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LUMglobal #093 ---- 1/5/11

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

 Bi-Monthly Praise and Prayer Letter Of

            Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

                Life Unlimited Ministries

        "Touching Nations Here and Abroad"


                       Number  093

                     January 5, 2011


Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Supporters:


So much has happened since our last praise and prayer report more than three months ago; we hardly know where to start.  So, let's get right to it.




+  Interim Pastorate:  Bob continues serving as interim pastor and Jo Ann as pianist at the church in Osceola.  It has been 13 months since we took on that role, and 16 months since we first started preaching there.  The church is close to making a decision concerning a pastor, and we should know something fairly soon.  While some people have pressed the Pastor Search Committee for a much more rapid process, the majority recognize that the need for much healing and re-focusing has been necessary.  Continue praying that God will make His will perfectly clear.  We will keep you informed.


+  Tania's Wedding:  It was our personal joy to attend and participate in the wedding of our "fifth daughter", Tania, who was part of our ministry in Kyiv and lived with us there for over a year.  She and her husband, Arto, live in Tempere', Finland, and attend a very good church.  Arto continues his employment with Nokia Corporation in the area of product development and involvement with Gideon International, and Tania has recently begun working with young children at a school not far from where they live.  They are searching for a larger apartment to replace Arto's "bachelor pad" he had lived in for several years.  There are about 20 or more pictures posted on Bob's Facebook Photo link of you wish to see them, so just go to lifeunlimited01 to access them.




+  Cindy's Status:  Cindy had very successful surgery, and they are now back in Medellin, Colombia, having returned the Monday following Thanksgiving.  Even though they've had numerous hurdles, obstacles, and setbacks in locating a permanent residence, they finally moved into a nice house in a quiet neighborhood (instead of a noisy apartment building) earlier last week.  She will be returning to Des Moines in a few weeks for about a month's worth of further treatment.  Hopefully, we will get to see her while she's in the States


+  House Projects:  Between weather, aches and pains, holidays, and ministry schedule, most of Bob's outside and workshop projects have been on hold.  However, he did finish the floor and lumber racks in the workshop and has moved all the benches back into place.  He's hoping even this week to resume moving tools back into the workshop.  The deck completion is still on hold.  However, a major weatherization project on the house was completed in November with new insulation in the attic and under the floor.  We can really tell the difference this winter.  And, even more exciting to Jo Ann, she finally has her shower in the master bathroom.  Next Spring when warmer weather returns, we'll complete the upgrading in both bathrooms with the installation of tile flooring instead of carpet and the replacement of both stools.




+  Ministry Financial Base:  The financial support for our ministry has stabilized, but has not yet improved.  Over the past eighteen months our financial base was affected by death and by the economic downturn in the States.  Certainly some may have changed their support because we are now living in the States, not realizing that Life Unlimited Ministry expenses continue no matter where we are.  The same will be true in the future.  In addition, because there haven't been many love offerings from revival meetings, that has not been there to help fill in the shortfall.  It still remains a matter of concern, but God remains faithful through those who continue supporting us in prayer and giving.  We are grateful for that.


+  Our "Timothy's" and "Esther's":  We continue hearing via FB, e-mails, and Skype from our "kids" scattered around the world.  "F" and "H" are still in good health and ministering courageously in their home country.  Max is doing well in Bangkok where God has provided him with a new apartment, a new teaching assignment, and new doors of ministry including a village not too far from the city.  Tania and Arto we've already talked about.  Senthil from India continues in graduate school in Uppsala, Sweden, where he also ministers in an international church.  We've not heard much recently from Raidel and the Spanish work, or from "Hearty Lou" back in China, but assume they are well.  We have other "kids" we've not heard from for a long time . . .  (hint, hint, hint!).


+  Our trip last Fall:  Tania's wedding was wonderful.  Her mother was able to come from Cuba and spend two months there before returning to Havana.  Because Christian wedding ceremonies are not common in Cuba, she really was grateful that Jo Ann was available to help in the planning and decorating.  Jo Ann served as consultant, planner, mother, and encourager almost from the day we arrived.  You can go to Bobs facebook photo page (lifeunlimited01) to see pictures of the wedding.


