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LUMglobal #081 ---- 7/29/09

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

       Monthly Praise and Prayer Letter Of

          Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

              Life Unlimited Ministries

        "Touching Nations Here and Abroad"


                     Number 081

                  July 30th, 2009


Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:


What an action filled month July has been!  And, some of you probably knew some things that were about to happen that we didn't know.  Yes, it's true that our daughters had told us to keep the month of July free, and other than still being in the middle of major work on the house, we did.  By the time all the surprises happened, we could hardly catch our breath; so, this month's letter is primarily about family events, although we do have some very important information about the work still going on in Ukraine.


What's Been Happening:

+  We successfully concluded our quick trip to a "Doyle/Lawler" (Jo Ann's mother's side of the family) family reunion for Jo Ann in Blue Mound, IL, followed by two short days visiting with some of Bob's cousins back in the area of his roots.  We returned home in time to welcome our oldest daughter, Cindy, and her family who had just returned a few days earlier from Colombia, South America where they serve as career missionaries.  They came down for the July 4th week-end and a missions conference in Springfield, MO, making our place their headquarters.


+  Our youngest daughter, Deanna, and her family also came down for the week-end, so we had a real house full.  We should have suspected something then, but we didn't . . . until Saturday, July 4th, when at breakfast we were given an envelope with a notice to appear at Southern Hills Church in Bolivar at 1:00 pm that day.  We scurried around, loaded the Suburban and headed down to what was to be the beginning of a month-long 50th anniversary celebration the girls had planned for us.


When we walked in the door, there were our other two daughters and their families, the cousins whom we had just visited in Illinois the week before, and numerous other relatives and friends who had traveled from as far away as Illinois, Minnesota, Texas, Arizona, and points in between.  The girls (below left, left to right oldest to youngest -- Cindy, Debbie, Cheri, Deanna) had been planning this series of events for two years, coordinating it for when everyone could be present.  The middle picture shows daughters, sons-in-law, grandkids, and cousins who were able to attend. 




As friends and family helped us celebrate a very special day, our girls totally surprised us by providing "gift certificates" (top right) giving us two very special trips, the first of which was eight wonderful days in the Black Hills area of South Dakota.  This is one of three areas of America we've always wanted to see but have never been able.  They also provided us with funds toward a future trip to the New England states.


Our mouths dropped when we read the certificates and discovered that the Black Hills trip was already scheduled nine days away, for July 13th to 19th, and that three of our four daughters and their families would share it with us as we all set up housekeeping in a beautiful three-story cabin situated at about 5,300 feet up in the Ponderosa Pines just outside the town of Lead.  And, what a great time we had!




We enjoyed so many sights in the area that it made us wonder why we never did this before.  Everything from Mount Rushmore (of course), a dynamite explosion at Crazy Horse Monument, to wildlife at Custer State Park (100's of buffalo, mountain sheep, elk, etc.), more wildlife at Bear Country, the amazing Badlands, the old mining town of Deadwood, and more.  Bob took nearly 1,000 digital pictures of the trip . . . and we have pictures coming from our kids as well.




So, all in all, it was indeed the trip of a lifetime.  And, we must extend an enormous and gigantic "thank you" to everyone who sent us cards (these we know), and all who helped our girls financially with the trip (these we don't know).  Now, we're looking forward to the two of us taking that Fall Colors trip to New England.  We hope we can do it this year, but with all the construction work around the house, along with ministry engagements, we're not sure if we can work it in.  Whenever it happens, we know it will be another wonderful experience.


+  While on the trip, we had an opportunity to not only spend the time with most of our family, but also to see friends from years gone by:  We had lunch and a few hours with Dick and Mary Dungan in Norfolk, NE, spent the night with Brian and Chris McPike (original board members with Life Unlimited Ministries) in Lincoln, NE, enjoyed an afternoon visit in Valley Center, KS, with John and AnnaMae Berwick (AnnaMae was our amazing church pianist years ago from 1964 to 1966, and John and Bob did many duets together), and then we spent the night with former pastor Gordon Dorian and wife Doris (the couple who had to endure our ministry in Wichita, KS, right after we finished seminary in 1964).  Those were all incredibly special times as we reconnected with people who had such impact on our lives throughout the years.


