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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:

We have just finished a Skype call with "M" moments ago and need to bring you up to date on the situation with his tumor.  The circumstances are both troubling, challenging, and greatly encouraging.  In the midst of great distress, there is clear evidence of God's hand in the matter.  In a nutshell, . . .
+  The tumor is dangerous and is on his left kidney. 
+  Because he had absolutely no symptoms of there being anything wrong, it is the hand of God that "M" had the ultrasound in the first place that detected its presence.
+  If it had gone undetected even a few months more, it would have been too late.  The doctor told him that in six months it will have spread through his body and be inoperable.
+  Surgery is required as soon as possible while the tumor is still self contained.
+  It just happens that some of the top Israeli surgical specialists are in a private clinic in Kiev and can do the surgery using minimally invasive robotic surgery.
+  The cost estimate at the moment is around $10,000 and needs to be secured immediately.  This type of surgery is ten times that much if performed in Israel, and even more in the U.S.
+  Medical insurance is not available for most people in Ukraine, and because the clinic is a private facility, the government pays nothing.  So all funding must come from private sources.

  ("M", Ira, Roma, and the two of us 3 years ago in Kiev)             (Evangelistic Christmas Concert for Farsi speakers in Kiev, Dec 2011)

So, . . .

1.  Will you pray?  Will you pray fervently and daily for all aspects surrounding this need . . . schedule, the surgery itself, family peace and strength, recovery, Farsi ministry, and the funds?

2.  Will you help financially?  Generously?  Quickly?  "M" and his family live on about $500 per month in a country where inflation is rampant and gasoline currently exceeds $5.00 a gallon.  Therefore, they have absolutely no funding for this critical surgery.  We need to raise at least $10,000 within the next week to two weeks.

3.  You can give directly to "M" through his Moneygram account.  You can contact us for that information.  Your church can also give directly to him through Moneygram.  Or, if you want us to have a record of your contribution for tax purposes, you can give to our ministry, Life Unlimited Ministries (a 501.c.3 non profit corp) and we'll forward 100% of it to "M's" account.

Finally, . . .

Several of you have already given toward our upcoming trip . . . some generously.  And, God has just recently provided for what we think will be all the costs for the trip.  We praise Him for that; He is always faithful.  Yet, because you believe so strongly in what we are doing, we have no hesitation to share this special unexpected need with you. 

If you can help us with this urgent need, please let us know.  E-mail or call us so we can keep abreast of the amount ---- or 417-693-5149.


Bob and Jo Ann
The Tollivers

Life Unlimited Ministries
Box 228
Collins, MO 64738

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