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LUMglobal #086 -- Nov/Dec-2009

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

  Monthly Praise and Prayer Letter Of

          Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

               Life Unlimited Ministries

      "Touching Nations Here and There"


                      Number 086

         November/December, 2009




Dear Friends, Family, and LUM-InPact Partners:


We are sending, for the first time ever, a combined two-month newsletter because of the holidays.  That means there will not be a separate December letter unless we deem it necessary.  So, first and foremost, this letter wishes you a belated "Happy Thanksgiving!" and an early "Merry Christmas!"  It is our prayer that both holidays will be firmly rooted in the great truth of God's Word and filled with His abundant blessings of love, mercy, grace, joy, and hope.


It was twenty-nine years ago this month that Life Unlimited Ministries was founded.  Following a difficult and tiring year of pastoral challenges, the Holy Spirit seemed to ask Bob, "If you could do anything in the world in serving Me besides what you're doing, and money was no object, what would you do?"  Following three weeks of deep thought and prayer, Bob's answer was, "I'd have a traveling ministry of encouragement to pastors and equipping to churches, and I'd be out from under anyone's financial thumb."  Based on Psalm 37:4, we knew this was a desire the Lord had given us, and that He would open the door and provide the means.  This assurance gave us a sense of contentment that allowed Jo Ann to continue managing the bookstore for Zondervan Corp while Bob focused on maintaining his pastoral ministry and working to build a financial base through a nutritional marketing plan.  All three endeavors were successful, and while we were on a company reward trip to Hawaii in October of the following year, God spoke to us at 4:00 A.M. one morning on an Oahu beach, telling us it was time.  Four weeks later on Thanksgiving week-end of 1980, we shared the calling with Bob's parents, and Life Unlimited Ministries was born.


We still find it hard to believe how God has opened doors beyond our wildest dreams.  Now, 38 states and 30 countries later, we look back with unspeakable gratitude for what God has done, and how He has allowed us to be part of it all.  So, this Thanksgiving season has been a special time for us as we remember not only the 29 years of vocational itinerant ministry, but also the 53+ years of vocational ministry which began for Bob in 1956 and Jo Ann about the same time as God assured her that He was calling her to be a pastor's wife . . . even before they knew each other and before God called Bob to be a pastor years later.  How awesome is that!


It's also difficult to realize we've now been back in the States nearly a year, having returned in mid December of 2008.  We were discussing earlier today about how much traveling we did the first eight months we were home ---- trips to Stillwater, OK the end of December, to St. Paul, MN the end of January, to northeastern MO in January, to Atlanta, GA, in February, to Tucson, AZ in March, another to St. Paul and to southern Wisconsin in late May/June, to IL the end of June, our 50th anniversary trip to the Black Hills of SD in July, to southeastern MO in August, to IA and IL in October, and to the Kansas City area the end of October.  If you add them up, we've been home just over eleven months and have made eleven trips.  No wonder it takes us so long on house projects!


What's Been Going On:


+  The electrical lines are finally run to the garden shed built last July, so now it has electricity inside, and 30 amp connections on the outside where we can plug in the ministry travel trailer.  Work on the deck and walkway continue.  Between rain, Bob's frequent shoulder/back problems, and other responsibilities, the work has been slow.  But, he enjoys every minute of it, and Jo Ann waits excitedly with anticipation.  He continues learning endurance while she continues learning to be patiently satisfied with "progress".  It has been a one-man job from start to finish except over TG holidays when Kevin was able to help with a more complicated section for a few hours before they returned to Des Moines.  If the weather holds, we hope to have all the decking down and the project completed by the end of the week.  However, colder weather and possible snow is forecast for Tuesday night and Wednesday.  After a little "spiffing up" with finishing touches, we'll move on to the next projects (shower in the master bathroom, revamping two storage closets in the house, completing the "storm shelter basement" under the new sun room), and then get to the garage and workshop renovation (which was actually supposed to have been the original project nine months ago). 




