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LUMglobal #107 ---- 12/16/12

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

On 12/17/2012 8:40 PM, Robert Tolliver wrote:

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                     (Formerly Hope4Kyiv)
          Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
             Life Unlimited Ministries
    "Touching Nations Here and Abroad"
                     Number  107

                December 16, 2012     

     To our Dear friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:

How could we do such a thing!!!  Yes, we did it again . . . but this time even worse.  For  more than two months we've been trying to send a praise/prayer report to you, but between travel, busy schedule, and plain ol' forgetfulness, here we are more than three months since our last letter.  So, let's not beat around the bush, but get right to what has been happening . . . which has been LOTS!  (It's a LONG letter!)

First and foremost, an enthusiastic and heartfelt MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!  . . . . from our hearts to yours!!!!  One of Bob's Facebook "Preachers Only" friends recently posted, "Transgression was the reason for the season."   We cannot agree more.  With heavy hearts we remember the unthinkable acts of violence in Connecticut and with chilling awareness more clearly understand the heinousness of sin.  Satan clearly came to steal, destroy, and kill, and Adam Lanza's rampage at Sandy Hook School clearly illustrates that truth. 

Sin, brought to its ultimate conclusion always leads to death . . . physical, emotional, and spiritual.  Had it not been for our sin, Jesus would not have had to come, die, and rise again; we would have lived uninterrupted lives in perfect intimate fellowship with God from the beginning.  So, in a very real way, "Transgression IS the reason for the season."  Since man DID sin, Christmas should be a time of our deepest humility, gratitude, and praise.  Let your Christmas be just that.  Never forget the real reason.

We remain amazed at God's faithfulness in opening doors, using us at this stage of our lives, and meeting our needs.  We clearly know it is because of Him that we can still serve Him, and it's because of fellow believers who support us through intercession and financial gifts that the energy and resources are there to energize and sustain us.  We thank God profusely for both His faithfulness and yours.  We constantly remember it is He Who has opened doors, and it is He Who has moved in peoples' hearts to provide the financial resources necessary.  No words adequately express our gratitude we wish we could personally share.

What's Been Happening?  So much since our last letter way back on August 21st!

Preaching Opportunities ---- in several area churches including the two churches we work directly with (Central and Living Faith) as well as other congregations.  Jo Ann demonstrates extraordinary patience and longsuffering as she often hears sermons she's heard so many times that she could preach them herself.

Teen Girls Pizza Party ---- Jo Ann had hosted a "tea party" last Summer for some pre-teen girls from Living Faith, so the older girls wanted something like that. Several weeks ago she invited them over for a pizza party and movie.  They had a great time (Below left).  Now the teen guys as asking for something. 


Fusion Girls ---- "Fusion" trains older high school and college students in intensive "boot camp" survival, concentrated biblical studies, and intercultural evangelism, and then sends them to undisclosed destinations to minister, particularly among Muslims.  Two teams of young ladies have been attending Living Faith KC during training, and we've had them in our home for Sunday lunch and some decompress time away from campus and studies (Above center).  We Skyped Tania so they could here her story (Above right).  Amazing.  These lovely ladies head to South Asia very soon for several months.

Illinois Trip ---- Our September trip to Illinois was a wonderful experience.  We visited Benji and Hanna Potter, with whom we had endured language school,  Labor Day week-end in Mulberry Grove, IL.  Bob preached Sunday morning and then we enjoyed time at the church's annual Labor Day ice cream social.  We were hosted by a wonderful couple who had a fantastic home in the woods near the edge of town.  Had the entire lower level to ourselves.

