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LUMglobal #092 ---- 12/23/10 -- Christmas Greetings

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

        Bi-Monthly Praise and Prayer Letter Of

             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

                 Life Unlimited Ministries

        "Touching Nations Here and Abroad"


                       Number  092

                December 23, 2010


Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Supporters:


Here we are just a day or two before Christmas, and we still have not gotten off our most recent letter.    But, we must at least send you our deepest love, our most joyous Christmas greeting, and our most heart-felt appreciation for your fellowship, support, and love.  We never take you for granted, even though our negligence in writing might suggest it.


We promise that within the next few days we will complete the newsletter that was scheduled to go out last month, and will bring you up to date on the exciting things God has allowed us to experience and enjoy.


In the meantime, please find attached our "official" Christmas greeting to you.  Were sorry that the background won't transfer to your copy, so just imagine a majestic mountain scene in the background, giving testimony to the moment in history when God came to man.  We pray that you will be blessed as you consider the deeper meaning of why Christ came Incarnate . . . in the flesh . . . in human form.


He didn't have to do that, you know; . . . or did He?


One of the most profound truths a follower of Christ will ever discover is that it was absolutely necessary for Christ to become a human being in order for us to be saved and become like Him.  Few people fully understand the dynamics of "The Word" becoming flesh.  It wasn't just to enter our tangible world of matter, but it was to fully and completely reconcile us to Himself.


He came to be like us . . . so that we could be like Him.


He came down and went up so we who are down could go up.


He came in the Flesh so we could live in the Spirit.


Take time to read the scriptures describing five reasons why Christ had to become human in order for us to be born again.


It is our prayer that you will have such an encounter with the Christ of Bethlehem as you consider these truths that every iota of secularization of the Christmas season will be erased from your memory, and you will think only of Him . . . and the gift He has given you.


We look forward to updating you on events of the past, our current situation, and the needs and challenges we are facing ahead.  Look for our next letter.


In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,


Bob and Jo Ann

The Tollivers


Merry Christmas!