+  The new yard has progressed dramatically since the new topsoil, seed, and fertilizer were applied.  However, heavy rains that came a few days later washed some of the seed away, leaving lots of bare spots that will have to be re-seeded.  The rain also exposed some unsatisfactory grading and leveling, leaving the yard as a whole more undulating and bumpy than before.  Nonetheless, we feel so blessed to live in a place like this.  Hardly a day goes by without our seeing new expression of nature reminding us of God's majesty that is still seen as His personal touch.  Recently Bob sat looking out his office window and thought about "When The Leaves Are Gone".  After the leaves of Summer have lost their color and grip, and nothing remains but bare trees, God is still there.  If you look closely, you will see things such as "The Sentinel" standing guard even in barren times.  Or, you may see the glory of God filter through the fog and mist of confusion.  Or, you might even see the vibrant expressions of hardy life, as in the picture of the deer Bob took two days ago.  Whatever the case, God's presence is evident everywhere . . . if we only take time to look . . . and then see.




+  Our ministry to the nearby church has continued, and we've been able to bring them encouragement and hope from God's Word five of the past eight Sundays.  Three of those Sundays Jo Ann also played piano.  The people really enjoyed that, and have expressed their deep appreciation for our ministry.  Yesterday the church voted to ask Bob to serve as a sort of "interim pastor/advisor/consultant" as often as we can when other ministry duties don't call us away.  We have agreed to do so.  It's only ten miles away, so making two or three trips a week to preach and teach isn't much of an inconvenience.  And, we are thrilled to do it because when we knew the Lord was leading us back to the States, we knew that it was so we could help build up and challenge the Church in America to be holy, courageous, and engaged in strategic ministry both locally and globally while time remains before the Lord's return.  This deeply wounded and bruised congregation needs healing, restoration, and new vision; we feel like we can help give them that.


+  Jo Ann is currently suffering from severe pain in the heel of her left foot.  Today the doctor told her she had "weak feet" and nothing can really be done more than what she currently does, and that is strenuous foot exercises and staying off her feet as much as possible when in pain.  The problem seems to come and go at will, with no apparent factor that triggers it.  This is the third such episode since our return from Kyiv.


+  Cindy and her family are constantly on the run speaking in churches and missions conferences, trying to raise prayer and financial support for a major building project at the seminary in Medellin, Colombia, where Kevin serves as director.  He flies back to Medellin this coming Wednesday to participate in the seminary's graduation service, returning to Des Moines after a week away.  We hear by the grapevine that Rachel, Debbie's third daughter, is having rather serious numbness and pain problems with her legs.  They are considering the possibility of MS, especially since Debbie suffers from that.  Cheri and Bob are full-blown empty-nesters, currently in Oregon visiting Bob's parents.  Their five, Roma and Anya are in Texas, Misha and Sergey are in northern Iowa, and Katya is in Minnesota.  Deanna and family are on the go.  Both Michael and JoyLinn have passed through the flu episodes, and Jim and Deanna both seem to be free of post-surgery pain for wisdom teeth removal.  They both continue serving the church in Knoxville, IL.


+  We have been greatly concerned over the direction of our country, as we know you have been.  For the past three weeks Bob has been writing about America's Judeo-Christian history in his weekly "Shoulder To Shoulder" e-letters.  (If you haven't received them, but would like to, drop him an e-mail at, and he'll send them to you.)  Out of those concerns, he has been struggling with the idea of finding ways to address some of the political/social/moral/historical issues that are leaving us morally adrift.  One of his conclusions is that this may well be a time closely akin to the original American Revolution.  The similarities are astounding, but instead of it being England, it's seems to be Washington with whom American citizens are battling.  As we face the domination of power, excessive taxation and government spending, and the progressive loss of our freedoms, maybe were on the verge of the Second American Revolution.  Time will tell.


