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LUMglobal #089 ---- 4/6/10

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

                (formerly "Hope4Kyiv")

Bi-Monthly Praise and Prayer Letter Of

             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

                 Life Unlimited Ministries

        "Touching Nations Here and Abroad"


                       Number 089

                       April 6, 2010

Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:

As Bob began writing this letter over a week ago, we were in Havana, Cuba, and he was sitting in one of several cubicles used as "bedrooms" partitioned off by six-foot-high "walls" (easy to look over) within a larger room near the rear of a massive stone and concrete building situated on one of Havana's main commercial streets.  The building is home to one of Cuba's oldest and most effective evangelical churches.  In front of our "bedroom" cubicle was another one in which children meet for Sunday School.  To the side were four more cubicles,  used as sleeping quarters and storage by relatives of pastor Roberto Hernandez as they serve him and his wife, Maria.  The last cubicle housed the pastor's "office".  Their "private" quarters then took up the rear of the house and consisted of a small galley-type kitchen, a living/dining area, and one bedroom.  Little privacy was provided, though, as people came and went, usually without knocking.  Metal spiral stairs led upward some 20' to more rooms on the "add-on" rooftop rooms.
The pastor and his wife have served this church for 39 years, enduring virtually every aspect of hardship and blessing you can imagine in that country.  We sat for several hours Saturday morning listening to her stories of how the two of them met in seminary, how they left a small village pastorate to lead their current church, how the 1959 revolution impacted their lives and ministry, and what life has been like since then.  She talked about how American missionaries helped her improve her English and gave her a job when none were available, and then how her heart was broken when they were forced to leave Cuba..  More than once she cried as she remembered times of heartache, loss, and struggle.  Her final comment, though, indicated that, to her, it has been worth it all.
This stop was the last of three in which we participated as part of a three-couple team led by veteran missionary and pastor Richard Blake and his wife, Stephanie, based in Cleburne, TX.  The "patriarch" of our team was Hilton Olive who, along with his wife Alice Jo now live in Birmingham, AL.  We had all met seven years ago while pastoring international churches in Europe, Hilton in Bucharest, HU, Richard in Heidelberg, DE, and we in Kiev, UA.  To try to capture in a few paragraphs all that happened leading up to and including this trip is impossible.  We have included a few in this letter, but have also posted a number of picture albums on Bob's Facebook page.  To see them, go to Facebook and type in  You will especially want to see Cuba 01, Cuba 02, and Cuba 03.  If you're a vintage car enthusiast, you'll want to see Cuba 04.  Go to Yucatan to see some shots of how we used our three-day layover in Cancun waiting for our flight to Havana.
We knew early on that the trip apparently was of great importance, both for the Cuban believers and for our team.  One indicator of that was that every couple faced setbacks and difficulties either prior to or during the trip itself.  It was a constant battle in preparing and while there.  But, the victory was claimed and the blessings flowed.  Few ministry projects have encountered hurdles like this trip.  Numerous indecisions and last-minute changes of plans by church leaders in Cuba itself led to our team having to make adjustments.  We faced a date change to a week earlier in order to avoid a possible complete cancellation.  
Confusing statements from the Mexican Visa Services Department created uncertainty as to whether or not we could actually make the trip because of the expiration date on our passports.  The possibility of having to apply for renewed passports threatened to create a problem with entry into Cuba itself because of new passport numbers not yet approved, not to mention possibly adding $600 more to the trip cost.  Jo Ann had a major reaction to ongoing use of Polysporin on her eyelids, turning them an angry and swollen red.  Then she had a reaction to the doctor's treatment itself with oscillation of her blood pressure and massive red blotches on her face. 
