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LUMglobal #113 ---- 12/13/13

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

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                         Issue #113
                  December 13, 2013

Dear Friends, Family, and "InPact" Prayer Partners:

We have recently installed Windows 2007 on our computer, so are reverting to a simple e-mail this time until Bob can familiarize himself with all the major changes and commands.  The menu is so totally different from the other, that it has been taking him a long time to learn how to use some of the graphics and photo insert techniques.  We also recognize that many people still have older versions of Windows that will not open Windows 2007.  So, we're resorting to our old e-mail format until we can learn all the intricacies of 2007.  We're also reducing the number of pictures.  However!, Bob has posted Seven Separate Albums of photos that will give you an excellent sampling of what we did.  We urge you to take time to look at them.  You will see ministry in action, amazing people, and georgeous scenery.  They are listed as "Germany Trip" and are posted numerically, 01 through 07.  Go to to access them.

In the meantime, greetings on a very frigid December day in the Ozarks.  It is raining and near the freezing mark with a prediction of rain, freezing rain, and snow for the day.  Our schedule the latter part of our ministry in Europe and subsequent weeks since returning have been busy enough that we're again quite late in sending this letter.  So, let's get to it:

Final trip Report:

Since it has been so long since our last letter, let's review ---- as you remember, the Lord led us to make a three-month ministry trip to Germany, Sweden, Finland, and Ukraine to help encourage some of our young leaders and strengthen their work.  The primary focus of the trip was to work with "F" (Germany), "H" (Sweden), and "M" (Ukraine) in their ministries to Farsi speaking immigrants and refugees from Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and Tajikistan.  The work in all three countries has been in a constant state of change for several months . . . rapid expansion and growth in Germany, slowness and stalemate in Sweden, and hardship in Ukraine.  In our previous two letters, we pretty well covered the work in Germany, but didn't have space to report on Sweden, Finland, and Ukraine.  Go to #111 and #112 to review the first part of the trip.

    >  Sweden:  As we noted in our last letter, the work in Sweden "was much different than what we had experienced in Germany, but no less important.  In Germany we ministered primarily to larger groups and secondarily to small groups, families, and individuals.  In Sweden we had no groups larger than 25 or 30 people, and ministered extensively to small groups and individuals.  In Germany we were located in one city.  In Sweden we traveled to six communities and ministered in four.  In Germany our agenda seemed to be planned out in advance.  In Sweden, because of distance, transportation availability, and availability of the people involved, the work seemed to be more spontaneous with topic selection only hours or even minutes before ministry time.  Yet, it was no less important and no less fruitful." 

We ministered to mainly Farsi speakers from Iran and Afghanistan, and also to Swedish believers in the church where we stayed and held almost all of our meetings.  "H" (pic #1, back row right) had been part of our Farsi work in Kiev and had emigrated to Sweden with his family (pic #1).  Because of what he had observed in us, he told his wife that when they moved to Sweden where they would have their own apartment, they would have people in their home and would also entertain them and share the Gospel.  That's how the work began in Sweden.  Today he travels to numerous towns and cities where he conducts Bible studies and Gospel presentations, and these were some of the people to whom we ministered while we were there.


While in Sweden, we focused our work in northeastern Sweden and headquartered in Biske where the salmon-laden Skelleftea River (Pic #3) flows into the Baltic Sea.  We stayed in this little Pentecostal church where we held services on the ground floor, led small group studies on the second floor (balcony) and slept in the missionary guest room up on the top floor.  The church is led by a wonderful pastor, Martin Karlsson (Pic #1 below, right), who has been there 28 years.  He loves the immigrants deeply and during the time we were there, he and "H" were able to connect with each other and begin networking together in ministering to the numerous Farsi speaking immigrants in the area.  While there, we met one evening with other leaders from other churches to discuss ministry to immigrants, spoke three times to the Swedish congregation (Pic #2 below), led evangelistic Bible studies to Farsi speakers (Pic #3 below), and traveled north to Leleu (just 60 miles from the Arctic Circle) to meet with another young man, "E", who had also come out of the Kiev Farsi work.


