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LUMglobal #106 ---- 8/21/12

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

                       (Formerly Hope4Kyiv)
          Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
             Life Unlimited Ministries
    "Touching Nations Here and Abroad"
                     Number  106

                   August 21, 2012

Dear Friend, Family, and In-Pact Partners:

Greetings today from a much more comfortable Independence, MO, where we continue ministering to internationals, northeastern Kansas City, and church planting pastors.  We noticed that it has been almost two months since our last letter, and there is much to share in the way of updates and new news.


Cuba Project ---- As you remember from our last letter, we felt God leading us to undertake three major financial projects to help strengthen the Church in Cuba . . . 1) raise $3500 to build and furnish a new house and meeting place for a young pastor and his family (left picture showing part of their current house where services are held),   2)  help raise $16,000 to purchase a building to be used as a church planting training center and residence for the province's Church Planting Missionary and Director (middle picture), and   3) find ways to provide ongoing financial support for Cuban pastors throughout the country.  We are thrilled to report that more than $4500 came in for the first project, and at least one church has launched an attempt to begin supporting a number of pastors.  We are thrilled over that, and praise God for how people's hearts have been moved for the work in Cuba.  We are now asking people to consider being part of project #'s 2 and 3 in an aggressive way.


Housing in Kansas City ---- You may recall that last January Immanuel Baptist Church made their missionary house available to us through July of this year (right picture above).  Well, following a report we gave the Missionary House Committee, they have decided to make the house available to us through December of 2013!  Yes, that is 2013!  We praise God and thank these wonderful folks for their generosity.  They were a bit taken aback when we told them that their provision was actually equal to about $500 to $600 per month to us.  We love living here, and even though it doesn't put us directly "on site" in northeastern KC, it does keep us within 15 minutes of the area and also keeps the rest of our ministry field within 30 driving minutes.

What's Been Happening:

Danielle's Visit ---- Our dear friend and Jo Ann's "Esther" whom she had been mentoring for several months has concluded her internship at Eleos Ministries and has gone back to Kansas to attend college working toward a degree in nursing.  So, we invited her to spend a few days with us in our Ozarks hideaway.  As we approached the property, Bob commented that he hoped we'd see some deer on this trip.  Well, as we drove up the driveway, there they were!  We saw deer every day that Danielle was with us.  One morning Bob looked out the window and saw twin fawns in the yard.  Danielle was able (miraculously so) to slip out onto the front porch and sketch them (below left) as they grazed and drank water from the tubs Bob has had out all Summer (below center).


Jo Ann's Tea Party ----  We had grandkids Michael and JoyLinn for about a week in Independence while Jim and Deanna spent some time with his folks and some friends a few miles away.  One of the rules was that "no parents allowed" during G'ma and G'pa time.  So, Jo Ann hosted a special tea party (above right) for some of the "Living Faith Ladies" so JoyLinn could get acquainted with them; Bob and Michael had lunch at Chick-fil-A and then scoped the nearby mall as a possible place for Bob and Jo Ann to get some walking in during hot weather.  The whole family was able to tour our ministry area, stop by Eleos Coffee House and also attend a Living Faith home group and Sunday services before heading back to Illinois.

Vehicle Repairs ---- It seems like vehicle problems of various sorts has hit us on both the Suburban and Le Sabre this Summer . . . and it hasn't been fun or cheap!  Between repairs and having to buy new tires for the Le Sabre, we've run up over $2,500 in unexpected expenses.  No single thing was super expensive, but everything just added up . . . brakes, thermostat replacement, serpentine belt replacement, oil pressure sensor replacement (naturally it was way back on the engine block by the firewall!), etc.  Hopefully we're free from that burden for awhile.

Timothy Fellowship ----  Bob has begun the first of at least two and perhaps three Timothy Fellowship groups, meeting with five to six guys from Central Church including the pastor and associate pastor.  They are a great group of guys and an absolute joy to share with.  Left to right, Matt, David, Pastor Omar, another Omar, and Associate Pastor Matt are solid men of God hungry to be used as strong and mature leaders. 