The next day, Labor Day, we went to Springfield, IL for a couple days of relaxation and so Bob could reconnect with his boyhood friend, Joe Cleaver, who lived down the street.  They hadn't seen each other in over 60 years, so there were lots of stories to review . . . and perhaps embellish a bit.  Joe was Bob's special friend who rescued him from bullies more than once, and quickly familiarized him with Springfield by foot and by bicycle.  We also took an evening to ourselves to watch 2016 in a nearby theater, and then our last day drove around some of Bob's old neighborhood haunts such as Enos Grade School where he graduated from 8th grade (Below middle), and visited the amazing Lincoln Museum located near Lincoln's home.  Bob used to live just two blocks from the home.  The museum is an absolutely "MUST" see for everyone, and Lincoln's Home has been greatly developed since we last saw it.

Then it was off to visit a couple days with cousins Bill and Darlene and their offspring in Louisville, before continuing on to Centralia, IL, where Bob preached three times at the annual associational pastors' conference and annual meeting on Saturday.  Then Sunday morning, afternoon, evening, and Monday morning he spoke at Eternity Baptist Church in town.  Bob preached/taught nine times in three days.  We were hosted in a wonderful Victorian B&B, Centralia Garden Estates Bed and Breakfast, owned by one of the church members, Tammy Donnelly, and were treated royally.  We didn't get to meet husband, Pete, but had special visits with Tammy.  This is another "MUST" go.  Take a look at  We stayed in the "Hydrangia Room".

Then Monday morning, we headed home, stopping in Fairview Heights for an overdue lunch visit with cousins Dale and Jeanette.  That was a special time with Dale and Bob trying to outdo each other on "getting old" stories.  Then it was home to Collins for a day before going back to Kansas City to resume ministry there. 

Retired Missionaries' Retreat ---- One of the great blessings of this past year has been to connect with retired missionaries like the Potter's in Mulberry Grove and the Nelson's in Springfield, MO, but also other missionaries in the KC area like Bill and Carol Bowers, Ray Sheldon, the Mulkey's, and others.  The highlight, though, was the honor of attending the annual Missouri Retired Missionary Retreat overlooking the Lake of the Ozarks in October, where we reconnected with some we had known before, and met other great servants of the Lord with whom we shared common ground.  We were honored to be one of ten couples who shared their stories of missionary service (Below left).  It was an overwhelming experience to realize that the 34 of us represented over 1,100 years of Christian service (Below center). 


Special House Project For Cuban Pastor/Church Planter:  As you recall from our last letter, our hearts were burdened over the living conditions of a young pastor and church planter, his pregnant wife, and their two children (Above right), and said that under Cuban economy we could build them a house for $2500 and could furnish it with essentials for an additional $1000.  Well, people came through, and we ended up receiving some $4200.  As a result, we were able to give $200 to another young pastor for some home renovation, $500 to missionary Yoel for improvements on his house and church meeting place, as well as $3500 to the original pastor.  The money has been delivered, and we received the following report about the money delivered to Cuba for us last month.

"The funds received from Tolliver were given to Yoel Utria when we were in Bayamo. They are working in the construction of the missionary house , two bedrooms, living and dining room, kitchen  and bathroom. At the right side they are building the place for worshiping.  Please, make Tolliver know about this. They hope to to finish the building late January. They also purchased fridge, fans, cook  and other furniture for the missioners.  Pastor Utria is visiting missioners in Camaguey now . coming back from there he will email Tolliver and you for better information. ---- Romero"  We hope to have a good report in a few months that the building project has been completed.

Mentoring and Discipleship ---- We continue meeting with Bob's "Timothy Fellowship" of guys from two churches (Central and Living Faith), and Jo Ann continues meeting with some of the ladies from Living Faith and a couple of others (below left).  We hope to begin other groups sometime after the first of next year.  Neither of us meet as often as we would like because of scheduling problems. 


Men's Retreat ---- Living Faith KC hosts an annual men's retreat at God's Mountain camp and conference center not far from St. Joseph, MO.  This year Bob was invited to speak on one of the themes as 30+ guys from Living Faith and other churches attended (Above center).  Because everything is done on a volunteer basis, Jo Ann joined Brandy, Jennifer, and Lexi in offering to prepare meals for the guys (Above right).  The dining facility has a two-bedroom "cooks quarters" above the dining area, so we slept there, protecting Bob from what we learned was a massive snoring competition in the dorm where the rest of the guys stayed.  The day ended with a time of pistol/rifle target shooting and shotgun skeet shooting.  This was Bob's first time to shoot his 1966 Belgium made Browning "Sweet Sixteen" in over 20 years, so he really had "a blast".  He ended up selling the gun to the camp director who had his stolen when he was 16 years old.  Bob misses it, but it went to a good home.