Update on Farsi Ministry:


We recently received the following report from "M" and his wife concerning the ongoing work with Iranian Muslims in Ukraine.  We never cease to be amazed at all that God is doing there.  We do hope you'll pray for "M" and Ira as they face major financial and health challenges in anticipation of the upcoming birth of their baby.  Be blessed as you read the following:


Dear Kingdom Partners,
Since 2006, the Lord has used the Farsi Bible study and “Father’s House” church to reach out to many Iranian Muslims in [city #1] and many other cities in [country]. We have decided to give you a report of what God has been doing among Muslims here and share a prayer request with you accordingly. We have briefly written what has been accomplished:
ü      1500 Bibles have been given out to Iranian Muslims.
ü      More 30 Iranian Muslims have come to faith in Christ (More than 10 in the past 3 months).
ü      We have started a ministry to reach Iranian Muslims in 5 cities of [country].
ü      Many Bibles have been sent to other countries like India, Malaysia, Russia and Armenia where Iranian students live.
ü      A Farsi church has been planted in [city #2].
ü      We have done door-to-door evangelism in about 15 dormitories/hostels. 
ü      We have established an evangelistic website for Farsi speaking people.
Because Iranian students are so scattered all around the city . . . and many other Iranians work in the market (which is open on Sundays), it’s impossible to gather them in 1 day and have a Bible study or worship time. There are also those who are afraid of the Iranian government (who watches our activities) and don’t show up in our meetings. We have to make an individual plan to meet with them and disciple them. As the number of the people who are coming to faith grows, we have been challenged with finding a facility  to meet in. We need a place where we could gather daily and have one-on-one Bible study, conduct worship services, hold Evangelistic parties, study the Bible with a large group of people, invite other brothers from other cities to come to [city #1] and stay with us for discipleship meetings, and to have a time of prayer and fellowship there.
Currently we meet 2 days a week on Sunday and Thursday. On Sunday, we only have about an hour to conduct our church service and on Thursday around 2 hours for our Bible study and fellowship. We have  already clearly realized that twice a week is not enough time for us now to disciple/teach/serve more than 50 Iranians who have either come to faith or are interested in God’s Word.
Recently, we have begun praying  and thinking for a premises. Our heart’s desire is to rent/buy a flat/house in [city #1] so that we can use it daily as a base for Kingdom work among Muslims.  We’d like to ask you to join us in prayer. We want to make ourselves available for the Lord to use us in whatever ways he intends to.
And as the Lord guides you, if you also feel like supporting Farsi ministry for the above mentioned needs, and this is something that resonates with your heart; please feel free to drop us a note and we would be very willing to provide you with more details.
Thank you again for all your prayers and support. Without all that, we could not accomplish what has been accomplished. We praise the Lord for His mighty hands and all He has done among Iranians.
In Him,
Farsi ministry leaders

You must know by now just how proud we are of "M" and his wife, and of "F", "V", and "M2" who work as the leadership team.  And you must also know just how dangerous this work is, how draining it is on the leaders, and how sacrificial they must be in order to keep it up.  We praise God that, because of the generosity of people like you, we were able to recently send over $1800 to "M" and his wife to help cover some of their needs and help prepare them for the birth of their child.  We echo "M"s invitation to support them.  You can do that through our ministry.  If this interests you, please drop us a note to


Update On Max in Thailand:


We also recently communicated with Max, now back in Bangkok after several weeks at home in Kyiv.  He is at a "new beginning" in his missionary ministry there.  He also faces certain cautions and dangers as a missionary sharing the Gospel, not only from Muslims, but also from other religious groups such as Hindus and Buddhists.  We are so proud of and impressed with Max and his wisdom and determination to seek and follow the Lord into a significantly revised approach to his ministry.  He also is in need of monthly support, and we again can help you in that area if you will let us know.  In the meantime, Max shared the following brief sketch of plans and needs for this new season of ministry.  We know you will be blessed and also challenged as you read some of the creative ways he feels God wants him to use.  Remember that Thailand prohibits official missionaries to live there and openly proclaim the Gospel, and imprisonment or deportation are strong probabilities if arrested for such activity.  This is why he is officially there at the moment as a tourist, but is trying to get a work visa as a teacher.  Here are Max's thoughts.