We were also successful in our plans to visit our friends in Kyiv after Tania's wedding, and we quickly discovered that the four days planned were simply not enough.  We needed at least double that, and more.  There was no time for relaxing.  After spending Friday back in Helsinki following Tania's wedding, we flew to Kyiv on Saturday.  Two hours after our arrival we were attending a farewell party with missionaries with whom we had served.  It was so great to see them.  Sunday we attended KIBC where Bob preached and encouraged the church, followed by a special fellowship dinner in our honor where we got to catch up on the news from many of our friends. 


Then, thanks to our dear "granddaughter" Helen (Elena), we traveled by Metro, Marschrutka, and Trolley to the Spanish church, arriving over an hour late where Bob preached and we fellowshipped with wonderful friends from numerous Latino countries and Ukraine.  It was a delightful time to renew fellowship with so many who had been a special part of our lives.  Then, grabbing a taxi,, we traveled across town to meet "M" who then took us to the Farsi service.  Only two or three were guys we had known before, but it was an incredible experience getting to meet new ones and to hear their stories.  Again, Bob preached to that group where the believers were greatly encouraged and several unbelievers listened attentively.  It is always amazing to us to see how people respond to the Gospel when it is presented in simple and logical ways.




Following a very busy Sunday that finally ended around 10:00 pm in Charles and Bonnie's apartment, we took a lighter approach on Monday while they did ministry work and we stuck around their apartment catching up on e-mail, writing projects, and rest.  Then, that evening, we had the blessing of having dinner that evening with Doug and Kay Clark, along with "M", his wife Ira, and son, Roman.  Both guys are members of the Pastoral Leadership Team at KIBC, and Doug essentially took on Bob's role as full-time senior pastor.  It was a special treat on Tuesday to spend time with missionaries and staff at the IMB office, and to enjoy lunch with Charles and Bonnie, and with Shannon, a special guy who first put the seed in our hearts to consider coming to Ukraine way back in 2001.  We also got to spend time with our most favorite house keeper and friend, Valya, that afternoon, and encourage her as she continues bearing the burden of the sudden death of her husband several months earlier.  Then we took Charles and Bonnie out to dinner that evening.  




Our time in Kyiv ended on Wednesday as we took the Metro out to the end of the line where "M" picked us up and took us to their apartment for a wonderful lunch and very special time of fellowship with an unbelievable family who both truly understand the command to share the Gospel and make disciples as their life's calling.  Then we headed across the city to meet once more with the Farsi group in a Bible study.  To our surprise, the group of about 30 also included missionaries from Australia and America, along with an Iranian-American who was visiting the group.  Bob again preached with similar response from the group.  God has truly blessed us with more and more wonderful Iranian friends whom we love very much.  Since that last meeting several have come to faith in Christ, and are diligent in sharing Christ with other kinsmen.  You will notice in the pictures below that some faces are intentionally blurred for security reasons.




+  Stories >From Afar:  While visiting with the Farsi groups, it was both heart wrenching and joyous celebrating hearing the stories of some of them.  We wish we had space to tell you all of them.  One young man who attended both sessions had been trained in one of the premier religious schools in his country, and after Bob preached told "M" that it was the clearest and most logical presentation of Christianity and Jesus Christ he had ever heard, and it made more sense to him than anything he had considered. 


We also learned of a young woman whose life was in shambles, but who was seriously considering giving her life to Christ.  We heard of another man to whom Jesus Christ had appeared in a dream and told him that He was the object of his search.  We also met two brothers who had been part of the opposition movement in their country, and who had fled the country after having been severely beaten and imprisoned while others of their friends had been treated similarly and even assassinated.  Since our trip they have both accepted Christ.  You will read more of these people in another letter we are going to forward very shortly from "M" as part of his regular report.


+  Holidays:  Kevin, Cindy, and Christopher came down for Thanksgiving before they returned to Colombia, and even though it was just three days before they flew out, it was a good time.  Bob and Cheri came down from St. Paul to join us for the week-end.  Deanna and Jim had wanted to host Christmas this year, so we were quite happy to let them do that.  They may change their minds about next year, though.  The two of us celebrated Christmas Eve/Day together and then drove up on the 27th for the family gathering.  We had the vast majority of family there and got to see our great granddaughter for the first time.  Somehow the camera got inadvertently turned on and ran the battery down, so no pix.  We've been promised some from our kids, but none have arrived so far.