+  Now that we're back home, we're watching the work on the new four-season sun room add-on come near its conclusion.  Yesterday the guys finished replacing the deck (enlarged), completed the little bit of siding, and finished the dry wall work and texturizing on the ceiling and walls.  Tomorrow they will begin sealing and painting and will probably install the sliding doors between the living room and the new four-season sun room. 


Special Note From Chinese Work:


As we mentioned in our May letter, we had a chance to visit with Pastor Feng and his wife, Rebecca, former leaders of our Chinese ministry in Kyiv.  Since that letter, we've learned that Pastor Feng is applying for seminary training in America, and also that the satellite work in Odessa, Ukraine, which was part of our Chinese ministry under his leadership, now has about 280 people involved.  A wonderful progression from the 14 Pastor Feng baptized down there two years ago.


In addition, another of our leaders, Louis Liu, has moved back to China and, as the letter shows below, is doing wonderfully.

Thank you for your letter. I am glad that you met up with pastor Feng and his wife. I talked to them ten days ago and they were still in New York. I think they are enjoying their American experience.

I found a teaching job in a college preparatory school in Qingdao that prepares high school students who are about to start colleges in US. We teach them American high school curriculum of math, science, computing, business and English. Our aim is to help them to transition from Chinese educational system, where students are only taught to memorize and recite, to American educational system where students are encouraged to think creatively, to exchange ideas in discussion and to write academic papers without committing plagiarism. Only very few students will get to the mental level of an average American high school graduate after nine months of study. But we hope they will quickly adapt to the college life when they start their study in US.

Regarding spiritual life, I try to have a quiet time every day, and I am involved in a local three-self church. Christians here in my church are loving and single-minded. We don't have that type of politics going on that existed in the Chinese church in Kiev. We just want to share the Good News with our neighbor.

Although we had hoped Louis could have a ministry in the house church movement, we're thrilled that he is involved there, and that the Lord has given him a good job.  He'll be a great witness where he is.
Special Note From Farsi Work:
We stay in close contact with "M" and the rest of the group in the Farsi ministry with Iranians.  Three of them especially keep us informed about what's going on both in Kyiv and in Iran.  While the demonstrations have greatly subsided because of longevity and governmental intimidation and arrests, the desire for freedom and a form of democracy still runs very strong with the majority of Iranians.  And the persecution of Christians (including execution) is still very strong.
Here is a recent praise report from "M" concerning the work in [city #1]: 