After all of that was resolved, Jo Ann fell the day before we left, bruising and scratching her knees, hurting her right foot, and (most serious of all) landing on her face, seriously bruising her chin and jaw.  Our four-day layover in Cancun resulted in both of us suffering sunburn around our faces and necks in spite of being super-careful.  When we finally checked through customs in Havana, everyone got through just fine Except the Blakes, who had every bag closely searched in spite of all of us having approved religious visas into the country.  Then on the second day of ministry, Hilton Olive, became seriously ill, and was not able to teach again until the last day of the team's schedule.  The day he returned to active participation, his wife, Alice Jo, became ill and remained so right on through their return to the States.  The final week-end we remained in Cuba, by then back in Havana, Jo Ann began to have allergic reaction to the dust, mildew, and mold in the buildings.
However, God ruled over all, and the trip was all it was hoped for, . . . and much more.  The blessing of the Lord broke through day after day.  Our minds cannot fathom and our words cannot adequately describe even a small portion of all we saw God do.  Being in the presence of His faithful people in an ideology hostile to the Gospel was blessing enough, even if none other had come to us.  Courage, boldness, and a disregard for personal comfort and safety were commonplace among the nearly 200 pastors and 150 women to whom we ministered.  We saw first-hand how the lack of possessions, rather than creating complaint, instead seemed to propel joy, gratitude, and thanksgiving among the participants. 
We must first, however, joyfully announce that "M" and his wife, Ira, finally had their baby boy, Roman, born shortly after 2:00 AM on March 8th.  We know you rejoice with us over this amazing gift from God.  Be sure to read "M"'s praise report at the end of our letter.  Bob assured people during the trip that the horrible bruise on Jo Ann's chin was not caused by a fight, but by her fall.
The necessary early travel to Cancun for a three-day layover was a blessing in disguise.  We "crashed" and rested following a very busy three months, and managed to take a couple of tours to see ancient Mayan ruins Chichin Itza and Tulum) we had wanted to see for years.  Beautiful, amazing, and well worth the time.  After more than 135 long years of archaeological research, recent satellite images have identified more than 8,000 other cities and villages yet unexplored throughout the Yucatan Peninsula. 
Following our brief respite, we were joined at the Cancun airport by the other two couples of our team and set off to Havana, about 75 minutes away by air.  We arrived to the joyous welcome of Pastor Miguel and his wife (#3), Sylvia, as well as our Cuban Tania's mother (#1) and friends from her home church (#2) in Havana.  Following an evening of unpacking, settling in, eating a late supper, and sleep, we hit the ground running Monday morning at the first conference at the Lisa Church in Havana.  Attended by about 100 pastors and 100 women, it was a great start.  My goodness, how the Cubans can sing and worship!
In all our years of ministry, we cannot remember an occasion where our presence and our teachings were so warmly welcomed and received.  Jo Ann spoke several sessions at both the Lisa Church in Havana and the seminary in Pinar del Rio on the topic of "God's Purpose Fulfilled In and Through You".  Bob likewise spoke several sessions at both locations and also preached in a local house church the first evening.  He taught on "Biblical Principles of Effective Leadership" and "Developing An Effective Ministry of Strategic Prayer".  Other team members taught on other topics that were compatible with each other and addressed issues important to the Cuban church.
One of our many surprises and change of plans included meeting with pastors during our mealtimes to hear their stories, vision, and need (#3).  Another change was going to other churches for evening services rather than having the time available to continue our teaching plans with the total group.  This required some major adjustments on everyone's part to condense our material from three teaching sessions to two.  Needless to say, not once were we able to cover everything we had intended.  We certainly had to trust the Lord both to give us wisdom, and to fill in the blanks we had to leave because of time restrictions.  When you teach through a translator, you actually speak less than half the time allotted to you.  For example, if you have an hour of teaching time, you'll probably actually only speak 20 to 25 minutes, while the rest is taken up in translation and response to questions for clarification.
Following the conference at Lisa Church, we traveled about two and a half hours west to Pinar del Rio and the Free Baptist Seminary where we met with another approximate 150 to 200 people.  At each place we met wonderful people who were hungry to learn (#1), and we also saw heartbreaking conditions such as the dormitory used by the male seminary students because of a lack of finances available and the government's effort to reduce the seminary's impact and effectiveness (#2).  Thanks to the generosity of one of Bob's friends, we were able to give away four "ball of many colors" soccer balls patterned after the wordless book and witness bracelets.  The individual stories of the recipients was amazing.  One man told how he had just given away his soccer ball and had been praying for another one so he could continue ministering to the 20 to 25 children who came to his house every day.  When he saw our soccer ball, he prayed that God would provide him with that soccer ball for the children.  When the name was drawn, as you guessed, he was ecstatic.  Everyone applauded when they heard his story (#3).  A perfect illustration of God's immediate answering.