Cross-Cultural Church Planting Center ---- We are thrilled to report that the proposed Cross-Cultural Church Planting and Training Center (above center and right) is now a reality!  NAMB, MBC, BR-KC, and the Hispanic Church pooled their resources and purchased this old Presbyterian church building immediately across the street from the Concourse in northeast KC.  The closing took place last Wednesday, and a big clean-up is scheduled for this coming Friday evening and all day Saturday.  Three churches will begin using the building within the next few weeks while major improvements, upgrading, decorating, and repairs continue for many months to come.  We invite you to help by praying, contributing financially, or coming to offer your services for a day, week-end, or a week.  Everything from refinishing floors, sweeping up debris, repairing/replacing windows, painting, tile work, heating/air upgrading, . . . the list is endless.  Let us know if you'd like to be part of that.  Living Faith is one of those churches, and will probably move to the new building the latter part of September. 

Cross-Cultural World View Conference ---- the People Teams' Fall kickoff with the Cross-Cultural World View Conference was a huge hit last Saturday at Midwestern Seminary in KC, and we were thrilled to be part of it.  Andrew did a great job putting it together (speaking below right), and nearly 100 people ranging from late teens to retirement age attended.  Bob had the privilege of leading a break-out session introducing the Eastern European culture.  Jo Ann attended a session on the culture of Islamic countries (below center).  The goal of People Teams is to get as many of the 130+ churches in the KC area directly involved in trying to reach and minister to at least one of the 100+ ethnic groups living there.  Andrew and Bob will spend the next many months working with individual churches, assisting them in developing some type of ministry to groups the churches feel God is leading them to reach.


Report From Mohammad and the Farsi Ministry:

We also try to include an update on the Farsi ministry from our previous years in Kiev, Ukraine.  Here is Mohammad's latest report of about four weeks ago:

•    5 Muslims Were Saved ---- Over the past 2 months, five Muslims have come to know the Lord through the Farsi ministry. "P" along with his wife and 2 children attended our Bible study few weeks ago. They kept attending and asking many questions every week.  I believe that one of the most effective types of Evangelism is when you spend time with an individual on one on one base in a café - drinking coffee or eating lunch and sharing God's word. So I met with "p" in cafes and shared God's word with him several times.  After about 2 months, the whole family came to faith.

Another Iranian arrived in our Bible study with his 5 years old son. He had heard from others that Iranian Christians gather every week and study the Bible.  When he arrived in our meeting, some of the people who knew him complained to me about allowing him to attend the Bible study. They told me that he was a swindler and had stolen money from students through false promises of getting them a Ukrainian citizenship. 

Nevertheless, I decided to welcome him because I felt that was how Jesus treated people like Matthew who was a tax collector.  He came back next Wed, and again the following Wed. On the third week, he told me that he would like to put his faith in Christ because he felt he was desperate sinner who needed salvation. He also said that he would give back all the money he has taken from any person through swindling. He was baptized around 3 weeks after his salvation. His Ukrainian wife came to faith in Christ also on the day he got baptized.

•    Teaching on Islam in Bila Tserkva and Kiev Christian University ----  I was invited to teach on the topic of "Evangelism Among Muslims" in a conference in the city of  Bila Tserkva around 100 km away from Kiev.  Many young Ukrainian missionaries attended the 1-day seminar. They had come from all over the country. Their goal was to go to countries like Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Tatarestan where many Muslims live, and share God's word with them.  In my 70-minutes speech, I shared many power point slides about history of Islam, ways of Evangelizing Muslims without threatening them and a method to prove that the Bible hasn't been altered using Koran itself.

Few weeks later, I was invited to teach again at another seminar that was held in Kiev Christian University. The audience was like the first seminar - many Ukrainian missionaries that were supposed to go to Muslims countries. This time, I was given more time (about 2 hours). So besides sharing the same material, I also shared some more about the Muslim culture and the right ways to approach a Muslim using the same culture.

•    Launching Sunday's Summer Evangelism Project ---- Farsi church has launched a Sunday's summer Evangelism project.  Iranians usually go to down town on weekend.  So every Sunday, 2 of the Farsi ministry believers go to down town, and try to meet Iranians and share the gospel with them. They carry gospels of John and tracts. Several Iranians have visited the Farsi church through this Evangelism.   Farsi church has plans to keep it going until it gets too cold to be outside on Sundays.

•    Launching Satellite TV Programs ---- The satellite TV program is on hold for now. There's still lots of preparation that needs to be done. No financial support has been added yet, but I still hope and pray that faithful believers would help with the project. Everyone on the team needs to work hard [on their secular jobs], and so there's very little time left for preparing the videos.   Nevertheless, we have begun the work.