We had a wonderful time with the Iranian pastor that came from America. He had aslo brought with him one of his American missionary friends. We had a 4-day intensive Bible study plus fellowship. Our Farsi ministry hosted about 15 Iranians that came to learn the word of God. We got acquainted with 3 new believers that had come to faith not long ago. One of the Iranian believers that attends our Farsi Bible study off and on had met them in different . . . churches and brought them to our meetings.
One of them was a young girl that had come to faith about 10 days prior to our meeting and it was awesome to hear from her mouth how her life had been changed. There was a boy who had believed around 3 months ago and an Iranian woman that had believed in Iran through a Christian satellite T.V. They were all attending different . . . churches but becasue of language barrior, they didn’t know much about the Bible and hadn’t grown much in the Lord.  But interestingly enough, In their testimonies, they all talked about the same thing: “My life has been changed, I’m not the same person anymore”. We arranged with them to have one on one Bible study. My wife exchanged contact with the women and offered them to study the Bible with her.
Besides all this, the Iranian Pastor made a trip to [city #3] to attend a Christian concert. Since he is a great musician and plays number of instruments, he and his American missionary friend (that plays 5 instruments as well) were invited to [city #3] by a . . . church to play in a Christian concert for non-believers. We used this opportunity and arrananged with “H”, one of our Farsi ministry leaders that had gone to [city #3] for few days to visit his brothers.  “H” tried to gather those people with whom we had shared the gospel few months ago in our mission trip to[city #3] and invited the Iranian Pastor to share God’s word with them again. To our suprise, as “H” began calling those people and inviting them to the meeting, not only those old people with whom we had shared the gospel came, but they had brought few of their friends who were interested in God’s word. So the Iranian Pastor along with “H”, got a chance to witness to bunch of new Iranians as well as the old ones.
“H” was very glad that he was able to arrange these meetings and he told me that the Lord arranged the [city #3] trip for him in the right time.
I also had an idea on my mind that shared with the Iranian pastor about a good opportunity to share the gospel with Iranians in [City #1]. My offer was that since he has a professional group of Iranian believers who play Persian gospel songs in America, we could arrange a Evangelical concert in [city #1] and our Farsi church gets involved in arranging the program where there’s a Farsi Christian concert, preaching and receiption in the concert hall of my university. I offered my help in playing guitar in their group if needed and “V” and others offered their help in arranging receiption and putting up a nice program together.
He was very excited about this opportunity and promised to talk to his church about it. We all have decided to pray for about a month to find out what the Lord has to say to us regarding this opportunity.
We appreciate your prayers regarding the followings:
·         Those Iranians with whom Iranian pastor and “Hu” have shared God’s word in [city #3]
·         For us to find out what is the Lord’s will regarding the concert opportunity
·         New Iranian believers with whom we are planning to have one on one Bible study and mentoring
At the end, we thank you again for your prayers, love and care for Farsi ministry. We praise the Lord for people like you that remember us and pray for us daily. We are blessed beyond words to have a family like you.
Love and Peace in Him,
We also ask that you pray fervently for the political situation in Iran.  Our friend, "B" feeds us links to video and audio materials that are somehow sneaking through the governmental shut-down of internet and cell phone service.  Additionally, please pray especially for "F" who will try to fly out of Iran and back to Kyiv this coming Thursday.  Here's a letter he sent us last week:  Hi from [Iranian city],dear Pastor Bob,  I wish everything will be OK there.  I ask you an important pray request and that is a possibility of a danger as i want to leave the country on [a day this week] of july,that is the next Thursday.  I've heard that they arrested the number of students who wanted to enter . . . [from city #1 to Iranian city] airport and i'm sure if Police had been forced them to confess and give them information,I will be in serious danger.  Please pray that the arrested people didn't mention me to authorities and they can let me out from [Iranian city].  please be in prayer for me.  Blessings, "F"
"M" also sent us this note concerning "F's" return:  "F" is coming back to [city #1] on coming [a day this week] at 6:00 A.M [city #1] time.  We have heard some News that the government has arrested few students flying from [city #1] to Iran.  Nothing is stable right now.  Authorities have arrested another 3 to 4 thousands people in the country.  So your prayers regarding "F" safety are appreciated.  I'm going to meet him at the airport and, Lord willing, will send you another note on Fri.
As you can see, this ministry is obviously strategic and a threat to Satan's plan to "steal, kill, and destroy".  We're pretty confident that these arrests and interrogations have come as a result of so many Iranians coming to faith in Christ in the city where we ministered these past years.  It may possibly be connected to the encounter "M", "F", and "H" had with the Imam there several months ago.  It can become a serious matter.


Upcoming Events:


+  We are still doing lots of work around the property, and that will continue for quite some time.  Two sides of our yard around the house have been basically destroyed from the construction work, so that will be ahead for us.  That includes significant grading and leveling, two big applications of lime, the application of a special mixture of granulated nutrients and fertilizer, and then sometime this Fall, sowing grass seed.  Along with that we must relocate some bushes and trees, and add some.  He still has to start configuring and preparing the garden shed for all the yard tools, work through all the "stuff" piled in the garage, and put new floor and add the wall siding in the garage.  Bob still wants to reconfigure the front deck and tie it with a matching walkway to the front porch, and also try to add a flagstone patio alongside the walkway and porch.  That doesn't include finishing off, decorating, and furnishing the new room; nor does it include doing new shelving in our master bedroom closet, possibly adding a shower in our master bathroom, and cleaning out and reconfiguring two storage closets off the family room.  So, if we did nothing else, the year is full of projects.