Following the conclusion of the second conference, we returned to Havana on Friday for a half-day of sightseeing.  That was Bob's 72nd birthday, and in all we had five celebrations and five very fattening cakes.  While we were walking through Old Havana, we came upon a park where an excellent band was preparing for a concert.  All of a sudden, the band struck up "Happy Birthday To You" for Bob, and then two Cuban ladies dressed in traditional Cuban attire bedecked him with a kiss on each cheek.  They then posed with Jo Ann for another picture before we walked on to see the fort and the sea.  Saturday morning early the Blake's and Olives returned to the States while the two of us remained three more days so we could minister in the home church of 'Jesus, Carmen, and Tania, the three Cubans who helped us plant the Spanish church in Kyiv.  It was a wonderful experience.  Bob was unexpectedly asked to speak during one of the Saturday morning classes of the church's Bible institute.  We'll include those pictures on Facebook.       
We also got to spend time with Tania's mother in her apartment, Pastor Hernandez and his wife Maria, and many of Jesus', Carmen's, and Tania's friends.  On Sunday, then, we worshipped with them all at the Aposento Alto Church in the packed meeting area at the front of the Hernandez' apartment.  During the morning service we showed a short PowerPoint presentation and then a video clip of the sixth anniversary of the Spanish church in Kyiv.  We wanted the church to know that, because of their ministry in the lives of 'Jesus, Carmen, and Tania, a Spanish church reaching people from more than a dozen countries had been planted in Kyiv, and scores of Latin Americans and others had come to Christ.  It was important for the church to know that while they said good-bye to some members seven years ago, they were actually sending missionaries.  During the evening service, Bob taught from one of his favorite passages, John 14:12-14 about doing the works of Jesus through authoritative prayer.  He didn't get started preaching until 9:20 PM, and finished shortly after 10:00 PM.  By the end of the day, we were exhausted yet the Cubans seemed to be energized.        
Pastor Hernandez told us that their attendance had grown so big that they had to plant five more churches in Havana in order to minimize the attention of governmental authorities.  The Sunday we were there, more than 200 were packed in the pews, down the hallway, and sitting on the stairs.  In addition, as a result of riding his bicycle over two hours one way to a town built by Russia in the 1960's where one of his members lived, the church has planted five more churches in that town which is officially totally closed to all religions.
There is a powerful and growing move of God throughout Cuba in spite of severe restrictions and seemingly insurmountable obstacles and hardships.  The phenomenon is further proof that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ grows and thrives best under persecution and struggle.  It is true worldwide.  We have heard recent reports that one church group has planted some 800 house churches in the past three years and that some 25,000 house churches have been planted by all denominations the past five years.  This phenomenon is clearly the work of God, and will almost certainly result both in tens of thousands coming to Christ and in a probable major reaction by the government.  When we concluded the first conference at the Lisa Church, each couple was presented with a wooden cut-out map of Cuba on a stand upon which was printed their national theme . . . "Cuba Para Cristo!" ---- "Cuba For Christ!"  That is our prayer as well.
We can anticipate increased persecution and hardship for believers.  However, this all indicates that there is almost definitely a national awakening that will take place there which will result in major political changes.  We would ask that you add the Christians of Cuba to your regular prayer list.  Contrary to what the western news media has reported, things are worse and not better under Raul Castro's dictatorship.  And, among other things, he is trying to get the Church to urge people to cooperate with government policies.  The traditional Cuban peso has been so devalued that it is virtually worthless.  So-called freedoms for farmers has made things more complicated and more costly.  Challenging days are ahead.
