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LUMglobal #110b ---- 8/3/13

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:

HERE IS PART "b" of our LUMglobal newsletter #110 ---- after several
delays due to unforeseen developments concerning our dear friend "M", we
are finally getting our latest issue of "LUMglobal" out to you . . .
with an urgent plea to pray about these major developments.

Sadly, this issue's format is messed up and sloppy because it is too
large form my e-mail server to send in one part . . . so there is both
an "a" and a "b" part. THIS IS PART "b". Don't miss part "a".

If you are unable to see the pictures and get the full report, please
let us know and we'll personally e-mail this issue to you.

Bob and Jo Ann