.  I believe our nation is on the road to unimaginable judgment and suffering,....unless we repent, cleanse ourselves of our wickedness, and cry out to our Father for His mercy for this great country in which we live.  "Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; through they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.  If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land;  But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword..; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken."  (Is. 1:18-20)
Jesus has died for our sins.  Are we ready today to fall on our knees and cry out to God to save our country from our enemies--both internal and external?   Are we ready to forsake our evil ways, thoughts and desires, and turn to Him in true repentance and call on Him to change us--individually and as a nation?
Or, will we wait for His chastisement?  (Do we know what that could be like)?
God is merciful.  He loves us.  He is for us.  But it appears His patience for this nation is waning.
Please take time today to put aside your normal activities and pray.  It could be the start of fresh, new. lasting move of God, and bring untold new blessings on this nation and the world.  Your prayer could be the one that moves the hand of God.  "...For thy dew is a dew of light, and on the land of the shades thou wilt let it fall."  (Is. 26:19)
In Jesus' love,


Prayer Requests:


+  Obviously one of the greatest needs for prayer is the situation as our friend, Paul, expressed it.  We both have grave concerns concerning America's future.  There are only two things that guarantee God's blessing upon a nation . . . righteousness, and friendship with Israel.  We are in great need of repentance and return to the Lord.  Pray to that end.


+  Pray that our ministry financial needs will be met.  Our support since returning to the States has dropped by about 30%.  At the same time, many have continued amazing faithful support, and we are so grateful.


+  Pray for the conference in Warsaw, MO, coming up this next Sunday.  Pray that God will presence Himself and the Holy Spirit will hover in atmospheric presence, touching the lives of all who attend.  Pray that Bob will have precisely the messages the people need to hear; he'll have only five opportunities to preach.


+  Pray for future doors to open.  We are convinced the Lord brought us back to the States, but it clearly was not to "retire" or sit back and do nothing.  We know He gave us some specific messages to share with the Church in America, but doors must open in order for that to happen.


+  Pray for us as we make numerous personal decisions concerning house improvements, investment decisions, and travel plans.  We need to hear the Lord clearly on several matters.


+  Pray for our kids and their families; each one is facing specific and unique circumstances that need strong prayer undergirding.




Thanks for letting us share our thoughts and a few pix of what's going on.  We hope our letters are never boring, and we hope that you can wade through the abundance of things we share.  We are so grateful for you, and we thank God for you and the place you have in our hearts.


In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,


Bob and Jo Ann

The Tollivers

Missionaries to the Nations

Note Our New E-Mail Addresses. (Bob) (Jo Ann)



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