Now for a quick change of pace ---- Here is the latest report we have received, arriving Tuesday, from "M" concerning the Farsi ministry.
“Roman” was born! --  Thank you for all your prayers. Our son was born on March 8, and ever since, I’ve been trying to catch up on my sleep so I could write to you He and Ira are both very healthy and doing well.  It’s such a blessing to have him with us!
Farsi ministry: --  You may remember “M2”, the guy that got saved through our Farsi ministry. Well, ever since, he’s been growing in the Lord every second. When “F” and I started the Mc Donald’s fellowship and we decided to go through the book Genesis, and read one chapter a day, and then discuss 7 chapters on Sunday in Mc Donald’s with other brothers, “M” was the one that would read at least 7 chapters a day and was way ahead of us all the time.  Almost every day, he calls either “V”, “F” or me, and asks questions regarding his Bible readings.
“M2” had been a drug addict and a heavy smoker for 8 to 10 years. He’d been trying different rehabilitation centers for many years and none of those had worked. He used to drink a lot as well. When he came to faith, his life began to change and he quit everything. The Holy Spirit empowered him to get over the drugs he quit drinking as well. The only thing that he’d been struggling with was smoking. I had intended to meet with him privately and point out his sin. But I felt God wanted me to wait, he wanted us to give him time and keep encouraging him.
And soon after, one day when he came for the Bible study, he told us that he had quit smoking. He was watching a DVD of a Pastor preaching, and in that preaching, the pastor talked about how important it is to pursue holiness in our lives as believers. And toward the end of his sermon, he offered people to pray with him and give all the areas of their lives to God. And “M2” had been watching the DVD while holding a cigarette in hand, and at the end of it, he just threw away the cigarette and prayed and gave this area of his life to the Lord. He told us that God was talking to him through that DVD. And so he quit smoking completely.
While attending our Sunday McDonald’s discipleship, he contacted 3 of his friends in Iran and arranged a time to talk to them over Internet. He’s been sharing the gospel with them ever since and we’ve been praying for their salvation.  Meanwhile, he loves serving in Farsi ministry by cooking and updating our Farsi ministry website. He already talks about his gifting: I want to serve.
Frankly speaking, his life is a big encouragement to us because we can see the stories of book of Acts come alive again in front of our eyes. Christians tend to fall into the trap of “doing rituals”: Going to church, doing Bible study, doing… , but never or seldom experiencing power of God broken out in the midst of us. And “M2” is a classic example of power of God manifested through His children.
Website updates: --  We’re planning to do a major updates on our website. We want to improve it and make it more Evangelistic. We have taken some steps, but some major steps are yet to be taken. As I mentioned, “M” is responsible for updating and “F” and I help him with the technical part.
“Hu” went back to Iran: -- We are sad from one side and glad from the other side. “Hu” went to Iran to be a help to his father and also has to attend obligatory military service. We’re glad because we know that the Lord is going to use him for His purposes, and we are sad because we don’t know when we would see him again.  But now, he needs our prayer support more than before.
Prayer requests: --
Please pray for:
·         “Hu” as he’ in Iran. Please pray that God would use him to expand His kingdom
·         “M2” and his non believer friends in Iran. Please pray for their salvation
·         Farsi ministry website and major changes we are going to make
At the end, I’d like to thank you again for all your prayers, love and care for Farsi ministry. We praise God for your presence in our lives and the fact that we relate to one family no matter where we live.
Peace in Christ,
An update on KIBC.  Bob stays in frequent contact with members of the Pastoral Leadership Team concerning their personal welfare as well as KIBC ministry.  Recent e-mails and Skype calls have included the following information. 
    >  More leadership changes have taken place as the result of some conduct issues that could not be resolved.  Currently the PLT consists of Doug Clark, serving primarily as lead pastor like Bob did, and "M".  All of Doug's previous missionary work has phased out, and he is giving his full attention to providing pastoral leadership to the church.  We are extremely excited over this, and we have confidence that Doug and Kay will continue to be just what KIBC needs at this time. 
    >  Attendance continues to recover and grow as both new American and non-American people are being added to the group.  Several young adults have started attending, along with a veteran missionary and longtime friend.  Attendance is now back up in the 40's for most Sunday services.