    >  Finland:  Our original intent was to not only spend time with our Cuban "daughter" Tania and her husband, Arto, but to assist them by meeting with Hispanic and Finnish couples to share Bible teachings regarding spiritual growth and marriage, but the schedule would not allow us to do that other than meeting one evening with a young Cuban mother and a Finnish lady who has been mentoring her.  Arto's job is two hours away, so he usually comes home only once or twice during the week for the night, and Tania was in language school every day until early to mid afternoon.  However, we did have a chance to catch up on some writing while they were away, and then have several meaningful conversations with the two of them.  When we planned the trip, we didn't realize we'd be there on their third wedding anniversary.  You may remember that we participated in the wedding where Jo Ann served as the bride's "mother" and "planner" and Bob walked her down the aisle and shared in the ceremony itself.  So it was a meaningful time for us.

    >  Ukraine:  As we noted before, the Farsi work in general is taking on new shapes as the group in Kiev continues to shrink (due to economy and ethnic harassment that force many to outlying towns and villages) and the work in Germany rapidly grows.  You have read earlier that both translating, website, and video production are growing, and the Kiev leadership core has been greatly strengthened and motivated.  "V" and "M2" have both gone through major personal challenges, but have remained strong and faithful.  "M" continues giving overall direction to the entire work, but is focusing on the translating while "V" and "M2" concentrate on entering the translated material and video production.  Together the three continue teaching the small group that tries to meet as often as possible.  In the meantime, "M" and Ira, with son Roma, leave next week for a month in Giessen, Germany, to investigate the possibilities of moving there sometime next year in order to provide greatly needed help for "F", who continues trying to lead the Giessen ministry while remaining a full time graduate student.  Such a move has three major benefits ---- it would strengthen the impact of the work in Germany where over 900,000 Iranians (mostly immigrants and refugees) live, it would make travel to Sweden and other places easier and less expensive for "M" and "F", and it is more economical to live in Germany than in Ukraine.  We'll keep you posted on this matter.


While in Kiev, we met personally with the Farsi leadership twice, and did some evangelistic teaching three times with the small group that was able to gather (Pics #1,2 above).  In addition, we met with Vitaliy Babych, our very dear friend, to discuss the feasibility of KIBC starting back up under a new and more creative format, and we also spoke at a Ukrainian church where "M" and his family attend (Pic #3 above).  It is a small but vibrant church led by a pastor who used to be in one of Europe's most famous bands.  Finally, we were able to meet with a number of our dear friends (Anna, Helen, Olga, Natasha, Paul, Shannon, Katy, Lena, etc.) for personal visits.


Here is the most recent report we have from "M" regarding the Farsi work, what has been happening, and what the future might hold.  It was sent on Thanksgiving Day and then we got another brief update today that we've incorporated into his report.

An Iranian Family Got Saved -- Around 2 weeks ago, we met an Iranian family that had come from Iran to visit Ukraine as tourists. "V" met them down town, and after sharing the gospel with them, they were very interested to hear more and decided to come to the Bible study. So the couple and their 5 years old son showed up few days later in our Bible study. After sharing some more with them, their response was simple, but powerful: "brothers, what shall we do now?" and our answer was simple: "Believe in the name of the Lord so you shall be saved". That's exactly what they did and prayed with us. We gave them Bibles and encouraged them to read and spend time with the Lord. They left to go back to Iran few days ago.

Mission Trip to Germany -- As you might know, my wife and I are planning to visit Germany at Christmas and New Year, and help "F" with Evangelism. As for now, we have $1800 out of $2500 needed to make the trip. [UPDATE:  They had overlooked visa application costs and other expenses, so the actual amount needed is closer to $3,300.  As of today, 12/13/13, they still need about $600 to cover all expenses.] So Iryna and I feel the Lord wants us to go ahead and apply for visas, and trust Him that the rest of the money will be provided. We'll leave December 18th and return January 8th. We wanted to go earlier, but because of new visa rules, it took as many as 10-12 days  to get visas.  [UPDATE:  They did finally get visas after some very unkind treatment by some of the Ukrainian embassy workers who accused them of wanting to seek asylum in Germany because of the current demonstrations, and according to his report today, enough funds have come in to cover the basic costs of the trip.  However, there will be unanticipated expenses that need to also be covered.]