For the purpose of practicing, 2 of the team members do 3-4 minutes videos that are going to be broadcast as part of a Farsi Christian program. The Farsi Christian program has broadcast for over 3 years. The script is already prepared, and all my team members do is [perform] it before the camera.  It's about answering critical questions about Christian faith.  Hopefully this should help us get prepared, also might help for other believers to get to know this ministry and decide to support it.

•    Redesigning a Solid Website For Farsi Ministry ---- I am redesigning the Farsi church website. My goal is to come up with a robust website with many features like online chat, forums, download sections of various kinds, and video and audio sections.  This new website is going to expand our ministry in Iran and help many new born Iranian Christians to grow in the knowledge of our Lord. Another brother is helping with typing the stuff in Farsi.  I'm also going to make interviews with Iranian Christians whose lives have been radically changed, and present those videos on the website in the testimony section. Of course the videos won't show their face or include their real names.

•    "F's" Mission Trip to Sweden ---- In the last week of August, "F" is going to make a mission trip to Sweden to help "H" with his newly planted church.  Many Farsi speaking people (Iranians and Afghans) attend the Farsi church Sweden.  Naturally, as the ministry has been growing, "H" has been facing more challenges in dealing with people.  "F" is going to be a great benefit to the church as he is a very gifted Evangelist and teacher of God's word.  "F" is going to be staying in Sweden for 3 weeks and strengthen the church and help "H" do Evangelism.  Praise the Lord he has bought the plane tickets, but still needs more money for staying there 3 weeks.

•    Ira's ministry ---- Ira continues meeting new mothers and sharing God's love with them through gifts for their children. God's been sending many needy families on her path, and she's been blessed by helping them out.  Unfortunately she no longer has any student for English tutoring. Both of her students left because of financial problems in their families. So that has added some financial challenges for us.

Few weeks ago, she connected a Ukrainian lady who has a ministry among disable children with an American missionary family (with 9 kids including 5 adopted that have Down's syndrome). The missionary family have come to Ukraine not long ago and ever since their arrival, had been praying for ministry opportunity. When Ira met them, they were disappointed because there wasn't an open door for ministry.  The amazing thing is that the Ukrainian lady knows many people that could be ministered to, and had been praying for resources. The American family has the resources, but had been praying for the Lord to send people.

Now they all have teamed up, and have made great plans to reach out to families with disabled children. They already have conducted a Christian camp where more than 20 Ukrainian families came along with their disables children. Ira continues helping them out as a communicator. The Ukrainian lady doesn't know English, and American family doesn't know Russian/Ukrainian. So Ira has been translating for them.

•    Prayer Requests: ---- Please pray for:
        1-    New believers in our ministry, for their spiritual growth in the Lord
        2-    Summer Evangelism project
        3-    F's mission trip to Sweden and financial blessing for his trip
        4-    The Lord's financial provision for me and my family

At the end, I'd like to thank you for all your prayers, support and love. Without all that, it would have been impossible to accomplish what has been done. I praise the Lord that He has put each one of you in my life.

In His Love, Mohammad

Family Matters

Cindy and and family are busy as usual.  Christopher, now 16 and a Junior in high school, is back in school, still teaching children SS in his church in Medellin, and continues serving as translator for guest speakers as well as working in media production by running camera, editing, and graphics.  Cindy is teaching English at the seminary, and Kevin continues serving as seminary administrator and periodically teaches classes.

Debbie still lives in Buena Vista, CO, enjoying the climate and its benefit for her MS.  She's active in church and loves doing outdoor activities like hiking in the mountains and boating.

Cheri and Bob still live in St. Paul where they remain active in their home group and Substance Church.  Bob commutes back and forth to Naperville, IL, periodically for his new job.

Deanna, Jim, and kids remain in Galesburg, IL, where Jim continues pastoring in nearby Knoxville.  Deanna is preparing for two long bike rides ---- the MS150 ride in September for raising money for MS (several family members including our daughter, Debbie, and granddaughter, Rachel, suffer from the disease), and also an October "Bucket List" ride of the 240-mile-long Katy Trail from Clinton, MO to near the Mississippi River.

Looking Ahead:

Membership ---- It seems as though the Lord is going to have us continue our ministry in the Kansas City area indefinitely, so we feel the Lord is directing us to place our church membership with the Living Faith KC church plant.  Our membership has been at Wellspring in Bolivar, MO, for a number of years, and we are eternally grateful for their fellowship, encouragement, and continued financial support for both our ministry when we were overseas and their continued support of the Farsi work we began when living there.  We have numerous good friends at Wellspring, and even though we are seldom able to attend because of our schedule, we will still miss them.  It doesn't make sense for us to maintain membership where we can seldom participate when we are only 15 minutes away from Living Faith's area of ministry.

