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LUMglobal ---- Latest Update on "M"

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:

Just a quick note to send you "M"'s latest update following his surgery.  All tests are in and provided good news.  We will be sending another ministry update in a couple of weeks to tell you all that God has been doing since our last letter.

Bob and Jo Ann

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Dear friends,

It's so good to be back again. Once more I'd like to thank you for being with me during the one of the harshest storms of my life. I deeply appreciate your love, support, prayers and best wishes. It's somewhat difficult to convey through words how much it all means to me. So I hope I'll be able to see you in person and thank you personally.
I'm doing much better. The good news is that the final report from the German pathology clinic shows no sings of malignant cells. So the tumor is totally benign. That's a really good news and it means that I won't need additional treatment like radiotherapy. So praise the Lord!

I still need to undergo screenings on regular basis in the Israeli clinic for the next 3 years.

My second kidney is adapting quite well, although there are few elements in my blood test that exceed the normal measures. Today the doctor made my already strict diet even more strict by excluding any protein (any meat, milk, cheese and etc.). It is a new addition to the diet of no salt, spices, sour or marinated. This diet should help my second kidney adapt better, and normalize the elements in my blood.

I'm planning to resume the ministry on coming Tuesday by going to the city to meet people for the Bible study. I still need to rest a lot, otherwise I get tired very quickly. So I'm careful not to burn myself out.

Thanks again for continuing to pray for my recovery.

In His love,

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. (Jer 33:3)

Life Unlimited Ministries
Box 228
Collins, MO 64738

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