I'm also getting ready for the trip intensively. Thanks to your prayer and support, all the money needed for the trip has come in.  Please continue praying for us, as we get ready and taking care of everything that needs to be done. I'm finalizing the teachings, songs and sermons. Ira has also been reviewing and working on her German skills.

My Health Condition -- I'm very thankful for your prayers and support regarding my health situation. After the surgery, I'm doing much better. However, I still have pain in the left side of my abdomen and need to be careful not to lift any heavy stuff. Few days ago, I went for an ultrasound, and the doctor said I might have a 3mm stone in my only kidney, but she was not able to diagnose exactly because I had mistakenly eaten a bit before the ultrasound. So in few days, I need to go back and have them take another look. Please pray that it would turn out to be nothing serious. From one hand, I find myself worrying about my health from time to time, but from the other hand, I also find myself drawing much closer to the Lord, feeling with all my soul that "His Grace is sufficient" for me. I think I now understand much better what "Abba" means. I believe He has a good (best) plan for me (and each one of you), even though it might not turn out to be exactly as we want it to be. I think we need to love the Lord not because of what He gives, but because of who He is. Even if I'd have to spend the rest of my life in ICU with a failing health, loose all my family members or get into an accident and not be able to move a muscle anymore, I believe He's absolutely worthy of all our praise and love. I think it's better to sail across the Ocean right through a hurricane with Jesus, than sailing smooth water without him. So thanks again for praying for my health, and I'm thankful that the Lord allows me to go through this to make me get a better grasp of who He really is.

Video Production -- There is some really good news on video production. First, through Pastor Bob and another faithful missionary friend of mine, we have received a good video camera and a Mac computer needed for producing programs. We've also talked to the manager of the CBN and acquired the permission needed to shoot videos in the studio.
Currently, we are preparing the script, and we'll start shooting within a month.

Farsi Translation -- We've been continuing to do translation. Currently there's a book on persecution that is being translated into Farsi. In few days, the translation is going to be finished, and it will be passed on to an editor. We still want to translate "My Utmost for His Highest" into Farsi, and waiting on the Lord to provide the needed funds in His right time.

Pray For Ukraine -- Meanwhile, please pray for Ukraine. The current government has been oppressing people over the past 3 years. Since Viktor Yanukovych has come to power, many people have lost their jobs. Small and big Businesses alike have been pressured by Yanukovych's party.  Inflation is high, and economy of Ukraine, despite of all the natural resources of the country, ranks the very last in Europe.   In his last move, Yanukovych refused to sign a contract for Ukraine to get closer to EU, and ultimately becoming an EU member. Instead, he's trying now to make deals with Russian to lead Ukraine toward Belarusian scenario.

As the result of all that, people have been striking for the past 3 weeks. They have occupied Kiev down town.   Around 2 weeks ago, police force attacked peaceful demonstrators at night, and injured more than 100 people and arrested many.  Students were hospitalized with broken legs, hands and heads.  As the result of that, even more people (like me) joined the demonstrators. Several days ago, more than a million people demonstrated down town.

Right now, it's not really about entering EU or opposition's parties wining anymore. The main goal of the demonstrators is to force the government to resign. Due to beating people, oppressing them and disrespecting their request to become a member of EU (and not another province of Russia), the current government has lost its validity completely. The strike is still going on, and people are in downtown called "Maidan".

Prayer Requests -- Please pray for . . .
1-    The upcoming mission trip and for the Lord to provide the remaining funds
2-    For the Iranian family and their spiritual growth. Please pray that they would be strong witnesses in Iran
3-    My health condition
4-    Video production and the process of preparing the program and shooting it
5.    Please be praying for Ukraine. It's a critical stage for the country and also a great opportunity to share the love of God with people around. Please pray that more believers step up to support their nation and share the gospel with their countrymen.

At the end, I'd like to thank you for your love and support. Thank you for being our partner in reaching out to Muslims for Christ. If you hadn't teamed up with us to expand His Kingdom, Farsi ministry would not have been here today.