All-Day Leadership Planning Meeting ---- Living Faith KC is our home church in KC, and we try to become more involved as we can.  Bob has been designated as "Elder Emeritus" and meets regularly with the leadership group made up of the elders, servant leaders, and "in training" interns and apprentice types.  Recently the entire group met for a marathon ten-hour planning meeting for the coming year (Below left).  Although exhausting, it was a profitable time and a great blessing to see how Living Faith is intentionally and actively helping train and raise up young leaders.  Bob was able to share some suggestions and insights that may strengthen the leadership team.


First Sunday in Sanctuary ---- The work on the newly acquired Multi-Ethnic Church Planting Center has progressed much faster than anticipated, and, among other things, the work on the sanctuary has been completed.  As a result, all three churches (Palabra Vida, Westminster Presbyterian, and Living Faith KC) were able to conduct services in the restored sanctuary December 9th.  The spirit of the service with Living Faith KC was much more than mere enthusiasm over the new setting.  As Dan Smith and family led us in worship )Above center), and lead pastor Jason Dawson shared the Word (Above right), the presence of the Holy Spirit was clearly evident.

Miscellaneous Events ---- So much has been happening that we must be brief about the following:  1) We had a wonderful time ministering with Glen Forman at Friendship Baptist Church in Mexico, MO.  It was a great meeting in a loving congregation that was hungry for the Word, rich in fellowship, and visionary in outreach.  2) Southwest Baptist University sent a small exploratory team to NE KC in October to minister and explore possible future ministry opportunities.  3) Eleos Coffee House celebrated their first anniversary in October, and also were blessed when a group of Christians purchased the entire building which includes a small Haitian restaurant, four apartments, and a full basement.  This allows for extensive expansion of ministries. 

More Miscellaneous ---- 4) We attended a missionary commissioning service in Springfield, MO, where 84 missionaries including Central Church leaders Matt and Marie Inman were commissioned to South Asia.  5) Soon thereafter we traveled to St. Paul, MN, to spend Thanksgiving with daughter Cheri and Bob and the three guys, along with daughter Deanna and Jim and the kids.  6) One of the special blessings for us personally as to receive our copy of Deanna's and Jim's recently published book, Our Victorious Heart that tells the story of God's faithfulness and compassion during the birth and death of baby Nicole Grace.  It has already blessed many people across the country.  If you don't have a copy, you should get one. (Available on Amazon)

Still More Miscellaneous ---- 7)  Living Faith's lead pastor, Jason Dawson, has had the same burden Bob has had concerning NE KC and the need for area pastors to pray together.  Jason invited area pastors to an initial informational and prayer gathering at Eleos Coffee House in November with 8 guys from 3 churches meeting.  By the December meeting 2 more churches and 3 more men had been added to the group with three others unable to attend.  This is a very promising development for NE KC.  Both overseas and stateside, we have found that pastors praying together is a key to reaching a community with the Gospel.   8)  We maintain close contact with many of our "Timothy's" and "Esther's" around the world, and thrill to see how God continues using many of them.  We miss them so much, and wish we could make at least one more "missionary journey" to all of them to see them, encourage them, and help them.  Here's a report from one of them.

Farsi Ministry Report:  Here is the most recent report we received from Mohammad about a week ago:

•    Christmas mission trip to Germany

"F" has been continuing leading the Farsi ministry in Germany. Now around 100 Farsi speaking individuals (mainly Iranians, but also Afghans and Tajik people) attend the Sunday Farsi Bible study.  More than 90% of people who attend are not believers, but are interested in God's word. He also holds a prayer evening along with a movie night for all who are interested during the week.

