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LUMglobal #102 ---- 2/15/12

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

                    (formerly "Hope4Kyiv")

             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

                 Life Unlimited Ministries

        "Touching Nations Here and Abroad"


                           Number  102

                       February 17, 2012

Dear Friends, Family, and InPact Members:

Greetings today on a brisk February day in the Ozarks.  Apparently our letter #100 with an update report on our Colombia trip got lost somewhere along the way, so we see that you've not received an update report since just before we made that trip.  Much has happened since then, but we will do our best to be brief.

+  Colombia Trip:

While the primary purpose of the trip was to spend a Christmas with Cindy and her family (who've been wanting us to come for Christmas for ten years), it was not only a delightful time of relaxing and enjoying wonderful balmy and tropical weather while others were shivering in the cold, but it was also a wonderful time of ministry as we had the opportunity to be in several churches, provide support to several projects Kevin and Cindy had under way, and speak to an area pastors' group.  Here's what our ministry activities looked like:
    >  Helped set up and tear down video recording equipment for a taping experience of a local church's children's Christmas program.
    >  Helped prepare and serve a Christmas dinner for the staff and instructors at the seminary Kevin directs.
    >  Attended a church's four-day evangelistic presentation of the Gospel in the auditorium of a city public library.
    >  Preached four times in three separate churches with Christopher ably translating for Bob.
    >  Attended an "English" class/fellowship hosted by some of Kevin's and Cindy's colleagues.
    >  Spoke to an area pastors' meeting on the subject of "Vision", again with Christopher doing another great job.
    >  Met and visited with several missionary families, discussing ministry and possible opportunities for the future.
    >  Helped prepare and serve a New Year's Eve reception/fellowship that Kevin and Cindy hosted for several missionary families
Hardly a week went by in which there wasn't some type of ministry-related activity.

Through it all, though, we did have plenty of time to enjoy some of Medellin's great restaurants, see the amazing Christmas lights both of Medellin and Embegado (the suburban city where Kevin, Cindy, and Christopher live), ride the Metro, and take several excursions to small villages and beautiful vistas dotting the mountains that surround the city.  Here are just a few pictures of literally hundreds we took while on the trip.  Pic #1, Christopher translating for Bob.  Pic #2, view from our bedroom window.  Pic #3, worship team on Christmas Day. 


Pic #4, Bob speaking on "Vision" to Pastors group (could not get a shot of entire group).  Pic #5, El Penon Lake.  Pic #6, El Penon Rock.


Pic #7 & #8, Tequindameta Waterfall Park. Pic #9, a Colombian "Typico Plata"


Bob has posted several albums that you can see by going to his Facebook page and clicking on the appropriate albums.  He plans to post one or two more covering the last part of our trip.  His Facebook page is under his name, or you can go to lifeunlimited01.

+  Financial Status:

There has been only minimal response since our January 21st letter in which we shared the need to increase our financial support base by some $500 a month to cover the costs of our new ministry in northeastern Kansas City.  While God has already blessed the work wonderfully, as you'll see below, we are necessarily taking it a week at a time since our own resources are already maxed out for February and into March.  If the Lord doesn't provide through His people, that will be an indication that we cannot continue the ministry there.  We're firm believers that God's work continues as He supplies through the hearts of His people.  While there will be periodic "reimbursement" funding from the area office under which we are operating, it will be an "as available" condition, and will not come close to actual expenditures.

+  Northeastern Kansas City Ministry:

We have seen continued indicators that the Lord wants us to invest as much of our time as possible in the church planting movement in Kansas City.  However, it will not be a funded project, at least not anytime soon; we are doing it strictly as volunteers.  Over the past three weeks we have spent about 70% of our time in Kansas City.  It would have been more if Jo Ann had not contracted severe sinus infection soon after we made our first trip.  While we are literally taking it a day at a time based on our resources and ministry opportunities, we have a growing sense that the Lord is calling us to an extended work in the area.

We have met several times with Rodney Hammer, the area Director of Missions who provides leadership for over 130 churches in the area.  He has laid out his thoughts as to how he'd like to see us serving in the area ----
    1)  Work with several local young pastors as encourager/mentor/coach, specifically those involved in reaching internationals.
    2)  Serve as associates under the "People Teams" Director, Andrew Huesing, by helping with "Teams" training, connecting churches to people groups, meeting with pastors, etc.
    3)  Work with some existing churches in northeast KC who are already trying to reach people groups and plant churches.
    4)  Help raise awareness to local churches of international church planting needs in the KC area.