Bob, Cheri, and Sedi (Seriozha) came from St. Paul,  Roma from Northwoods, IA, Debbie, Sarah, and Rachel from Ft. Worth, Abby from Columbia, MO, and Anya and baby Bella from Ft. Worth.  This was the first time Debbie and the girls had been able to attend in a long time, so it was a very special occasion.  So, everyone was there except Cindy, Kevin, and Christopher,  Katya and her baby, Misha, and of course Baby Nicole who celebrates Christmas all the time in heaven.


What's Happening -- Coming Up:


+  Sky-ble Study:  We continue leading our weekly "Sky-ble" Bible study with Max in Bangkok, "M" & Ira, Iryna, and Leo in Kyiv, Arto & Tania in Finland, Senthil in Sweden, and Jean in the U.S.  We recently added our friend, Timur, and his wife in eastern Russia.  Timur is from Uzbekistan and his wife from Russia.  He was a key leader at Living Vine Church in Kyiv while we were there, and we became good friends as he did his missionary work there.  This Friday we pick up Romans chapter 14.


+  Church Work:  We've really enjoyed ministering on a weekly basis to the wonderful folks in Osceola.  Jo Ann continues working with our worship leader, Dennis, selecting and leading the music for Sunday, and has become more involved in doing what she loves best . . . helping "hostess" folks by cooking, serving, and cleaning up.  Several weeks ago we hosted the Pastor Search Committee and their wives in a dinner at the house.  Jo Ann is always involved in the church's monthly "First Sunday" potluck dinner, and spearheaded a New Year's Eve informal fellowship time of food, games, and DVD musical and comedy presentations.  We believe that the Osceola folks are addicted to Dominoes' "Mexican Train" because out of all the games put out on the eight tables, everyone but a handful played just that.


Bob has preached his way through the first five chapters of Romans before interrupting it for a Christmas series.  He'll resume it in a few weeks.  God has been burdening both of us with a very strong sense that something extraordinary is going to happen in Osceola that will impact not only individual lives, but also the church itself, other churches, and the entire community.  We sense some of the same anticipation that we felt years ago in the 1960's in West Plains, MO.  Several of the church members feel the same way, and we both try to encourage the people to become expectant of what God may be up to.  We will write more about that next time.


+  Our Health:  Like one guy said, "I'm actually in pretty good shape, for the shape I'm in."  Jo Ann has had exceptional hard and lingering episodes with allergy problems caused primarily from exposure to lots of dry heat.  It seems as if most places we go, including our own house, the heating system is in the ceiling and not the floor.  This dry air simply sucks the moisture out of the air causing Jo Ann to end up with inflamed and swollen nasal passages.  Once that happens, she then is susceptible to allergies and sinus infection.  Not only is it uncomfortable and irritating, but it also causes fitful or even sleepless nights.  Even though we run a humidifier constantly and the air filter has been replaced, she still has to battle the problem


Bob has had increased pain in his left shoulder which is pretty much non-stop.  This is probably the result of his fall two years ago when he hurt it so badly.  This Fall and Winter it seems to have intensified.  While he has full mobility of movement, the pain in certain positions is so severe that he cannot do some of the things he used to do.  He is also losing strength in that arm because of not using it as much.  He plans to make an appointment both for that and also for an upgrade in his glasses soon after our return from the conference next week in Arkansas.


Other than that, we're in great shape . . . except there's more "shape" to us both than there used to be. 


+  Writing:  Bob particularly continues working on some of his manuscripts.  Several weeks ago he made contact with a "POD" publisher that specializes in publishing limited quantities based on requests for the book.  It is a system that allows the publisher to maintain a small inventory, keeps the author from having to invest extravagant amounts of money and order multiplied thousands of copies at a time, and . . . most importantly, makes the book available over the internet through online stores such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and others.  It is really a "win-win" situation that has motivated Bob to do serious work on the first two or three manuscripts.  It will still be necessary to raise some funds, but not nearly such large amounts.