Happy Thanksgiving!  "Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name." - Psalm 100:4

In His love, "M"

Since Then:

Returning home the night of October 31st, we hit the ground running trying to adjust to three months on a seven and eight hour time differentiation (it's not as easy as it used to be!), dealing with some significant repair work on both vehicles, and getting ready for upcoming ministry responsibilities.  Since our return from Europe, we've  concluded that the Lord is not leading us to return to NE Kansas City as we thought might happen.  We hope to make periodic visits there, though, to continue encouraging those who are ministering to the internationals and "discarded" people living in the area.

It was good to be back in our home church, Wellspring, in Bolivar for a couple of Sundays before traveling to Effingham, IL, where we ministered at Calvary Baptist Church (where Bob's father served as first pastor for twelve years before he retired the first time) as they celebrated their 45th anniversary.  Ironically, without realizing it, the meeting was scheduled to begin on the identical date and day the church had its first service.  It was such an incredible blessing to see some of the folks we hadn't seen in over 30 years.  Pastor Bob Ward is doing a wonderful job shepherding that congregation as they seek the will of God for the future.

It had been our intent to go from Effingham to our daughter Deanna's in Galesburg, IL for a couple of days, then on to Reedsburg, Wi, where we used to serve to visit with friends and attend services, and then on to see our friends the Kenworthy's in Viroqua, Wi, and finally land in St. Paul, MN with Cheri and her family for Thanksgiving.  However, some interior decorating projects at Cheri's kept us from arriving as early as we had intended, so we never made it to Wisconsin at all, simply going back home from Deanna's and making a second trip to Cheri's for Thanksgiving. 

For several years we've thought and prayed about possibly having a discipleship Bible study in our home for friends in the area, but have hesitated to do so.  However, we sent the word out and had our first Bible study two weeks ago.  Seven of us met, studied Psalm 37, and discussed the future.  So, . . . the group will meet the first and third Friday of each month.  Our goal is to not have just another Bible study group, but rather have a group that is being equipped to serve and minister, and one that will embrace believers and unbelievers alike.  We'll see what happens.  Our next meeting is December 20th ---- 6:00 PM for soup (for those who can come that early) and 7:00 PM SHARP for Bible study.

If you recall, Bob had a physical concern develop the day we left for Germany (August 8th), and continued unabated for a month before it cleared up.  This last Tuesday he had an upper and lower Gastro Intestinal exam to try to determine what was going on.  Since it was time for his five-year exam anyhow, it was an opportune time.  The immediate results showed a few minor abnormalities, but only one area of any serious concern, namely a small and mild case of Colonitis.  He has an appointment this coming Monday afternoon with the doctor for an in-depth analysis.  We don't anticipate anything of a serious nature, and expect any treatment to be only nutritional in approach.

The Future:

Bob will be preaching again at Hopewell Baptist Church on the 22nd to fill in for them since they still do not have a permanent pastor.  We will then travel to Deanna's December 23rd for Christmas with her and her family, and with Cheri and Bob.  It will be a small gathering this year.  We'll return home December 26th since Deanna's will leave the 25th to go to Jim's parents on Christmas Day.  We'll do our gift opening Christmas Eve and have Christmas dinner together.  Then we'll spend the 25th with Bob and Cheri just hanging around.  Then things will begin to pick up again.  The Missouri State Evangelism Conference is scheduled in Springfield January 27-28, and as part of the Fellowship of Missouri Baptist Evangelists, we will participate in that.  We'll celebrate our 55th wedding anniversary on January 29th.  We will also return to Cassville, MO for the Barry County Bible and Evangelism Conference February 15-17.  We hope to return to Cuba sometime, but as far as we know, there is nothing happening in that area.  We also plan to return to Giessen, Germany, next August for a couple of months to resume helping "F" with the growing ministry there. 

For several years, people have been asking if we had any of our teachings on video, and the answer, sadly, is not many.  We may have two or three videos of Bob preaching in various venues, plus we have his series in "The Wonders Of Israel" taped from 2011 when he taught in Medellin, Colombia with a translator, and also his teachings on vision and leadership in 2013 in the same way.  So, after thinking and praying about it for several months, we are hoping we can do some video teaching that can be posted on YouTube and GodTube or can be used for personal or small group sessions.  This has become more important to us as we recognize that somewhere down the line our vision and desire may exceed our health and stamina's ability.  However, such a project will require Bob to do some "crash course" learning on how to do it.  Beyond that, we are unclear as to the future; there will certainly be more ministry opportunities, but since we keep a short "close to the vest" schedule, we often don't know too many months ahead what is coming.