We feel very positive about this, and are excited over what has already happened in the few weeks we've been there.
    >  We've moved in to the missionary house that Immanuel Church has graciously made available to us through July at no cost other than utilities.  It's well furnished, and quite comfortable, and we generally live there four to five days a week.
    >  We've visited Immanuel church to express our thanks for use of the missionary house, and have visited several times with staff and members of the committee responsible for the house.
    >  We've toured the area several times, familiarizing ourselves with the culture and layout of the area.
    >  We've met several times with pastors of two churches who are doing intentional church planting in the area.
    >  We've visited church services and home groups with the two churches we hope to work with the most.
    >  Bob has attended a couple of Associational meetings including one of the regular "E3" pastors' meetings held around the area, getting acquainted and introducing our ministry.
    >  We've gotten acquainted with "Eleos Ministries" and are looking for ways to work with them.

The following Pics are preliminary pictures showing a little of what we're doing.


Pic #10, The missionary house we currently live in, thanks to Immanuel Church, Independence.  Pic #11, Eleos Coffee House and Ministry Center.  Pic #12, Bob speaking on "City-Reaching Through Prevailing Prayer" to a group of "People Teams" leaders at Eleos Coffee House.

Specific plans are being developed for the future, including ----
    >  Bob will continue getting acquainted with pastors through the bi-weekly "E3" pastors' gatherings.
    >  Bob will begin next month preaching and teaching for several consecutive Sunday evenings at Living Faith church, giving the bi-vocational pastors a breather from a very busy and stressful season.
    >  Jo Ann will begin mentoring a young woman who works at "Eleos Ministries".
    >  Jo Ann will start meeting with a women's group from Living Faith to help encourage them through relationships and her own life stories.
    >  We will begin seeking ways with Andrew to connect with the Bosnians living on the north edge of the area of our concentration.
    >  We are continuing to explore specific ways in which we can also serve the folks at Central Church, as it expands its current outreach to internationals in the area.
    >  We will continue searching out the various people groups living in the area and try to establish some relationship connection with them.
    >  Jo Ann is already gearing up her "Hospitality" ministry, and has scheduled a pastor/wife dinner for the Living Faith pastors and wives in the next couple of weeks.
    >  We will be participating in a "Church Planting" conference on March 1st featuring Richard Blackaby, joining pastors and other church planting leaders in the area.

+  Farsi Ministry:

Here is the latest report from "M" that we received Monday, giving both exciting and alarming reports.  Please continue praying for these friends, and consider giving a financial gift for their work.  100% of anything coming to our ministry designated for the Farsi ministry goes directly to them.

•    1.  "I's" Sister and Mother Arrested and Beaten ---- "I" is an Iranian believer that attends our Bible studies. Few months ago, he had shared the gospel with his sister (she lives in Iran) via Internet, and soon after she had put her faith in Christ.   Very soon then she had begun sharing her faith, putting up a blog and getting in touch with our Christian contacts in Iran to grow in the Lord.

Unfortunately the government of Iran found out about her Christian activities and she was arrested few days ago. She was taken into custody and beaten. Her mom was arrested next (she's a devout Muslim), and she was interrogated and threatened. Now her mother blames her son for all that has happened and wants to stop supporting "I" financially.

Our Christian contacts have received calls from government threatening to arrest them all. So for now all the Christian activities have halted.   It's an urgent prayer request and please be praying about the situation and all the people involved. Please pray that they don't end up going to jail.

•   2.  Television Program Production – One Step Closer ----  One step closer toward our vision of creating teaching videos and Satellite Television programs, we're still praying for the possibility of using a professional television studio for free in Kiev.  The leaders of a popular Christian TV program had offered us to help with producing Christian Television programs. They are now negotiating with a studio in Kiev to let us record our programs.

Statistics show that more than 15 million Iranians watch the Christian Satellite Television programs. It's needless to mention that there are Tajiks, Afghans and some other people groups that are Farsi speaking and watch the program as well. It would be a great blessing to start producing them. So please pray that everything would work out the way Lord plans.  Our team consists of 4 Iranians (Leaders of the Persian Ministry in Kiev), and each team member is now coming up with ideas, topics, and plans for the production.   We're supposed to meet and brainstorm all 4 plans and come up with a single master plan and present it to the Christian Satellite TV producers.