+  Travels:  Even though we love ministering in other churches, we have been very selective in our itinerant ministry for the past eight months, focusing primarily on the church in Osceola.  We did, however, participate in the annual Statewide meeting in Springfield where Bob had a very small part on the program.  This next week we will travel for a two-day conference for vocational evangelists from Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri.  Bob will preach in the Saturday afternoon session.  He will also begin spending time with a group of area pastors who are praying for a mighty move of God.  In February we will return to the Barry County annual Bible and Evangelism Conference where Bob will preach in one of the sessions.  We will also minister in two different churches on that Sunday.


We had another opportunity to return to Cuba in March, but for some reason felt strongly that we should not accept that invitation.  That was hard for us to turn down, especially since we maintain contact with several friends there.  Hopefully we can go next Fall.  We will also be leading a conference on prayer next April in Lee Summit, MO, with Jim Tolliver and his church, Plaza Heights.  We're very excited about that.  And, no, Jim is not related as far as we know, although he went to SBU with Debbie, Cheri, and Deanna, graduating together with the first two.


+  The Future:  When we returned to the States in December, 2008, we really expected to flow right into a ministry regimen that would be clearly defined and quickly developing.  Instead, the Lord has led us in a very different style.  We expected to be entering something like a vast roadway extending endlessly beyond view, but instead we have found ourselves hopping on stepping stones or temporary "landings".  This has probably frustrated Bob more than Jo Ann, but we are both at peace, knowing that while the essential vision of being a "spiritual electric cattle prod" to the church remains intact, the method of doing that has developed differently than what we had expected.


After the first year of catching up on rest, traveling, and recuperating in between various ministry engagements, the Lord has had us focusing primarily on just one or two nearby churches where we have been able to redefine and refine the message and theme of our ministry.  In the process, he has given us the great joy of pouring our lives into one particular congregation for nearly a year and a half, and has used that experience to help set the stage for what we feel is the next prolonged focus of ministry.


It seems that the Lord is again returning us to a focus on cities rather than on churches.  Whether tiny hamlets or gigantic metropolitan areas, the need is the same.  God wants to save cities, and he wants pastors to learn to pastor cities and not just churches.  He has given us the opportunity of implementing many of the ideas, studies, and strategies locally that we used in Kyiv the last three years we were there.  It remains to be seen how that will actually formulate, but the "cattle prod" vision remains in place, and we are excited about how God will use us in ministering locally and territorially, and maybe not so much as nationally or globally as we have in the past.




With that in mind, we again thank you for your ongoing encouragement and support.  Please pray for us as we continue following the Lord.  Something extraordinary is ahead for all of us, and the next two years are going to determine to a large extent the future of America.  Please pray . . .


+  That the rise of conservative traditional values that took place during the last election cycle will not diminish but will, rather, continue to increase and gain momentum toward the next elections of 2012.  This may be America's last best hope for spiritual awakening and a return to our origins and our God-ordained purpose.


+  That we will know the mind of the Lord clearly regarding future decisions and projects.


+  That the Farsi, Thai, and Spanish ministries will continue to expand exponentially with thousands coming to Christ.  Remember "M", "H", "V", and "F" especially in the Farsi work, Raidel in the Spanish, and Max in Thailand.


+  For our children and their families as they serve the Lord in their unique ways and in special places of God's appointment.


+  For the Osceola church as they make a decision within the next few short weeks about a pastor.


+  For the ministry financial needs we still have.


+  For healing and restoration to our bodies as we endure increased pain and discomfort that comes with aging and over exertion.


+  For a great spiritual awakening to sweep across our nation, and for churches to rediscover why they're really here.  It is far past time to get serious about following Christ and sharing the Gospel.


Thanks again for your love, encouragement, and support.  We are eternally grateful.  We will write again very soon to give you specific updates on the Farsi work and the amazing things God is doing there.


In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,


Bob and Jo Ann

The Tollivers


Life Unlimited Ministries


"Touching Nations Here and Abroad"

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