September in Illinois ---- For the first time in many years, we will be ministering in the area where Bob was born "many moons ago", and where he served on staff back in the late 1960's.  It is also near where God called him into the preaching ministry.  On Sunday, September 2nd, we will minister at FBC, Mulberry Grove, pastored by former missionary colleague Benji and Hanna Potter, our language school partners back in 2003.  Then, on Saturday, September 8th, Bob will be preaching twice at the Kaskaskia Baptist Association annual Pastors' Conference and then later that afternoon at the Association's annual meeting.  These services are held at Central City Baptist Church in Centralia, IL.  The following day, September 9th, we will be ministering at Eternity Baptist Church in Centralia, speaking in both morning and evening services, plus conducting a leadership workshop at 4:30 in the afternoon, and then also a special prayer gathering the following Monday morning.  All of these services at all three locations are open to the public, so we invite our friends and relatives in the area to join us.

Timothy Fellowship / Esther Fellowship:  In addition to the Timothy Fellowship at Central Church noted above, at least one and maybe two more groups will begin in the next several weeks.  Bob will be mentoring a group of guys from Living Faith Church beginning shortly after our return from the Illinois trip, and possibly a third group if necessary to accommodate work and students' class schedules.  Jo Ann meets this coming Thursday evening (Aug 23rd) for a Living Faith Ladies' Dinner and introduction of an Esther Fellowship group scheduled also to begin soon after our return from Illinois.  The Esther Fellowship is not just a Bible study, but is described as "a strategic study designed to strengthen godly women into using the greatest gift God has given them for loving husbands, raising families, becoming effective leaders, and mentoring new young leaders for the future."  Based on Esther 4:4, it is designed to raise up godly women "for such a time as this."

Other Things On the Calendar ----  Bob is scheduled to preach again at Living Faith on September 23rd, and coordinate a special "Moving into the new building" dedication service at Living Faith on September 26th.  We will also attend a retired IMB missionary retreat October 8th and 9th, and then go to Mexico! ---- Mexico, Missouri, that is, for a revival meeting at Friendship Baptist Church there.  Later that month we will participate in the annual meeting for BR-KC Association and help Andrew with the People Teams booth at the missions fair.  We'll also be attending the Missouri State Convention the end of October. 

Then, of course, we still have the January trip back to Medellin, Colombia, in South America, and we are praying about a return trip to Cuba next year, along with a possible extended trip sometime next year (something like Paul's second and third missionary journeys) back to Europe to retrace our steps through Croatia, Ukraine, Germany, Sweden, and Finland.  We're not sure that will happen, but we'd like it to.  So, it seems our schedule continues to expand rather than reduce, and all of that makes life more complicated . . . but more exciting.

Prayer Requests:

+  Increased financial support for Mohammad and Ira and the Farsi ministry expanding so rapidly.
+  Generous financial gifts toward our Cuba projects.
+  Strength and energy for a heavy schedule and growing ministry load ahead.
+  God's blessing on the Timothy Fellowship and Esther Fellowship groups as God continues raising up new leaders.
+  Time, strength, and resources to do more repair/improvement work around the house in Collins
+  For Deanna as she prepares for her Katy Trail bike ride, that she'll raise more money and that all the logistics of transportation and lodging necessary.
+  For continued open doors to help strengthen young pastors, raise up equipped leaders, and reach into the people groups living in greater KC.


We have never been more excited over ministry since we returned to the U.S. three and a half years ago, and we've never been more aware of our limitations.  And, by far we have never been more aware of the faithfulness of so many like you who have supported us through encouragement, prayer, and financial support to our ministry.  Even though you may not hear us say it nearly often enough, please know we do not take you for granted, and we acknowledge that without your involvement, it would be impossible for us to continue the ministry God has given us.

Please let us hear from you from time to time.  E-mail's can be sent to Bob at or to Jo Ann at  Bob's cell phone is 417-693-5149, and Jo Ann's is 417-693-5313.  Mailing address is P.O. Box 228, Collins, MO 64738.

In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,

Bob and Jo Ann
The Tollivers

Life Unlimited Ministries

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