Plans For Future:

    1.  To set up a home school.

    2.  To teach English based on Bible stories.

    3.  To open English-speaking church/home Bible study group.


Needs and Prayer Requests:

    1.  To ask god to open the door for more than a year (need the right Visa).

    2.  To ask God to bring over more missionaries with similar vision and heart.

    3.  to be able to rent a house, purchase things like chairs, desks, books, notebooks, etc.

    4.  Print out booklets with a short description about Jesus, salvation, and an invitation to pray in Thai language.


These plans are some of the best through which to build relationships and reach the Thai people with the love of Christ.  He has also indicated he is linking up with the International Christian Assembly church in Bangkok, a church very similar to the ICA  and KIBC churches in Kyiv.


Update on KIBC in Kyiv:


We also recently received an update from Kyiv International Bible Church where we served the last three years of our ministry there.  It appears they have worked through most of the transition process, have rebounded from the loss of so many of us in a short period of time, are now reaching new people, and have developed some exciting new ministries.  Here is a brief update:


The coffee shop English Bible study has been going really well. We’ve been getting more and more people. We had several non-believers attending our Bible study. We are planning to find another coffee shop on the right bank (east side of the river) so that we could start another English Bible study there. The reason for that is because we have been having around 15 to 20 people attending our Bible study and as you get more people, it makes it harder for us to interact with each other in coffee shop. Plus the fact that the music is on in coffee shop and we have trouble hearing each other when we are more than 15 people. One of the pastors in [KIBC] has already expressed his interest in leading the second Bible study.
The family communication seminars have been quite exciting. Ira and I personally know of a non-believer neighbor that has attended the seminars once. The last session, they showed the “fireproof” movie with a follow up discussion and, as far as I know, more than 20 people came to watch it. They are planning to do more seminars in the season to come.
Lately, we have seen several new faces showing up in KIBC. There are English speaking Ukrainians that have joined us and have expressed their willingness to serve in our International church. One of them is a very talented musician. He has joined our worship team and another one is a Lady that works as a teacher and would like to help with our Kid’s club. Another new guy loves to serve however he can and is a very energetic young Ukrainian.
Next week, we are going to have the potluck Sunday and, due to Thanksgiving,  we have added a little bit of bowling to it . We are taking our church members out for bowling after potluck to have some good time of fellowship.
We Praise the Lord for all He has been doing in KIBC. I’d like to specially ask you to pray for [the PLT] as we are leading KIBC. We specially need Lord’s guidance more than before in this stage of KIBC’s life.
we are also looking forward to the new doors of opportunity that the Lord would open. We are excited that the Lord has a plan for KIBC and are thrilled to be part of His plan.  Thank you for praying for us and remembering us before our Father’s throne.


How thrilling it is for the two of us to see the work we were privileged to help start now continuing on so many fronts.  Below you see, left to right, Ira (back row third from left) with her Bible study group in the village of Bovary, the international coffee shop Bible study led by Doug (far left), and Ira with Max, our missionary friend in Bangkok.  Thanks, Ira, for posting these pix on your Facebook page so we could copy them and share.




Looking Ahead:


+  This coming Wednesday Jo Ann will have some recommended medical tests as precautionary steps.  Bob is getting ready to schedule some medical appointments to evaluate some conditions (occasional swimming eyes", etc.) and have some exams on his knee and shoulder, both of which continue giving him mobility and pain problems.  Its also time for him to have an annual physical and have a follow-up exam of his eyes.