•   3.  Mission Trip to Germany & Sweden ---- As you might recall from my previous letter, I'm now preparing to go to Germany and Sweden on a 12-14 days mission trip.   I've received my invitation letter (needed for getting a visa) and had an Interview appointment at embassy of Germany on this past Wed. I have also gathered all the necessary documents which are needed to get a visa.  So I'm moving from "doing my BEST" to "leaving God the REST" phase. I'm looking forward to reuniting with my best friend and Evangelism partner "F", and do Evangelism in Germany (refugee camps, dorms, campuses and etc).

Lord willing, "F" and I are planning to visit Sweden for few days and reunite with "H". "H" was one of our Farsi Church members that moved to Sweden around 2.5 years ago with his whole family. Now he and his wife are leading a Home church/Bible study hosting 18-20 Iranians with majority being non-believers.  "H" is excited to have us in Sweden and has already made some reach out plans.

I really do appreciate all your support for me and this mission trip. I have heard from several people who want or have already helped me with the trip. Please join me in prayer as I continue preparing for the trip.

•   4.  Mission Trip to Kharkov – "M" Got Saved ---- For several weeks, nothing special (in terms of people getting saved) had happened in Kharkov (definitely God had been at work).   Few days ago, we began receiving calls from 8-10 different people asking us to meet them and share some more about the Lord. They received one of the copies of our Farsi Bibles we had given out in dorms, and had read it. Among those 10 people, there were 4 Iranian girls from a university.

So we sent "V" on a mission trip to Kharkov few days ago. He met with those people and shared the gospel. Several couldn't meet him because their schedules didn't work out. But one person ("M") believed and "V" baptized him.  "V" also met with some other believers and encouraged them. He's planning to go back at the end of this month ( "M" or I might also go with him) to meet other Muslims (including 3 ladies and their friends) who were not able to meet "V" in his 2-days stay.

These trips are quite expensive because we need to rent an apartment during our stay in Kharkov, and feed those who come to visit us (Iranians never have guest over without food – now you understand better what I mean…).

•   5.  New Year's Dorm Evangelism ----   "M", one Ukrainian brother "L", and I handed out tens of New Year gifts in 2 dorms. Each gift consisted of a gospel of John in Farsi (stamped with our ministry info), few chocolate candies, a New Year Christian post card with a calendar on the back and a Christian day-timer (given to us from Campus Crusades).  To our surprise, every student gladly accepted the gift. One student has contacted and wants to come to our Bible study.

We still have half of our gifts left. We were not allowed to enter 2 other hostels we had planned to go because they were closed to guest in Jan. So we are planning to use Saint Valentine's Day to give out the rest of the gifts.  Please pray that we would keep meeting excited students as we give out the rest of the gifts.

•   6.  Iranian Christian Family in Western Ukraine and Other Needy people in our Ministry ---- In my previous trip to Western Ukraine, I met with few Iranians. There are 2 ladies along with 2 children (one 11 months, and other one 8 years old) that have moved from Iran to Ukraine. Their life story is quite long but making a long story short, the lady with her children has run away from her abusive husband and moved to Ukraine along with her sister.

In Ukraine they were given the gospel few months ago. The lady with children ("L") had believed in the Lord soon after. Her sister "G" believed few weeks ago.  When my wife and I met with them, they were struggling to literally survive in Ukraine and make the ends meet. Often times the lady's children don't get enough nutrition and they don't have enough food to eat. UN has stopped their financial support and because of refugee status, they can't get a job.  A Ukrainian local church has been helping them with their rent and some missionaries have been helping some. Our Farsi church in Kiev has also got involved to help them with food.

The matter is that the number of needy people has significantly increased in our ministry. Many believers in our ministry are refugees and many of their needs are genuine. But we still have to be very selective because we lack resources (primarily finances, but also time) to help all of them every month.  Nevertheless we have taken on the responsibility of helping these ladies with the food every month. They attend a weekly Bible study in a Ukrainian church. Every Sunday they also go to church services.

There are only 5 Iranians living in that town so there's no Farsi gathering.   Please be praying for them. If you wanted to help the ladies (or any other Iranian Christian refugee) with grocery, feel free to drop me a note.