+  August 7th to 9th we will be in West Plains, MO where FBC is celebrating their 125th anniversary.  We will be sharing a brief report and enjoying a wonderful reunion with people with whom we walked the pathway of revival some forty-three years ago.  We're looking forward to the celebration, and especially the chance to be with Jim and Jane Hylton, who was pastor during those days.  August 16th we will return once again to Open Arms Church in Warsaw, MO, to lead a Bible study, sing, and preach.  This will be the third time this year we've been with them.


+  We're still working on our Fall and Winter agenda as various doors open and close.  We will be in Raytown, MO for a state conference the end of October.  Several opportunities are in varying stages of development, and as soon as Bob can communicate with some pastors and area leaders, the sooner our travel schedule will pick up.  Right now, we need to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit as to where he wants us to focus regionally.


+  Our hearts still call us to some strategic countries, but also to be strong voices in churches here in the States.  With things continuing to deteriorate morally and politically here, we feel the Lord has given us a message to the churches.  Whether or not they'll want us to share it is another question.  Likewise, globally we feel the Lord wants us to invest some of our time each year in fields that have been newly broken up and ready to again receive God's Word for these strategic last days.  We just don't know how that will play itself out yet.


Prayer Requests:


There are numerous other things happening in our lives and ministry, but we wanted to concentrate on these and on the following prayer requests.  We'll have more to share next month.  In the meantime, please pray intensely for . . .


+  "F" to be able to leave Iran and return to Kyiv without incident.  Pray that he, "M" and wife Ira, "H", "V" and all the other brothers and sisters will remain safe, bold in their witness, and highly fruitful in seeing many others come to faith in Christ.  Pray for future plans and cooperative events between the group and Mother "T" from Germany and also the evangelist from America as they continue developing strategies for reaching Iranians there.


+  The Chinese ministry in Odessa, that it will grow and reach thousands with the Gospel.  For Louis and his ministry in China.  For Maxim and his missionary work in Bangkok, Thailand.  For Mark and his ministry to Arabic speakers in Kyiv.


+  KIBC as it continues to struggle with the issue of its stated purpose when it was begun almost four years ago.  Pray for the Pastoral Leadership Team that they will catch a renewed vision and understanding of the church's calling.  Pray for unity and singleness of mind and purpose.  Pray that it will have a season of dramatic salvations of Ukrainians and internationals, and that the work will expand greatly.  Pray that they will clearly hear from God concerning their location in the future.  Pray that God will draw like-minded people into the fellowship.


+  The two of us as we "recuperate" from a strenuous month of construction, holidays, visits, and major projects.  Pray that our minds will clear and our bodies will be quickly refreshed.  Pray for Jo Ann as she manages our finances and keeps an overseeing eye on the construction process and the redecorating to follow.  Pray for Bob that he'll be able to keep clear on the projects nearing completion, and that he'll be able to quickly advance to the next tasks before him.  Pray that he'll benefit physically from the nine hours worth of mowing he has to face with only our walking mower operational.


+  Our children:  Cindy and family as they enter into a season of itineration (support raising) for their next assignment in Colombia;  Debbie and the girls as she continues to face the challenges of MS, and for Rachel who is showing similar signs at such a young teen-ager;  Cheri and Bob now with an empty next, Bob as he continues preparing for surgery/ treatment for Prostate cancer, Cheri as she tries to find answers to strange "wandering" pain that moves around her body; Deanna and family as they continue leading the new pastorate.


+  Our ministry challenges of continued financial support, scheduling ministry opportunities for the Fall and beyond, and for God's timing regarding our next trip overseas.  Also pray that we'll be put to good use in our home church; we feel we have something significant to offer.




Well, dear friends and family, we again thank you from the depths of our hearts for your confidence, encouragement, and support.  Especially we thank those who helped us enjoy perhaps one of the most delightful vacations we've ever taken, and at least in the last thirty years.  We were so refreshed by the experience.  Please drop us a note when you can.


In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,


Bob and Jo Ann

The Tollivers

Missionaries "Touching Nations"

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