"F" and I talked over the phone few days ago, and he told me about the opportunity of Christmas outreach to Farsi speaking Muslims in his city and other cities around.  I can take my guitar and along with another family of believer (who serves in F's ministry and plays synthesizer) hold an Evangelistic concert for Farsi speaking people.

There are going to be preaching and teaching times with different groups as well. I'll also be answering questions of zealous Muslims (in different question/answer times) on Koran and Islamic theology and their differences in contrast with the Bible and Christian faith. They attend "F"'s Bible studies. Last time I visited Germany, the times of questions/answers were very productive and many Muslims came to the discussions.

I'm planning to be visiting Germany for 1 week, from December 22nd through 29th. Yes, I know, I had to ask my wife's permission to miss the Christmas, but she's all for me to make the trip. 😉    I'm going to the embassy of Germany on the 10th to apply for a visa. I should have my visa by 17th at the most (the first time, I got it in 5 days. They say second time is faster.)

As for the finances, I need around 750 USD to cover all the cost of the trip. Out of 750 USD, around 300 USD covers the round trip plane tickets, and 450 USD is used for daily expenses and especially for transportation for 7 days (we'll be traveling to other cities to meet different groups of Iranians in refugee camps and individual homes).

Please be praying for this opportunity and if you'd like to help me out financially, feel free to drop a note. Any more money beyond that can be a great help to cover "F"'s expenses, since he's going to be traveling as well.  Most important of all, please pray for me and "F" as I prepare for the trip, and as "F" and I plan the activities ahead.

•    "M" got saved, and "A", his friend is very close to Get Saved

Around 2 weeks ago, two Iranian students visited the Bible study of Farsi church. They both asked lots of questions on the Bible and Christian faith. After the Bible study, I invited everyone to a nearby café for what I call "Cool Coffee and Cake meeting". As the name implies, Everyone (including 2 new students) got a coffee and a cake and we continued our discussion on the Bible.  A week later, they showed up again, and one of them ("M") put his faith in Christ. The other one ("A"), is very close, and told me that he needs more time to think.

"M" is in a very critical situation. He's concluded his 2nd year of studies at Aviation University, but his father can't support him financially anymore due to a very bad inflation that has hit Iran for the past 6 months. The currency has lost its value more than 400% in contrast with USD. I'm helping him to find a cheaper university to continue his education, but he still needs to get a job to support himself.

•    Farsi church Website redesign continues

I have continued redesigning the Farsi website. The new website will have very strong security measures and is very resistance to hacking. It's also very user friendly. It's going to have many new features like online chat, Prayer request form, download sections (for people to download safely) and etc.  I hope to get it done sometimes in January.

•    Prayer requests

Please pray for:
1-    Mission trip to Germany. For the Lord to provide the finances for the trip, for the activities that are going to be planned, and that it would be a fruitful trip.
2-    For "A" as he's going to make a decision about his relationship with the Lord. For "M" and his spiritual growth. Also for his university situation
3-    For the process of redesign of the Farsi church website.

I'd like to thank you for your partnership in prayer and support, and for your love for Farsi ministry. It means a lot to me (and to others in Farsi ministry). I praise the Lord for the blessing of being part of one family.

In His love,


Future Plans:  When all human logic says we should begin slowing down, we find that God seems to be increasing our burden and concern for ministry opportunities, and He seems to be opening more doors than He is closing.  Here are just some of the things coming up the next three or four months.

Family Christmas: ---- Cheri and Bob as well as Deanna, Jim, Michael, and JoyLinn will join us in Independence for Christmas.  Debbie is celebrating with her three at Sarah's in Texas, and Cindy and her tribe are, of course, still in South America.  Don't know what's happening with the "Johnson Five" other than at least some of them can't travel because of work.