•   7.  Irina's Ministry ---- My wife Irina continues serving our neighborhood area (and beyond). She also continues making gift packages for mothers and their children with the children clothes she's been receiving from a U.S based ministry. She usually leaves a Bible, a CD with Christian teachings on different topics (like raising children, resolving family problems and etc) and a Christian greeting card inside the package with clothing items.   Mothers are very glad to receive those packages.

She asks for prayer so the Lord would bring more people on her path to share these gifts with.

At the end, I'd like to thank you for all the love, support, blessings and everything else you have been doing for me, my family and Farsi ministry. It's always hard for me to end my letters because honestly I don't know how to put my deep feelings of gratitude into words. But I'm sure the Lord knows and he would reward you in heaven.

Peace in Christ, "M"

+  Our Future Schedule & Plans:

    >  This coming Saturday we join with about 20 other vocational evangelists, missionaries, and singers for a four-day Bible/Evangelism conference in Cassville, MO.  We will minister at New Hope Church Sunday morning, Washburn Church Sunday evening, and during the concluding service on Tuesday evening, Bob will bring the next to last sermon.  We will return to Collins Wednesday, do laundry, pack up, and head back to Kansas City first thing Thursday for another long week-end of ministry in northeastern Kansas City.

    >  Because our work in Kansas City is strictly on a volunteer basis, we have maintained the flexibility to do other ministries as the Lord opens the doors.  At the moment there is a meeting tentatively scheduled for this Spring in northeastern MO, but no date has been confirmed.  The trip to Cuba has again been pushed back, and it now looks like it will take place the last two weeks of May. 

    >  Our daughter, Cheri, and her husband, Bob, are planning a visit in mid March to see what we're doing in KC, and will be attending several of the gatherings as a means of learning some of the strategies being implemented in reaching internationals here.  Their church in the Twin Cities is very involved in outreach and church planting.

    >  Hopefully in all of this, we'll also find some time to resume projects around the house in Collins still needing to be completed.  We really enjoy the two or three days a week we get to spend there, and are already planning to have a "mini-retreat" for the Living Faith leadership sometime this Spring.

+  Finally:

Please pray for us as we walk this journey.  We probably feel more like Abraham than ever in our lives . . . ". . . he went out, not knowing where he was going.  By faith he lived as an alien . . . as in a foreign land, dwelling in tents . . ." (Heb 11:8-9) 

    >  For our daughters and their families (Cindy in Medellin, Colombia, South America; Debbie in Buena Vista, CO; Cheri in St. Paul, MN; Deanna in Galesburg, IL).  They all in their own ways are facing challenging times . . . sometimes testing and sometimes triumph.  Because space doesn't permit details in this letter, just know that they all need your prayer and intercession for a variety of reasons pertaining to future, opportunity, decisions, and/or struggles.

    >  For the Farsi work described above.  Specifically for the amazing opportunities before them, the financial needs they have, and the grave dangers facing some of them.  Pray especially that the funds will come in for both the ministry in general and the mission trip to Germany and Sweden.

    >  For wisdom, stamina, clarity, and financial resources that we need in order to continue serving the Lord faithfully.  We don't want to become "weary in well doing", and we don't want to have to say "no" because of inadequate resources.

    >  For God's power and anointing on the two of us as we minister this week-end.  We will be part of the fellowship Saturday night as the musicians do a concert, we will minister at New Hope Church on Sunday morning, Washburn Church on Sunday evening, and Bob will preach during the final session of the conference Tuesday evening.  Then we will pack up and leave Wednesday morning, do laundry, and head to a noon meeting in Harrisonville on Thursday on our way back to Kansas City.

    >  For time and opportunity to liquidate items that are in the way and/or we no longer need/want.  Pray that we can make the time to do it, and therefore be able to clear out space and also generate financial resources to help sustain our ministry.  We've got everything from books, trinkets, and collectibles to antique furniture and an automobile.  (We've got enough "stuff" to open our own store!   ;-p). 

Once again, to those who support us financially and pray for us, we never take you for granted.  Not only do you undergird the ministry to which God has called the two of us, but you also genuinely become partners with us . . . co-laborers, if you please, . . . and, thereby, are ministers alongside us.  This ministry is both ours and yours . . . because God has called us all.

In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,

            Bob and Jo Ann
            The Tollivers
            Life Unlimited Ministries
"Touching Nations Here And Abroad"

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