+  As we noted earlier, Bob will be serving as an "interim pastor" at a nearby church, helping them work through the residue of losing their pastor, helping them grow spiritually, and helping them prepare for a new pastor to come in the future.  This is our fifth time to have such a ministry, but only the first since our return from Kyiv.  It really fits in with the vision God gave us in 1979 at LUM's birth, and also when we returned to the States last December.  He will be usually preaching and teaching/training/leading Bible studies, as well as periodically meeting with various church leaders as needed.  Jo Ann will be ministering to and encouraging ladies and playing the piano from time to time, and will also share at times on Sunday and Wednesday nights.


+  Bob has been in discussion with one of the University professors concerning serving as a supervisor/mentor to one of the Christian Ministries graduating students at SBU.  While it is not final, it looks probable that Bob will serve in that capacity, though no final decision has been made.  One of our major ministries in Kyiv was that of mentoring and training young church leaders, so he looks forward to it.  David is a graduating senior studying for youth ministry whom we already know, and the opportunity sounds exciting to us.


+  We have been invited to sing again at the Missouri State Evangelism Conference next January, this time in Branson, MO.  We'll have to do lots of practicing to regain voices not used much in singing the past several years.  But, we'll give it a shot.


+  As we noted earlier, a former pastor colleague who pastored an international church in Heidelberg, Germany, now has his own global ministry and has asked us to go to Cuba next year to help train pastors and do evangelism.  We have agreed to go and are working on details.  The date is not yet set, but may be late February or early March.  We have also confirmed a conference next April with a church in Missouri, and we are still on target for the India trip next November, and are doing preliminary work on including other countries in the trip.


+  As word continues to spread about our return to the States and this new chapter in our ministry, we anticipate more and more doors opening for us.  We're currently in the process of scheduling engagements to speak with pastors' groups, city-wide groups, and local churches.  At this point in our lives and ministry, we're not trying to fill our calendar, but rather discern the will of God and try to allow sufficient time for writing, ministering locally, and spending time enjoying our home.  Jo Ann, who has an excellent ability to recall facts, noted that in the twelve and one-half years we've called Collins our home, there has not been a single year when we spent as much as half of a year actually home.  Maybe we can do that in 2010.


Prayer Requests:


+  Pray for "M", Max, and others of our former ministry who need prayer and financial support.  Again, if you would like to help with a one-time gift or monthly support, drop us a line at


+  Our financial support also continues to see shrinkage, bringing us currently to a "break even or less" status with monthly support and Social Security income combined.  Pray that God will raise others up to bring that base back up to where it needs to be.


+  Pray for the nearby church where we'll be ministering to them helping them get ready for a new pastor.  Pray that healing, forgiveness, restoration, and renewed motivation will flood the hearts of the people.


+  Pray that God will make the way clear for us to be able to invest our lives in David, the graduating senior whom Bob hopes to mentor.


+  Pray for our girls and their families concerning the matters we shared above.


+  Pray for KIBC, the Farsi ministry, Max in Thailand, Senthil in Norway, Tania in Sweden, and the Chinese work in Odesa, Ukraine.  Pray that God will pour out His power on them all, fill them with wisdom and knowledge of His will, and bless their efforts.  Pray especially for Tania as she finishes the concluding level of learning Swedish and looks for a job.


+  Pray for our nation.  Instead of only complaining and criticizing, as God to reveal truth in earth-shattering waves to our leaders in Washington.  Pray that materialism, partisan politics, and deception will be blocked from their thinking, and that they will return to the Judeo-Christian standards of righteousness, morality, and justice.  Pray that Christians will pray.  Pray that God will forgive us and heal our land.  (II Chron 7:14)


In Conclusion:


We dare not close without again acknowledging that the ministry God has given us cannot be fully carried out without your faithfulness in prayer, encouragement, and financial support.  Every single day we thank the Lord for you and for how you are involved with us.


And, finally, please have a rich, joyous, and abundant Christ-filled and Christ-proclaiming Christmas!  May all that Christmas represents in its purest form be yours in abundance, sufficient for you to also bless others.


In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,


Bob and Jo Ann, The Tollivers

Your Missionary/Evangelists

   "Touching Nations"

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