Mentoring/Training Expansion: ---- Sometime in the next few months we want to expand our "Timothy Fellowship" and "Esther Fellowship" ministries by adding other meeting times for others to attend.  Jo Ann's "Esther Fellowship" can't seem to maintain a consistent meeting time, so she has concerns as to its future.

Major Medellin Conference: ---- Once again we have been invited to return to Medellin, Colombia, for more preaching, teaching, and training.  This time we will be partnering with long-time friend, Jim Hylton, as we speak at a regional "Supernatural Skyline Vision" conference Jan 27-29 (we'll actually be there 1/21-2/2.)  We'll (NOT Jim!)  also somewhat "celebrate" our 54th wedding anniversary there, adding another exotic place to our list of "far from home" anniversary and birthday celebrations. 

Bob and Jim will be speaking in churches the morning of the 27th, and then the big conference will begin that night.  They will also be teaching during the day.  Bob will speak on "Seeking the Kingdom Through Biblical Vision" and Jim will speak on "Being and Building the Kingdom Here and Now".  Last year Jim published an excellent book, The Supernatural Skyline Where Heaven Touches Earth, and this along with Bob's extensive teaching on biblical vision are the main ingredients in the conference that has the potential of seeing several thousand people in attendance.

Southwest Missouri Bible/Evangelism Conference: ---- Less than two weeks after our return from Colombia, we return to the annual Bible conference in Cassville, MO, on Feb 16-20.  We will participate in the Saturday night supper and concert, preach in Washburn and Butterfield Sunday night, and then participate Monday and Tuesday in the big conference gathering.  Bob brings the concluding sermon during the Tuesday morning session.

Missouri State Evangelism Conference: ---- Then just one week later, we travel to Branson, MO, for a statewide Evangelism and Discipleship conference on Feb 28-March 1.  As far as we know, we have no responsibility in the conference itself, but will be there to be refreshed, represent the Fellowship of Missouri Baptist Evangelists, and do whatever we need to do.

Biblical Church Leadership Conference: ---- As a result of our speaking engagements last September in Centralia, IL, we will return to Eternity Baptist Church there for a "Building and Being A Biblical Leader" conference on Mar 10-14.  The conference is motivated from the one session in which we spoke on biblical leadership during the September meeting.

Other Things On Our Hearts: ---- To be quite honest, we get easily confused and a bit concerned in trying to discern the Lord's leadership as doors and opportunities are laid before us.  We know not all of them are from the Lord, but we must give serious consideration to each one.  Just in the past two months, we have received two requests from Kenya, one from India, two from Nigeria, two from Ukraine, and two from Russia.  We recognize, unfortunately, that some invitations are really for American dollars, and not for real ministry.  Nonetheless, we would be more than happy to go . . . IF the Lord made it clear to us.

Likewise, the ministry in Northeast KC is expanding, and we often feel we are neglecting that area when we need to be even more involved.   However, those areas of ministry are becoming more clear to us, and, thanks to Immanuel Baptist Church in Independence, we still have a house to live in for all of next year.

Then, of course, we have a great desire to return to Cuba, and we also have had a burning in our hearts to make a "Europe tour", visiting to help some of our friends and "Timothy's" and "Esther's" scattered throughout Croatia, Bosnia, Ukraine, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and Thailand. We have had some heart-wrenching conversations with a number of our "kids" in several of these countries, and it pulls at our heartstrings.

Finally, we still have a desire to somehow minister to pastors, churches, and ill-equipped believers throughout the Great Plains, the Southwest, and the Northwest in the United States.  We just need to be ten people instead of two.  We have no idea how all of this plays out, but we are available as God makes things clear, and as He provides energy and finances.

Prayer Requests:  As you can imagine, we have many requests, and you could almost take the above report and build a very long list from it alone.  However, here are some specifics:

Finances ---- Right up front, we ask you to be in prayer for a rapid increased inflow of finances for our ministry.  We take almost nothing for ourselves and try to cover all personal living expenses from our Social Security and retirement income, neither of which are substantial but are adequate so far.  So, our requests are not for personal comforts, but for clear ministry needs. 