    >  A Church Council and also "Ministry Teams" are being formed to provide operational direction to the ministry of the Church, leaving the PLT free to concentrate more on shepherding, vision-casting, and general oversight.
    >  A Church Constitution and a more official church membership is in developmental stages as the church continues taking shape.  As we've said before, pastoring an international church is like trying to herd cats or make a snowball out of dry sand.  Such churches are a different breed unto themselves, and are constantly in a state of unpredictable fluidity.
We are just as convinced today as we were the day we first met in 2005 that KIBC was born in the heart of God and has a strategic ministry that is yet to be fully developed or realized.  During our time there it was our joy to see a core group of leaders take shape, though most are now gone, and to see ministries develop in seven languages, in keeping with the fundamental purpose of that church to reach the nations represented in Kyiv.  While "Paul" planted, Doug and others are now watering, cultivating, and shaping the church for its future and its continued harvest.  Only eternity will show all that God will have done through this group of dedicated believers.  We praise God daily for the privilege of having been a small part of its beginning.
"Sky-ble" Study:  Our weekly Bible study via Skype phone continues to grow, now with people in the U.S., Sweden, Finland, Norway, Ukraine, and Thailand participating every Friday.  We have Americans, Cubans, Indians, Chinese, Finnish, Iranians, and Ukrainians participating.  We are currently studying the book of Romans, chapter by chapter.  As word has gotten around, pastors, missionaries, and evangelists are amazed at the idea, and we are finding other people who would like to participate.  We are contemplating the possibility of forming other groups in the future.  We will see . . . we have so little to do!     {;-)
Interim Pastorate:  We are enjoying the interim pastoral role in Osceola more and more by the day.  What a joy it is to see more and more smiles, growing joy and hope, and a deepening love and fellowship among the believers.  The joy and love they show toward us is an indescribable blessing; we feel like we're part of the family.  Bob told the people last Sunday night that it had been along time when we wished we had additional opportunities to get together rather than just Sundays and Wednesdays.  Attendance increase is steady, though sporadic in light of weather, job responsibilities, and Springtime coming.  But, we sure do love those people!
Revival Meeting:  We will lead a revival meeting in High Point, MO, beginning Sunday, April 11th.  We are looking forward to being with Glen Golden and his people for four days during which time we will speak in ten services.  If Glen's attitude is a gauge, the people are really "pumped" about the meeting.  The church is already very mission minded, and is just completing a community saturation project that could result with a number of people coming to Christ.  This church is also doing missions in Honduras, Belarus, and in northern Illinois.  We are excited about being with them.
+  Pray for the Cuban people.  Pray that those trained will bear much fruit quickly and exponentially.  Pray that freedom will come to the people.  Pray that the nation will come to Christ.
+  Pray for the "Sky-ble" study, and for us as we lead it every Friday morning at 11:00 AM CDT.
+  Pray for our ministry financial needs.  Since our return to the States, our support has dropped by about 65% while our operational needs have remained the same.  More and more of our personal income is being used for ministry expenses.
+  Pray for FBC, Osceola, and for us as we continue leading them as interim pastor.  Pray that their future and ours will be clarified as days progress.  Pray that healing, restoration, and growth will progressively intensify.
+  Pray for the upcoming meeting in High Point.  Pray that we will be physically, emotionally, and spiritually energized and up for the task.  Pray that we will know precisely what we need to share.
+  Pray for our kids . . . Cindy's as they continue traveling and speaking out of Des Moines in preparation for their return to Colombia in August . . . Debbie as she continues facing the challenges of MS . . . Cheri's as they adjust to new family/personal/physical changes . . . Deanna's as they continue serving the Lord in Galesburg/Knoxville area in Illinois.
Again, we find ourselves thanking God for you, and for the privilege of representing you in all areas of our ministry.  Thank you especially for praying for us.  We love you and appreciate you more than you can ever know.
In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
The Tollivers
"Touching Nations Here And Abroad"

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