Having said that, we are incredibly burdened about three important areas that weigh so heavy on our hearts . . . 1) the spiritual shallowness and lethargy of the American church,  2) the tragic absence of serious disciple making and equipping of believers,  and 3) the exponentially growing need of the Farsi work in Germany and Sweden. 

1)  Frankly, our hearts are broken over what we see in most churches where we go in the U.S.  There is such a deception that has blinded the spiritual eyes and toughened the spiritual senses of pastors and members alike to what the real need is in the church.  As a result, churches are content to think that they're being "New Testament" and being "obedient" by simply having corporate church services, conducting Bible study through Sunday school and/or home groups, and engaging in some sort of token service or compassion project.  So few churches really "get it" as to why they exist, even though it is clear and simple in scripture.  "Preach the good news to ALL Creation (Mk 16:15), "Make disciples!", NOT just converts (Mt 28:18-20), and do what Jesus did (Lk 4:18-19).  How tragic that so many churches fill their schedules with good and wonderful things . . . that do little to nothing with those commands.  Our prayer is that somehow God might use us to help spur at least some churches back to those fundamentals.

2)  We have no idea how many pastors and committed Christians we've asked what they are personally doing to intentionally and deliberately disciple and equip new believers to follow Jesus and share Him boldly.  Most are doing lots of good things, but few are doing the basics . . . the necessary things.  Many are "Martha" Christians doing many good things, but not many new disciple makers and leaders are emerging from those activities.  This distresses us a great deal.  Sometimes we just want to sit down in front of a group of pastors and lay leaders and point blank ask them just what on earth they're doing to raise up new leaders.  To use the vernacular of dairy farming, you can get only so much milk from a cow; the only way to increase production is to add new cows.  If the Gospel is to be proclaimed to the nations, and if new churches are to be planted or new Sunday school classes are to be formed, there have to be equipped people to do it.

3)  As noted earlier, our intent at the moment is to go back to Giessen next August, but we constantly wonder if that's really the end objective.  Is there more we can do?  Should we consider a longer stay?  Lots of questions.  All we know is that when we were there, we saw more interest in Jesus than we've seen in America in many, many years.  We felt like we were making a difference, something we seldom feel here.  We saw fruit, something we see far too seldom here.  So, it certainly has us wondering what the future holds. 

Prayer Requests:

Needless to say, we have some serious requests for you today.  Pray that . . .
    >  The rest of the finances "M" needs for the Germany trip will come in . . . quickly.
    >  "M"'s recovery and improvement from his kidney removal surgery will continue.
    >  The needed funds to print the Farsi translations that "M" and "M2" are doing.
    >  Bob's digestive track issues, and general health and continued weight loss for us both will improve and be resolved..
    >  Ongoing financial needs for Life Unlimited Ministries will be met as we continue serving as God provides.
    >  Clarity will come to us regarding how God wants to use us in the future.
    >  Insight will prevail in knowing what to do about both manuscript writing and video presentation of biblical teaching.

The idea of sitting back and being a spiritual "couch potato" with nothing to do except watch Christian TV programs actually angers and frustrates us.  How can anyone do that in light of what's happening around the world.  We liken that to eating steak and lobster on the Titanic while listening to the orchestra play.  It's an absurd thought.  So, we clearly need your prayers; we have no intention of slowing down, and pray only for wisdom, direction, good health, strength for the task, and resources to undergird the work in the years that may remain for us.

We love you and thank God for you.  Please drop us a note or give us a call.  And, don't forget to visit Bob's Facebook album page.

By the way, if you would like printed copies of all three trip reports, send us your mailing address and we'll run off copies to send you.

In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,

Bob and Jo Ann
The Tollivers
Box 228
Collins, MO
Bob:  417-693-5149
Jo Ann:   417-6593-5313

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