    >  Our ministry support has dropped by about $400 a month the past three months as people have concluded their commitments to us or have found it necessary to reduce support because of their own personal economic struggles.  This really puts us some $800 a month below what is really needed to enable us to do all we feel we are called to do.  Pray that our monthly support will quickly recover . . . and increase.

    >  Mohammad's Trip is another area we have tried to meet, in addition to his ongoing monthly needs.  Over 90% of his support comes directly channeled through Life Unlimited Ministries, and nobody else consistently supports him and his family.  His personal monthly ministry needs are $400 below what they need to be.  In addition, we need to try to provide him with an additional $300 to cover the balance needed for his trip to Germany this month to help evangelize Muslims there.  Because the other church leaders all must work at their jobs, Mohammad is unable to because of the enormous load of the Farsi ministry both in Kiev, other cities around Ukraine, and in the expanding work in Germany and Sweden.  He can't even drive his car because there are no funds for gasoline that costs some $6.00 to $7.00 per gallon.

    >  The January Colombia Trip is still not covered, and we are asking the Lord for at least another $1,000 to cover both travel and local costs of the conference.

    >  The Cuba Project continues in that, since we have raised the funds for the pastor/missionary noted earlier, we'd like to begin raising funds for Pastor Yoel and his church planting training center.  We would love to return in 2013 with a substantial amount of funding for them to purchase or build a building where pastors, missionaries, and lay leaders from the eastern provinces could receive the training they so desperately desire.

Wisdom ---- We know that "the need does not constitute the call" and that it is not possible for any one person or ministry to satisfy all the requests that may come.  So, . . .

    >  KC Work.  Pray that God gives us insight and clarity as to how He wants to continue using us in NE KC through Living Faith KC, Central Church, Eleos Coffee House, People Teams, and other channels.  We want to maximize our time and efforts there.

    >  Medellin, Colombia.  Pray for us as we make final preparation for the conference in Medellin, Colombia.  There may be as many as 700 pastors plus potentially several thousand who might attend the evening sessions.  Jim and Bob both need to be mentally and spiritually prepared, and anointed by God for the assignment.

Opportunities: ---- The future is certain to be filled with more opportunities than we can satisfy.

    >  Extended European Trip.  Pray for us regarding a possible extended multi-month "tour" sometime in 2013 to those places we mentioned earlier.  We think we have a slight understanding of how Paul felt as he longed to be with those churches he planted in earlier times of ministry.  Each of those places we mentioned are important in kingdom work, but we know such a trip would probably cost a minimum of $10,000 to $15,000 to cover the costs of two or three months.  We have no idea just what that trip would look like, but we clearly need folks praying with us about such a journey.  We can envision several stops of one-to-two-weeks each in six or seven locations. 

    >  Cuba.  We want to continue partnering with Richard and Stephanie Blake in their ministry in Cuba.  The Hispanic church we planted in Kiev was begun by three Cuban refugees, and God has placed a deep love in our hearts for these precious people.  We are anxious to return and continue helping train pastor, missionaries, and lay leaders; and, of course, we're anxious to see the result of the building project we funded, and also take the next step in the other project we mentioned above.

    >  Other Matters:  Please pray with us about the various other trips and ministries we mentioned earlier.  We have employed the principle for years that we don't do something unless we really feel God is in it and that it will bear fruit.  There is no sense in doing something just to fill a calendar; it's like going out into a weed field to gather harvest.  Besides . . . at our age, there's not that much energy available at any one time. 


Clearly we have "unloaded" on you and have shared more than your mind can probably wrap itself around.  So,, now you know how we feel when we think about these things all the time.  So, thank you for praying.  If you are able to join us in additional expressions, we thank you again.  Never forget how much we appreciate you and love you for who you are and what you do in helping advance the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,

Bob and Jo Ann
The Tollivers.

Life Unlimited Ministries
Box 228
Collins, MO 64738
Life Unlimited Ministries LUMglobal Box 228 Collins, MO 64738

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