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LUMglobal #101 ---- 1/21/12 ---- Special Challenge

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

                    (formerly "Hope4Kyiv")

             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

                 Life Unlimited Ministries

        "Touching Nations Here and Abroad"


                           Number  101

                       January 21, 2011

Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Ministry Partners:

We are writing this special letter specifically for the purpose of asking for your help in one of the most challenging and potentially fruitful years of our ministry in perhaps the entire 32+ years of Life Unlimited Ministry's existence.  With the exception of the last three years of our missionary work in Ukraine (2003-2005), this coming year could well be the best years thus far.

For that reason, we are in far greater need of both prayer and financial undergirding than ever.  In light of world conditions and doors opening before us, both areas are of critical importance.

Having just returned ten days ago from five weeks in Medellin, Colombia, where we not only spent time with our eldest daughter and her family but also had an unexpectedly high number of ministry opportunities, we are now faced with a brand new and immediate ministry opportunity about which we wrote in our December 4th letter.  In addition, other ministry responsibilities have further developed, and even in the past two weeks still other opportunities have surfaced.  Our minds are spinning.

Here is what we are facing:

+  Ministry to Internationals in KC:  This coming Monday morning, January 23rd, we travel to Kansas City, MO, to begin our exploration of how we might be involved in helping reach internationals living in the northeastern area of Kansas City.  That area is heavily populated by both immigrants and refugees, along with longtime European residents, and very few churches are seriously working to reach those people.  Our good friend, Rodney Hammer, is the Director of Missions for the area, and served as our general director when we were serving with the IMB in Kiev.  At his encouragement we have agreed to consider developing a ministry similar to what we did there, reaching into the various people groups, sharing the Gospel, training leaders, and planting churches.

The next few weeks will be devoted to exploring two alternatives . . . one is to join hands with existing ministries (Living Faith KC home church group and/or Central Baptist Church); and the second is to do something entirely different and separate on our own while retaining strong cooperative ties with these other two ministries. 

Because this ministry begins immediately, we are in immediate need of an increase of $500 per month to cover the increased expenses of housing, auto expenses, meals, materials, etc.  We praise God for Immanuel Baptist Church in Independence blessing us by inviting us to live in their missionary house through next July during the four to five days per week we'll be in Kansas City.  Once, however, that time is expended, our expenses will then increase probably an additional $800 a month.  So, in the long haul, we really need to increase our support base by about $1300 per month.  The immediate $500 is the first step.

As you can see, we need your prayerful consideration immediately.

+  Bible Conferences, Revivals, Seminars, etc.:  For the time being we are still conducting meetings in churches, and will continue to do so until the Lord directs otherwise.  Now that the two-year interim pastorate we served concluded last month, we feel the Lord wants us to return to being that "spiritual cattle prod" to the church at large.  Our next such meeting is a multi-church conference February 18-22 during which time we will join with some 20+ other evangelists in conducting services both in individual churches and the multi-church conference in which I am scheduled to preach in the final session.  We have several other conferences scheduled throughout the Spring and Summer, and are in the process of scheduling still more.

+  International Ministry:  Frankly, we are a bit surprised as to how unexpectedly invitations have come our way to minister in other countries.  Not only do we have the invitation to return to Cuba this Spring with Richard and Stephanie Blake, but we have also been invited to minister in Poland.  It came as a surprise that, while we were still in Colombia, we were officially invited to return to do a full conference for pastors and other church leaders teaching on the topic of Vision.  This came as a result of Bob's speaking on the subject briefly during an area pastors' meeting one morning.  Then, to our total astonishment, Bob received a phone call last Thursday from a pastor in Nairobi, Kenya, asking us to come for a conference.

+  Continuing Mentoring and Support:  God has also blessed us with the joy of continuing our close connection with young men and women with whom we were honored to serve and mentor in Ukraine.  Through the use of e-mail, Skype, and financial gifts, we maintain a strong link with "M" and "The Father's House" Persian church, with "F" and his ministry to Persians in Germany, to "Max" as he serves faithfully in Bangkok, to Tania and Arto in Finland, to Timur and his wife in Russia, . . . It is our plan to continue that incredible privilege for years to come.

So, as you can see, God is amazing us with numerous opportunities to continue serving Him at this stage of our lives.  We desperately need the mind of Christ to clearly discern His purposes. 
And, as long as He continues opening doors, giving us the strength and endurance for the task, and providing the financial resources to cover the costs, we will keep going.

+  Finally:  More than 435 families regularly receive our "LUMglobal" newsletters.  Out of that group, however, one church and 23 family units supported us during 2011.  Of those 24 supporters, 14 support us monthly, and the other ten either gave occasionally or one time.  So, to that faithful group we need to add a significant number of new supporters who will undergird us in prayer and finances. 

That's a hard issue to consider in days of economic hardship such as we are all enduring today.  Sometimes, people think they would need to support us with larger amounts.  However, while those larger contributions help, that is not necessarily the case.  Some of our most faithful supporters have been those sharing only $10 or $20 a month.  So, we welcome the smaller contributions as well as the larger ones.  The real issue is to respond as God puts it in the heart.  People who sacrifice the equivalent of one or two meals a month are the backbone of any support network.

In review, we are in immediate need of an additional $500 a month, hopefully coming from new supporters, increase with some who are already supporting us, and from some who have supported us in the past but found it necessary to discontinue for some reason.  We simply ask you to come before the Lord in our behalf, ask Him to meet our increased needs, and ask Him if He is choosing you to be part of that increase.  Our philosophy is to honestly and accurately share the need and opportunity with you, and leave the results in God's hands.

If the Lord does prompt you to become part of our "In-Pact" support team, please let us know.  Just be sure you do not neglect your giving to your home church.

As a simple "housekeeping" matter for those deciding to support us, . . .
    >  Make any checks out to Life Unlimited Ministries
    >  Mail the gift to Life Unlimited Ministries, P. O. Box 228, Collins, MO, 64738.
    >  Contact us to let us know what you're planning to do.
            Phone 417-175-4854 (Cell 417-693-5149)

Thanks for letting us share our challenges and special need with you.  We are so grateful that we have that freedom, knowing that you know our hearts.  Continue praying for us as we make important decisions, and as our ministry expenses increase the moment we fill the tank with gas on Monday.

In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,

Bob and Jo Ann
(The Tollivers)

P.S.  An important update letter will be coming your way very soon. 

Life Unlimited Ministries

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